Happy Thoughts.  




One of These Words is Not Like the Others:
A lesson about homonyms, confused words, and common spelling errors
by the Wicked Witch of the Yukon




We all learned about them in grade school. Every single last one of us learned about them before we even entered puberty. So please, authors of painful badfic, is there any real reason why you have to mix them up? Don't use the "I forgot the rule" line of hooey. You committed them to memory (if you were paying attention in class), because that was the only way to get them right. If you weren't paying attention then and you want to write for an audience now, don't you think you owe it to that audience to learn to use the tools of your trade before you go and try to create art?

A sculptor can't work that slab of marble without a chisel.   Likewise, an author can't make art of his or her thoughts without the relevant language tools.

If you've been lazy, pay attention. Here is a very brief refresher, featuring mistakes commonly seen in fanfiction.




Is it just me, or do you find it irritating when you read one of these, gentle readers?





This is more common than others, because it's a reversal of the apostrophe-possessive rule. First, the rule: Apostrophes for possessives and contractions, not for plurals. "Its" is an exception.

Now for the examples:













Frequently Confused Words








Taught: Verb, transitive, Past tense of "to teach"
Taut: Adjective: tight, tense



Frequently Misspelled Words

Breath is not a verb. Breathe is not a noun.


Name brand products should be spelled with an initial cap. Despite the practice of one particularly misguided fanfic author, trademarks should not be present.


A while is two words, not one.  Alright isn't a word in the United States - it's all right.  Conversely the overly Americanized "OK" is not okay in written language.  Spell it out completely.

For more information and detailed remedial instruction, visit our Resources page.  Many intelligent and knowledgeable people have constructed excellent sites, loaded with useful information.   If you're guilty of any of the above, visit one or more of them before you write another word.

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