Malorie v.2.0
I am still deciding to  stop building my site. I am getting to old or sick of this. Prolly both. I may add a few more things. Then just end the whole doll / graphic / music thing. It's WAY too played out if you ask me. I know I've only been up for like a few months, but there are millions of sites similar to mine, so it wont be missed, lol. I had fun making it, and will make a better site in the future featuring info and pix of my fiance` and I. Within a few weeks my site will be done with, still ope to the web, but there will not b any additions! Have fun!

February 16, 2004
Hey i know i havent updated in a while, but ive fixed, and updated the Juke-Box Lyrics.

February 05, 2004
Good news, the Juke Box once again works. Of course not as many songs as before, but I will add songs very often. I also added a Thuggettez doll page, and a new read!

February 02, 2004
Right this second I am adding Music Codez to muh site! I have 2 of tons of pages done already. Sorry about the Juke-Box, The reason it was not working is because I needed to upload my songs to a new server.. in which I've been for a little while. when it will be usable, it will be updated here. I'm adding a lot of stuff including the music codez in which I have previously stated, more graffix, and more readz! Keep checking to see all of muh updates!

January 29, 2004
Today I've added a Jersey Dolliez page, and a Smiliez page. I'm adding more graffix soon!

Janurary 23, 2004
Hey, I've added B-day Dolliez, and a Link Me page.

January 21, 2004
Hey, I've added a Mood Dolliez page, and I'm adding more doll pages right now! I've also got me a new sis! Doll Boulevard You shud visit them, and the other sisters, they're great sites.

January 18, 2004
Hey! I've added 3 new cliquez, I luv rap, Procrast Nation, and Natural Beauty, check em out

January 14, 2004
Finally I've added a few Tutorials! There's a tutorial for basic tagz, i-frames, and tables. I shud b adding more later. I've also added two more Cliquez. The Slipper clique, and the Sugar Rox clique. I also added a few reads, check em out! O, yeah, almost forgot I've added a Spiralz page.

January 13, 2004
Today I've added two cliques. The 2pac Clique, and Bitcy-in-Pink's Copyright Clique.

January 12, 2004
I've added a "Coming Soon" page which lists several things I will be adding to my site. They are not in any particular order. Also, I've added a Sweetz page. Right now I'm focusing on tutorials, and getting the rest of my dolls uploaded.

January 08, 2004
I added a chatroom. Also, I added a few more cliques to the Cliquez page.

January 03, 2004
I have added over 100 songs on my new JUKEBOX!I will be adding tons of lyrics, in addition to what I already have. I have added a new Clique page, which I will need to put additional cliques on there. I have added a new Lynx-I-Luv page, which is self-explanatory, but it is a page where I list pages that I came across and liked, or people I know's sites. Also, I have added a HTML dictionary. A lot more is on the way. I update very often. Questions, or Comments? tag the board, or guestbook!

Thanks Gurlpowerrr for the Update box.
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