Considering what Chris, Frank, and Vince have to work with, Season 8 is going considerably well. Although I'm sure that X-Phillies aren't exactly sending Robert Patrick 'Job Well Done' cards, I think that we're pretty much satisfied with his acting. I personally expected less. David Duchovny should be back in the last 6 episodes and if all is well, there'll be another season of The X-Files. Let's hope that by some odd miracle, David will go on to the next season.

The new X-Files movie called (actually sub-titled) "Invasion" is now in the process of being created. Make sure you check out David's flick "Evolution" coming out this year and if you haven't already, go see "House of Mirth" with Gillian talking in this really neat accent (English?) that Jon Stewart off of "The Daily Show" was making fun of. I will have more info on the new movie coming up soon.

A new Fan Fic will be appearing in the R Section soon. The author is thinking of adding additional parts that vary in ratings so I'll try to link all the stories together. Tell me what you think about it and I might post your review . . .

If you have any Fan Fiction that you would be willing to share, please send it to my e-mail address below. Thanks.

My e-mail is: [email protected]

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