Google AdSense offers more ways for you to earn money while making your site more useful for visitors. AdSense delivers relevant ads that are targeted on a page-by-page basis to the information people find on your site. When users click on these ads, Google pays you.

Use Google AdSense on your content pages, or place a Google search box on your site and make money from Web search results. It only takes minutes to get started and it's absolutely free for Hostway customers to participate!

AdSense for content
Google gives you more earning potential from your content pages. AdSense automatically delivers ads targeted to your content on a page-by-page basis. 

AdSense for search
The Google search box lets your visitors search the Web directly from your site. You can customize the appearance of search results to match the look and feel of your site, and profit from clicks on the targeted ads that appear on search results pages.  

Join the AdSense program to:

Make money when visitors click on ads associated with your site.
Enhance your visitors' online experience with ads that are relevant to what they see on your pages.
  Increase repeat visits by adding a Google search box to your site.
  Manage your account and track earnings online with easy-to-use tools. 
Serve relevant ads that increase your revenue.

How Do I Get It?
When you order any
Hostway Web Hosting Plan, simply signup for this special opportunity in your SiteControl account in the Web Site Tools section. There, you will find a special link that will take you to a Google/Hostway co-branded signup page.

There are lots of sites online displaying lists of hundreds or even thousands of keywords and their highest bid. Well guess what? They are almost totally useless for adsense purposes.
The reason lies in the fact that you have no idea of what the advertiser is really paying as it is the 2nd advertiser that dictates the 1st bidders cost per click. But even worse, you have absolutely no clue of what the Top 10 advertisers are paying. Bids may dramatically drop so by advertiser 7 or 8, it's down to a few cents.
Now you know one of the key reasons that results are often extremely disappointing. Chasing just the highest bid often is the wrong way to go. Recently, was launched to provide a solution to this by dedicating efforts into revealing the total truth of adsense keywords giving you a much better chance to have a successful experience with Google Adsense.
In this article, I've categorized 12 great opportunities that represent a genuinely potential good return on investment and highlighting all bid estimates for the Top 10 advertisers. Remember, chasing only the highest bid is a completely ill-informed methodology in evaluating adsense keywords and their potential value.
What about the 2nd bid, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th bids? Get the point? It really makes sense to know what the complete picture is especially when some keywords turn out to be bogus opportunities as the bid estimates can drop dramatically.
Some of the opportunities that are genuinely good potential earners in my opinion are;

1. Laser Hair Removal NYC - $32.54 with Average Bid for the Top 10 advertisers of over $14
2. Tax Attorney - $21.49 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of over $7
3. Data Recovery - $29.01 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $11.55 
4. Refinance Home Loans - $37.02 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $18.84
5 Drug Rehabilitation - $16.01 with Average Bid for the Top 10 advertisers of over $8.53
6. Home Security - $13.91 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of over $6.69
7. Inventory Management Software - $13.46 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $7.27
8. Cheap Auto Insurance - $37.13 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $19.40
9. Search Engine Optimization - $17.68 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $8.04
10. Call Center Outsourcing - $11.79 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $6.65
11. Business Degree Online - $20.90 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $11.24

Notice all the average bid estimates of the Top 10 advertisers? That's what you really want to determine. For more information on these opportunities, visit us for complete free access on all opportunities we have documented so far.
The trick is to stay focused on a niche. And when I say niche, I don't mean a general category like "finance", but rather the particular niche within this market, such as "equity home loan".
Some of these are excellent pure Adsense markets and others represent solid cashflow potential opportunities with the assistance of pay per click campaigns to drive traffic cheaply to keywords that have high average bid estimates with the likelihood of generating an instant return on investment.


When it rains, it pours. Sometimes your Adsense account is pouring cash. What happens when its slows to a gentle dribble? What happened to all the earnings your were making for months? There has been some really very informative threads on
Webmaster World talking about this very issue with Google Adsense and how changes in the system can cause an EPC collapse of Adsense revenue. If this happens to you it can cause a flurry of questions what you might have done wrong or better yet what is wrong with Google. Martinibuster has an excellent synopsis on possible reasons why an earnings collaspe could occur.
One of the most common is the perception or illusion about what is a normal range for earnings per click. 6 cents or 15 cents? Martini has an excellent point:

Too many newbs complain about having been smart priced because their earnings collapsed after their first couple of months. The base amount they're comparing is not large enough if it's only one or three months. If five months out of six you're earning six cents per click, six cents is normal. Twelve cents per click for a month is a newb advertiser that didn't know his content network was turned on.
He goes on to list other factors why a campaign could drop in EPC.
Too much inventory - As more people enter the space, the EPC is going to drop. This is sometimes a characteristic of MFA sites that enter in a niche area and put strain on the inventory. He also mentions this can affect older sites as well.
Newbie advertisers - In general this happens to most systems, prices go up until the money runs out. If there no one to step in to pick up the slack, then the EPC will drop.
Savvy advertisers - Advertisers leaving contextual networks in order to prevent lower quality clicks. Martini says "I suspect that all it takes is one or two bidders dropping their bids to cause a collapse and let the air out of a high EPC gravy train. This is not fact, and I admit it"


Try typing `jobs' on Google search, and you might be in for a surprise — on the sponsored links column, one of the ads is by competitor Yahoo!
That is probably why Murugavel Janakiraman, Founder and Chief Executive Officer,, comfortably maintains relations with both companies — Yahoo is an investor in his portal, while the other provides advertising space for the matchmaker.
However, it isn't just the big players who are benefiting from Google AdWords and AdSense. A whole network has arisen, which includes advertisers from SMEs to MNCs, hosts from large publishing portals to individual bloggers, and, of course, the 50 million Internet users in the country. According to a comScore Media Matrix 2005 report, about 80 per cent of Internet users access
K. Sundararaman, Acting Sales Head, Google India, sheds some light on how this network works. He says that apart from the ads that appear on  there is Google AdSense, which allows individual Web sites to rent out the space on the page.
These Web sites, Sundararaman explains, are selected through `site targeting' that "allows advertisers to choose individual Web sites within the Google content network where they would like their ads to appear ... allowing advertisers to handpick the audience they want to reach."

Managing ad campaigns
Apart from this, the advertiser can specify search-targeted keywords for categories such as broad matches, phrase matches, exact matches or negative matches. This keyword matching system is completely automated. "We suggest using a combination of two or more of these techniques to run an effective ad campaign," he says.
Which in turn means that managing an effective ad campaign with Google AdWords is not quite such a simple project. For example, has a three-member internal team that continually reviews the conversion rate of the number of people that click on their ads in other Web sites, the cost of advertising on Google and the relevance of the keywords that the company has submitted, says Janakiraman.
As large clients, they work in conjunction with a team from Google that has been assigned to work with them. The company has bought about 30,000 keywords.

Keywords matter
Similarly, eBay has an internal team that works full-time on the paid search programme with the Google account team, according to Rathin Lahiri, Head - Marketing, eBay India. This is possibly because "paid search is one of the better performing channels and the search customer is an evolved customer," he says.
The revenue model for the Web site is that advertisers pay for the click or impression that they receive.
For ads priced at cost-per-thousand-clicks, an advertiser may pay as low as Rs 10 per thousand, and for cost-per-click priced ads, it may be as low as Re 0.44 per click, according to the company.
The rate of keywords varies, says Lahiri. For example, the keyword `Nokia' would be more valuable than a keyword such as `pencil' — at the end of the day, the rate that eBay pays is a function of the click-through-rate and the cost-per-click. The keyword `Nokia phone' is more valuable than `Nokia blue tooth device' and therefore has a better click-through-rate.

Users big and small
This has opened up a whole market through the AdSense route. And since the tool caters to publishers of all sizes, the company has both large publishers that have content on the Internet such as,, and, as well as individual Web site owners.
Deepesh Agarwal, who runs a Web site that provides freeware solutions, receives on an average 4,000-odd daily ad impressions and earns anywhere from $800 to $2,100 per month depending on the amount of traffic and its `quality.'
He has been using the service for three years. Though the first two years didn't yield many results, but the last year has been a good one. In fact, though the Web site was never intended as a money-spinner, it now constitutes the biggest portion of Agarwal's revenue.

Success story
"My traffic is primarily from the US and Canada — about 60 per cent — and the visitors are common computer users looking for free alternatives for paid shareware applications meant for day-to-day computer maintenance tasks," he explains.
But it doesn't even have to get that technical to be a success. Jamshed Velayuda Rajan, a Usability Consultant with Satyam Computers, maintains two Web sites — one in which he writes about himself and his family, and another blog on cricket.
The latter, he expects, will have traffic of about 2,500 to 3,500 people when cricket matches are going on.
Typically, 350 unique people per day, and about 450 to 500 clicks is the count for his two portals combined.
As for the remuneration, he explains, "High value keywords would earn more — if I had a finance blog, for example, I could make as much as $4 for one click.
Since cricket is not a money-spinner in that sense, perhaps between 10 and 30 cents per click." All in all, he has made about Rs 30,000 in the last two years.
Not bad for a man who was looking to have a bit of fun by writing about his life and his family.


I remember several years ago thinking to myself that it would be so great if I could just work from home, use my computer, and make money online to supplement my income. Like most people, I got onto the internet and started looking for ways to make money online.
The first thing that occurred to me in my search was that there were so many advertisements out there for this and that online business and how to make millions if you just join this special program. To be honest, it was too overwhelming for me and I gave up on the thought that I would ever find something legitimate and easy to learn.
However, over the few years that followed, I continued to have this notion at the back of my mind that people are really making money on the internet – that it can actually be done, and maybe I could do it too if I just commit myself to learning.
So back onto the internet I went on my quest to learn about some ways to make money online. I stumbled across this great e-book called Google Cash that got me very excited about starting an online business. But after some careful consideration I realized that it would be easy to lose money with this system if you were not careful and didn't know what you were doing.
Once again, I put my notion that I could make money online aside. It kept nagging me though, so I went to the library to read some books on ways to make money on the internet. These books got me really excited as well, nearly to the point of taking action. But it still wasn't enough!
Finally, at a time in my life when I felt I had the finances and life circumstances that could support and maintain an online business, I went back to the internet search and found a program that has helped me learn all I know today about internet marketing and online businesses, and has helped me make money online.
This long drawn out tale of mine does have a purpose, and that is that you do have to do your research before jumping into any online money-making program, and sometimes the thought processes and life circumstances have to be just right when you decide to venture into something like this.
So what are some decent ways to make money online you ask after you've done all your research?
Well, one of the ways to make money online is to get an actual online job, as opposed to an online business, such as doing data entry work, or taking online surveys. There are literally thousands of companies online that will hire you to fill out forms or give your opinions.

Another way to make money online is to set up your own store and sell other people's products for a commission. Usually you get a website on which you place the products you want to promote, and when people click on those products and make a purchase, you get a share of the profits.
If you like to write, you can make a good income online simply by having a blog or blogs and placing Adsense ads on them. The more you post to blogs, the higher you can expect your website or blog's rankings to be in the search engines. The higher your blog is ranked in the search engines, the more traffic you will have, and the more traffic you have, the more potential sales for you!
You can also use Google Adwords to advertise anything – your products, services, or your website and this will bring you hoards of hungry traffic and buyers to your site.
You can use the popular ebay and other auction sites to auction off your products for a pretty penny!
You can join many of the programs online that will start you on the road to internet riches through affiliate selling. Many of these programs will have a website set up for you with the sales pitch and links all taken care of for you.
Again, you have to be careful to do your homework here and find out what is legitimate or not by asking good questions. If you are paying anything to join the program, make sure that you are getting something valuable in return for the fee that makes it worthwhile.
You can create your own products and services and sell those online rather than selling other people's products and services.
You may decide that a good way to make money online is to join a multi-level marketing company where you have to recruit prospects and build a downline. If that's your cup of tea, then by all means, go for it because you can make an incredible income from these programs. Just be sure they are not pyramid schemes and that they offer something of value that is spread out throughout the network, and that not all the top dogs get all the loot!
The list surely goes on, but this is an introduction to some legitimate ways to make money online. If you know what you're getting into before you start out, you will be in a much better position to make good decisions about which programs or online opportunities you want to be a part of.

                           Cracking Google Page Ranking

Rand Fishkin knows how valuable it is for a Web site to rank high in a Google search. But even this president of a search engine optimization firm was blown away by a proposal he received at a search engine optimization conference in London last month, where he was a panelist.

The topic -- Can a poker Web site rank high on a Google search using purely white hat tactics -- meaning no spamming, cloaking, link farms or other frowned-upon "black hat" practices. Fishkin answered yes, provided the site also added other marketing techniques and attracted some media attention.
The rest of the panel scoffed. "Don't bring a knife to a gunfight," one chided. After all, this is the cutthroat online gambling sector.
But one poker Web site owner was intrigued, and he later approached Fishkin. "He said, 'If you can get us a search ranking in the top five for online poker or gambling [using white hat methods], we'll buy that site from you for $10 million,'" recalls Fishkin, president and CEO of SEOmoz in Seattle. Intrigued but skeptical, Fishkin consulted other gambling site owners at the conference. "They said, 'If it really does rank there, we might be interested in paying you $10 million more.'"
Turns out, a single online gambling customer brings in at least US$1,000 in revenue. With a recent Google search of "Texas Holdem Poker" yielding 1.64 million results, it's easy to see why site owners would pay millions to crack the code for Google's PageRank algorithm -- the elusive Holy Grail of online marketing.
The stakes are high for online businesses -- and Google is the formidable gatekeeper between site owners and their customers. Web sites, such as, have even sued Google for what they allege are deliberate de-rankings, though none have been successful to date. Site owners are eager to get their hands on the 75 percent of free Google traffic that is not affected by AdSense and AdWords, Google's pay-per-click programs. With 47 percent market share among search engines and 3 billion search inquiries a month, Google is indeed king.
"Being at the top of Google is probably the most important factor in your whole marketing plan online," says Chris Winfield, president of 10e20 LLC, a global search marketing and Web solutions company in New York. "Nothing comes close to being able to match it with people looking for what you do."
Deceptive black hat tactics run rampant among highly competitive Web sites, but they are now under the watchful eye of Google's spam group, which identifies deceptive practices and then quashes the problem, sometimes by devaluing the site's ranking or relinquishing it to the supplemental index, which effectively means "no priority." Google, however, says it takes steps to help sites identify and fix the problem so they can "apply for re-inclusion." Pursuing white hat, legal tactics to raise a search engine ranking has become a top priority.
Google acknowledges the influence that its algorithms have in the Web world, but officials also say that -- just like Spider-Man -- with great power comes great responsibility. No decision to devalue or omit a Web site is made without the algorithm behind it.
"Just because somebody doesn't like Google, it certainly is no reason to take any action [against them]," says Matt Cutts, senior engineer and Google's de facto liaison to the webmaster community. "We care about spam and the quality of the results. That's purely about whether the site is abiding by our quality guidelines."
But even playing by the rules can be frustrating. Winfield has even cried foul to Google. In a search for translation services, "it amazes me that five out of 10 results were for the same Web site, and it was completely irrelevant. When I see things like that, it boggles my mind," Winfield says.
But he's quick to add that Google was "great for feedback" to an inquiry about the issue. "They do listen. It can be frustrating that they control so much, but they do care." Still, a Google search on March 9 for "translation services" showed that two of the 10 results were for the same site that Winfield questioned. The aroma of secret sauce wafts through the air.
What's in the secret sauce?
PageRank is Google's trademarked process where a numeric value represents how important a page is on the Web. But that's only part of the formula. There are also the value places on each link to that Web site. The secret sauce, much like many recipes in the food world, is a matter of how much of each ingredient is being used -- the "weighting" of each piece. While there's a bevy of information on the Web on the primary parts of the algorithm and what marketers or site owners should do to increase their rank, Google remains elusive on most of the 200 factors it uses to score pages and decide which page goes to the top of the results.
"There isn't one answer anymore. The majority of factors we don't talk about," Cutts says. "A lot of people have theories, but we don't usually confirm the theories."
Cutts freely offers clues such as placing keywords in the title, headings and even the URL, and keeping related words close together. He points to many tips that Google offers on its site to raise a site's search ranking, as well as Web forums and conferences for communicating. But some say Google's tips are often ambiguous.
"We deploy all the techniques that Google approves of and they have given those measure out on their guideline pages," says Atul Gupta, president and CEO of RedAlkemi, a search engine marketing and Web development firm in Chandigarh, India. "But not all of it is in plain and simple language that anyone can understand. For example, they'll say, 'We will reward links from old pages' [that have important information]. Then in the next sentence, they say, 'We'll reward pages that are freshly updated because they newsworthy.' So one has to figure out what are they really wanting and how much are they wanting."
Page link mysteries
Even mathematicians familiar with the equations used to create the PageRank algorithm struggle with other non-numeric factors. David Austin, a math professor at Grand Valley State University in Allendale, Mich., who published a paper on cracking Google's algorithm, says the secret sauce is really a popularity contest wrapped in linear algebra.
"It's like you're having a popularity contest and you think everybody gets a vote, so I can vote for as many people as I want to," Austin says. "So if I vote for 10 people, I give everyone 1/10th of a vote. So who wins that popularity contest?"
But then Google goes further. "They take a second pass through it, and look at who voted for who," he explains. Google assigns a value to the importance of the site that casts the vote (or links to a site), and that site can pass on its popularity and importance to the site it linked to.
Gupta chisels away at the PageRank algorithm simply by looking at what the No. 1 ranked sites are doing. "We have identified 250 parameters that Google studies to rank a site," he says. "We've got labs where people are constantly monitoring the impact of each. But the birds-eye view is, how can we make a site simply perform well in the natural course?"
Cracking the code -- the hard part is in the execution
Google's Cutts says that creating a high-ranking Web site is really quite easy. Just focus on the customer and create compelling content that's buzzworthy, vital, or that provides some sort of service or resource that a reader would want to bookmark. In other words, pretend Google isn't even there.
He points to comparisons between two English-to-Japanese translation Web sites. One site was very much like a brochure and just four or five pages. The higher-ranking site included a tutorial about how to write your name in Japanese, as well as information about different Japanese dialects. "It's that kind of creativity and information that hooks people," Cutts says. "Those kinds of compelling content are exactly the things that help you crack the code at Google."
Pro Acoustics USA, an acoustic equipment and consulting and design service company in Harker Heights, Texas, followed Google's guidelines and worked with RedAlkemi to redesign its Web site for higher page rankings. It has doubled traffic every year for the past four years. "We probably have 100 keywords we work at all the time ... and I think we have a good handle on it," says Emery Kertesz, president and CEO, who launched the site in 2003.
Kertesz says the key to a high page rank is to correctly present relevant information, including title tags, meta tags and links. His site usually ranks among the top 10 sites in his category. But he won't rest on his current ranking.
"Nobody is very satisfied" with their ranking," Kertesz says. "More is better, higher is better. Everybody's in a death battle for money and ranking."
As for the offer of $10 million or more for Fishkin to develop a poker site that ranked in the top five of Google's results, he said "We're still weighing it, but the general sentiment is that the effort and time required would force us to abandon a lot of other projects and clients, and even then it's a bit of a gamble [no pun intended], so we are leaning against taking the offer."
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How does Adsense work?
In a nutshell, Google pays you each time a visitor comes to your site and clicks on one of your ads. The amount that you get paid for each click can range from just a few cents...all the way up to $10, $20, even $50 per click!

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