Lake applet of Lake Seminole GA The tree which fills the arms grew from the tiniest sprout; the tower of nine storeys rose from a small heap of earth; the journey of a thousand miles commenced with a single step.

He who acts with an ulterior purpose does harm; he who takes hold of a thing (in the same way) loses his hold. The sage does not act so, and therefore does no harm; he does not lay hold so, and therefore does not lose his hold. But people in their conduct of affairs are constantly ruining them when they are on the eve of success. If they were careful at the end, as at the beginning, they would not so ruin them.

Tao Te Ching, 64.2-64.3

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Tao of Meow logo is courtesy of the Royal Artist at dorissimo's domain.
Lake applet code provided by David Griffiths.

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