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Tombstone Quotes

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Marvin the Martian

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(((Tombstone Quotes )))
Tombstone narrator

Nonsense, I've not yet begun to defile myself

Well, I suppose Im deranged, but I guess I'll
just have to call... cover your ears darlin'

Cover your ears, darlin'

So next time we come, ya better step aside

Sissy boys shoulda stuck around

I want your blood & I want your souls,
& I want em both right now!

Does this mean we're not friends anymore?

You look like you're just about ready to burst

You're a daisy if ya do!

Isn't that a daisy?

Kinda dead in here, isn't it?

Ya gonna do somethin or just stand there & bleed?

An enchanted moment...

I forgot you were there... you may go now

I stand corrected, Wyatt. You're an oak!

Well, ya got troubles!

Dont any of ya have the guts to fight for blood!?

I want you spittin' blood!

I'll put ya outta yer misery!... Say when!

I didnt think ya had it in ya... I'm your huckleberry

I'm your huckleberry

(smack)  Hurts, don't it?!

Sober up!

I want you to know... it's over

I ain't kiddin' neither!

All they ever did was laugh at him

That's just my game!

Now ain't the time

You wretched slugs

Smells like someone died

I'm what ya might call the... founder of the feast

I'm afraid the strain was more than he could bare

I tell ya boys, even I'm worried what's gonna happen once Ringo runs this outfit... God have mercy!

Thats not what he said ya ignorant wretch,
your Spanish is worse than your English

Tell ya 1 thing tho, never saw a rich man who didn't
wind up with a guilty consciounce... I already have a
guilty consciounce, might as well have the money too

So run, you cur! Run! Tell all the other curs the law's comin! You tell 'em I'm comin', and hell's comin' with me, you hear?! Hell's comin' with me!!!

What an ugly thing to say!

Touch that gun, I'll burn you down!

You know what I said about seeing a light when you die? It ain't true. I can't see a damn thing.

You know... Frederick fucking Chopin

And you, music lover! You're next!

I beg to differ Sir! We started a game we never got to finish. Play for blood, remember?

Sure you do! Say goodbye to me. Go grab that spirited actress and make her your own. Take that beauty and run. Don't look back. Live every second. Live Wyatt.

I'm dying, how are you?

Tis no normal life, Wyatt. There's just life. Now get on
with it.

No need to go heel to get the bulge on a tub like you!
Is that a fact?... Mmm, (blow smoke) That's a fact!

I miss Doc! I miss that old rip.
I don't

That's him alright! Boy, I'd know that sourface anywhere.

You're no daisy! You're no daisy at all!

No, make no mistake! It's not revenge he's after. It's the reckoning!
((( The 3 Stooges )))
I'm tryin' to think, but nothin' happens

It's all your fault, you!

Curly laugh

Curly "Hey!"

I'll murder you!

I'd knock your brains out if ya had any

"Woo woo woo woo woo"

Why you!...

Enchanted, enraptured, embalmed

You Embicile (sp)

Ohhh, a wise guy!

Yeah, that's it
((( Miscellaneous Sounds )))
Annoy you

Very Rude... Goodbye

No Way... I'm not gonna play with you

Snagglepuss... Just a minute...

Friendship... get lost!

Homey don't play dat

Your call can not be completed as dialed...

Don't let the door hit ya in the butt

You're sick, ya know that

I didn't do it, I didn't do it

That guy was an annoying... loser

Why would I want a pic... geek

You are the worst human being I have ever met

I'd better get outta here while the gettin's good

I beg of ya not to do this thing

Looks extraordinarily bad

Congrats, Congrats, Congrats

I will never give up... NEVER

Time to play... time to die

Give a guy an inferiority complex

Whatever you're thinkin, shut up!

Well gentlemen, no point hanging around this dump

Now it is time to play

Listen buttface, Im in no mood...

You're a big barfbag

You can't resist me

Annoying sound

Boomhauer on the net

Elvis has left the building

Spicoli - Hey bud, let's party!

Dr. Pepper Slogan

Pepsi Slogan (30's or 40's?)


Elmer Fudd "Wabbit kicked the bucket"

Daffy Duck


I don't think I'll let you arrest us today, Behan

Christ almighty! It's like I'm sittin' here playin' cards with my brothers kids or somethin'! You nerve rackin' sons a bitches!

Very cosmopolitan!

We cross?

Forgive me if I don't shake hands

Didn't you always say that gambling's
an honest trade?

No, I said poker's an honest trade

Good evening then

You go to hell... You first

That is a hell of a thing for you to say to me!

Poor soul! He was just too high strung

My hypocrisy goes only so far

Listen now, Mr. Kansas law dog! Law
don't go 'round here, savvy?!

Kate! You're not wearing a bustle! How lewd!

Somethin' on yer mind?

Behold, a pale horse! The man who sat on
him was death. And Hell followed with him

I will not be pawed at, thank you very much!

Must be a... Peach! of a hand

Piss on you Wyatt

I'm in my prime!

Say when

Where ya goin' with that shotgun?

Skin that smokewagon and see what happens!

Maybe poker's just not your game, Ike!
I know, let's have a spelling contest!

I said throw down, boy!

You called down the thunder!
Well, now you got it!

I have 2 guns, 1 for each of ya!

Whatever do you mean?

You look like somebody just walked
over your grave

I was just foolin' about!... I wasn't.

Don't worry Ellie girl. I still got 1 good arm to hold you with.

We must talk darlin'

It appears we must redefine the nature of our association

Don't I always take care of ya?

True, you are a good woman.

Then again, you may be the antichrist

My sweet, soft, hungarian devil!

What do you think darlin'? Should I hate 'im?

I don't know, There's just somethin' about 'im. Somethin' 'round the eyes. I don't know. Reminds me of... me. No, I'm sure of it!
I hate 'im!

Evidently Mr. Ringo's an educated man. Now I really hate 'im!

Indeed Sir! The last charge of Wyatt Earp and his immortals


Pertiest man I ever saw!

Somebody get this spic on his knees!

Well... Bye!

Hey! lovin' man! You been called!

Don't you ever put your hands on me, see? Don't you ever try to manhandle the cavalry, cause we'll cut your God damn pimps heart out! You understand me, you pimp!

My dear, you're such a gaze upon the quintessential frontier type. Note, the lean silouette, eyes closed by the sun, they're sharp as a hawk. He's got the look of both predator and prey.
((( Matt Foley )))
And I live in a van down by the river

Oh no, I give up... my life is...

You're not going to amount to JACK SQUAT

Well, as I see it, there is only 1 solution

Well... woop dee FREAKIN doo!

Well, LA dee FRICKIN da!
((( Marvin the Martian )))
Now let's all play fair/a>

I do believe you are right!

Delays, delays

I'm all agog

Disgraceful... have you anything to say?

Brace yourself for immediate disintigration

At long last, my dream come true

You naughty earth specimens

Now let's see

Gee wiz, that silly place irritates me so

Technicalities, technicalities

But it has to look legal
((( Animals & Sound Effects )))




Wolf Howl

Wolf Growl

Muttley laugh


Scream 2

Woman Scream

Mad Giggle




Bird Chirp

Bird Chirp 2

Bird Song




Dice Rolling

Pop Sound

Warning Sound


Water sound

Wierd Sound

Wierd Sound 2

Freeze Ray Gun

((( Pink Floyd Clips )))
Hello, hello, hello (Numb)

Wanna take a bath? (Wall)

Drumroll (Wall)

Bulllllshit (Money)

Don't give in... without a fight! (Wall)

Mother do you think they'll drop the bomb?

Got to keep the loonies on the path (Dark Side)

We don't need no education (Wall)

Elevator (Machine)

Whew ~ Exhale (Wall)

Heartbeat (Dark Side)

Grunt (Animals)

Home! Home again... I like to be here when I can
(Dark Side)

Don't leave me (Dark Side)

Clock bells chiming (Time)

Ahhhhaaa (Numb)

Big Arrggghhh (Wall)

So welcome... to the machine (Wish)
Hello, hello, hello... is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me. Is there anyone at home? (Numb)

Nobody knows where you are (Shine On You)

Hey You (Wall)

There is no dark side in the moon, really. Matter of fact, it's all dark (Dark Side)

There's someone in my head, but it's not me (Dark Side)

Can ya show me where it hurts? (Numb)

We're just knocked out (Wish)

Music clip (Shine On You)

Is there anybody out there? (Wall)

Who let all this riff raff into the room? (Wall)

Music clip (Run)

Shine on you crazy, you crazy diamond

Ping Sound (Animals)

You've got to be crazy (Animals)

What do you want from me? (Division)

~Knock~ Time to go (Wall)

Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye (Wall)
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Tombstone Quotes

3 Stooges & Matt Foley

Marvin the Martian

Miscellaneous Sounds

Animals & Sound Effects

Pink Floyd Clips

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