WieQuadrat's Website
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Personal Notes

Just a few of my achievement in my life. I'm hoping that this can show my potential and help each others. As i remember in my active days in my former club in university, they always teach me in "Sharing knowledge is power". And i truly believe that.


to download most of the files use right click and save link as


www.wiequadrat.blogspot.com :

My blogger as a public diary and journal. Still active although due to my busy day i seldom update it.

view at www.wiequadrat.blogspot.com



Christie Monteiro :

Christie Monteiro, a sexy capoera fighter in Tekken Series. Although i never play Tekken before but the girl sure looks beautiful & i also happen to learn Taekwondo (in my junior high school) which also amplifies in using kick than fist.

download 1024x768

download 1024 x 768 :

My own unique wallpaper. Hahahaha... It's actually me but in much more slim mode. I called it "Devil in White". (^_^)v.
I created wallpaper version for my PC and a small version for my friendster portrait. It's in a different layout and etc.


DotA files


Have you ever confuse when to find the right item for your heroes or finding which item gives the best hp since many of those attributes is hidden and needs to be calculated again. Well i created this excel files so you can SORT it out which is the best for your heroes. A great list with an actual facts for DotA Allstar 6.49 maps.


I always like to play DotA in my free time. My favourite hero is Syllabear the Lone Druid. He is very versatile and have a bear as a pet. He is so cool. And here is recipe for item in DotA Allstar 6.49 maps. It's very usefull to me and my friends as a guide.


UFO Afterlight files

more in UAL Wikisite :

This is a mod aim to make the Reticulan Expedition to be able to use Reticulan Battle Armor in UFO Afterlight,

In fact i also create 3 mods :

1. Exp able to use RetBattle armor
2. Ret able to use ExpBattle armor
3. All Ret can use any armor

since i haven't got any ExpBattle armor then i haven't test no 2 and partial no 3......

well have fun modding

download v1 from FileCloud

more info in UAL Wikisite


Ragnarok Battle OFFLine files

Screen 1
Screen 2

RBO Character Simulation

Eversince i started to play RBO and see the web version of character simulator, i really want to make an exe version of it. So here it is


  • Easy character simulation (the same with web version)
  • English skill names with requirement and button *warning spoiler*
  • A 3 player list viewer
  • Save and load character simulation files in txt files

Future updates (if i have the time and brain)

  • Show consumes (such as mammonites use 10 Z, fireball use xxx sp, aurablast use xxx hp n xxx sp)
  • Show simulated HP and SP (if someone can get a pattern of it)
  • Skill n move pictures *bigger exe though, probably not going to do it*

to advance player, probably this apps not going to be as useful as the web version but i wish it will be useful for the newbies

download v1.1.7

visit www.ragnarokbattle.com on topic Stats/Skills Simulator

Screen 1

RBO Monster Changer

This applications started in the end of the year 2007, RBO Community is thrilled with the idea of playing as a monster. Me? Not right away because of the complexity of renaming and changing all those FOB and DAT. *sigh* I'm a whiner. But i'm hooked eversince i saw Drastic movie for promotional video. OMG Doppel and Kafra is so cool. I literally drooling just seeing that video. So here we go, i wish this application can temporarily help you playing monster a little easier. I said temporary because i feel that this feature should be included in a more advance PACNyx or a future modder friendly application.

FileCloud Archive download for older version
download v 3.0.2
+ Monster Compilation 006

visit www.ragnarokbattle.com on topic RBO Monster Changer

Screen 1

RBO Element Changer

Another new day in RBO OFFline community, many new members show some creativity in editing background image, sound and monster replacing. I truly believe they will change your experience in playing the game. So this application will be dedicated to help those troublesome and tedious job in replacing some files..... *sigh* when are we going to edit that d**n DAT and FOB thingy....

FileCloud Archive download for older version
Requirement VB OCX
download v 1.0.3 WIP

visit www.ragnarokbattle.com on topic RBO Element Changer



Continue later. or just go to this site, www.anticgroup.com, since i'm one of the founder.
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