Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Singles Group

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Event Newsletter
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The Event Newsletter

The Event Newsletter plays a very important role in the OLBS Singles Group: it acts as the journal of record for each month of the 'official' group events. Simply put, the Event Newsletter is a listing of 'official' events sanctioned by the Group for the upcoming months (actually period till the next planning meeting, and also may list any featured events for the near future). It is put together by the Event Newsletter Planning Committee, which meets the first Tuesday of the Month, every month from September to June, in the OLBS School Cafeteria. Meeting time is 8:00PM. A list of meeting dates can be found here.
All listings on the Newsletter will have:

In addition, the Event Newsletter will sometimes contain a paragraph of commentary by the Event Newsletter Coordinator - this will usually touch upon subjects of interest to the Group (and perhaps the community at large) and sometimes may ask for member input in regards to the direction and activities of the Group.

To receive the Event Newsletter regularly (10 issues per year, September to May, then a Early Summer (June/July) issue and a Late Summer (July/August/early September) issue), you are required to be a member. At the current time membership is $5.00/yr, which enrolls you in e-mail subscription: if you prefer the newsletter arrive as a hard-copy in the mail, the cost is $11.00/yr ($5.00 membership + $6.00 mailing cost/yr); either way Jane from the Parish Office handles this membership payment Here is the current membership application
To help build up interest among prospective members, we can send a few complimentary e-mail newsletter issues to interested parties (or one (1) hard-copy mailed newsletter issue).

Note that anyone finding a typo on the Event Newsletter (most often this will be either a mismatch between day and date for a given listing, or an incorrect address for a venue) is encouraged to contact the Event Newsletter Coordinator at the phone/e-mail on the newsletter itself: currently the contact is:
    Raymond Kubeskie
    Phone: (516) 561-6994
    e-mail: [email protected]

Advertising & Complimentary Copies

As you may expect, the only way for the group to grow and 'prosper' is to bring fresh blood in - in effect, recruit members from new attendees. One avenue of recruitment, as may be expected, is to advertise the big events (generally the bigger dinners nights, but also such events as the Spring dance and the Holiday party) in various media outlets (for more on this event advertising, see the 'Advertising Info' page) - this method is usually effective in bringing in several new attendees per event. With that in mind, as an inducement for new attendees to then come to other events ('repeat business', so to speak), they will be given a complimentary copy of the Event Newsletter current for that given month. In addition, one complimentary copy may be e-mailed to a prospective attendee who request one via e-mail or over the phone. Mailing a complimentary hard-copy Newsletter for prospective attendee right now is problematic due to cost, but hopefully some procedure can be worked out within the short-term.

'Splinters' (The 'Official' Definition)

The terms 'Splinter' and 'Splinter Group' are fairly obvious in what they means, but just so nobody is confused when they hear the terms - it's when several members get together in a social context that's not an officially listed Event Newsletter event. And that's it.

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