    Well.  This website could not have been made by just one person.  Therefor I would like to give credit to a few others as well.  First of all some of the people who the pictures came from.  Louis, Matt H., Mark, Matt R., Todd, Ryan, and myself(Dan).  To see the pictures that came from each person go to their name(link), this is not yet finished, but most of the pictures that I have should be on them by 2-26-03, and I apologize for the inconvenience.  This website also would not have been made without the camera I received for Christmas.
     I have only had this camera for about 2 months now.  Because of this I only have about 25 or 30 good pictures, and most of them are on here.  The rest of the pictures are just animals that have been taken in hunting seasons (bow and gun) by freinds and myself.
     This website will be updated about every 2 weeks.  I will be talking to my second cousin who has many pictures of nice bucks.  If I can get a copy of each they will be on here, and trust me... you WANT to see some of them.
     If you have any good pictures of a trophy you have taken, and you would like it on here you may send me a picture of it.  I will do what I can to get it on the website for others to view.  It does not really matter what species it is.
     I want to again thank everyone for their pictures, and if you send one I also want to thank you.  If you would like to contact me, you can.  My e-mail address is
[email protected].  There will also be a questbook that you may contact me at.  This will be on the main page.  Enjoy the pictures of Wildlife!!!!!
    This is a picture that I took of the camera that I use to get many of these pictures.
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