Meet the Team
Hey, this part of the website was made for people to know why it was created, and also who it was created by.  I can tell you right now, the reason that it was made!  We made this website because we are all die-hard hunters.  There is not much in this world that any of us would rather do then hunting, except to occasionally spend time with our families, but we are all kids.  Now I will let you learn about each individual.
       My name is Dan.  I am pretty much the main guy.  I do most of the stuff, spend most of the money to make this website possible.  The reason me and me buddies decided to do this is mainly because I have a very strong passion for hunting.  There are not many things that I would rather be doing then to be sitting out in the woods either watching for deer, or waiting to take a buck.  Another reason that I decided to get this camera was that two years ago, me and Matt were
out in my woods doing a little hunting.  I was using my shotgun and he was using his bow.  It was about a half hour from the close of the day, and Matt saw something walking across the horizon, and by the time I started glassing, whatever it was was out of sight.  We decided to walk to the near fence line and see if we could get a better look.  When we were about 15-20 yards from the fence line, a huge 14 point buck jumped up.  I decided not to take a shot because it wouldnt have been a good one, so, I waited.  I had Matt go into the CRP area next to the feild and walk towards me.  Sure enough about 5 minutes after I told him to do that the buck came running out.  He was about 180 yards away, and I was dumb enough to try to take a shot with a 12 guage.  I missed, and I made sure I did by looking for blood for the next 3 days.  That is another reason why I got this camera, I wanted to get a pictures of him.  So far, I have had no luck.
This is Matt, he is the guy who is usually with me when I am or hunting, the other guy who comes with me is Scott.  Matt and I have been freinds since 4th grade and ever since we have been able to hunt, we have been hunting together.  Matt also loves hunting.  He is a very good hunter, and rarely misses when he takes a shot.  If he does everyone asks him if he is ok.  I myself have seen him miss once.  He was shooting at some sort of bird with a slug.  This is all I (Dan) am going to put in here right now, ill let Matt right something up and put it in later.
I do not have a picture for Scott at this time.  Scott is another guy who is always with me when I am scouting and hunting.  Scott as well loves to hunt.  I dont know, or just cant think of anything to put in here right now, when I can or get something from him I will update the page.
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