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JUNE 2001!! I've lost over 40 pounds since January 2001!
Hi, my name is Joanne. I'm a married, 32 year old woman, who lives in New York and is fighting the battle of the bulge. Unfortunately, I lose weight and gain weight back and right now I NEED TO LOSE AGAIN!!! I hope you will look through my page and my past experiences will motivate you. By knowing all of you are checking in on my progress, I will be motivated to  stay on track. Here's my story...

I was an underweight child and did not have a weight problem until junior high school. Maybe I was 10 pounds or so overweight. When I got to high school, the weight starting to become a problem when I stopped playing sports. At almost 5'6", I thought I was carrying the extra weight well, but in college, I finally faced the fact that I was not and that I needed to lose weight. I have spent my adult life bouncing between 142 pounds and 200 pounds and I want to maintain a weight under 150 pounds. I've done slimfast, 3 days diets and Weight Watchers and WW is the only thing that really worked for me.

In 1995, my sister announced she was getting married in October 1996 and I was the maid of honor. In September of 1995, I joined Weight Watchers for the first time, I did it perfectly. It was the old program of counting breads, fats, proteins, etc. I lost 45 pounds in 6 months and was happily wearing a size 7, weighing 147 pounds.  I got two pounds away from goal and quit in May 1996-I was stuck in a plateau and gave up. From March of 96 to the wedding I gained 10 pounds but managed to squeeze into the dress. After the wedding all hell broke lose and the extra pounds just piled on.

In late 1997, I started to see how heavy I looked in pictures. In June of 1998, I joined Weight Watchers for the 2nd time, this time around it was the 1-2-3 program. I was very motivated and lost a total of 56 pounds. I only missed one meeting in eight months. I made goal of 148 lbs in December 98-a mere 6 months after joining and lifetime in February of 99. My all-time low weight was 142 lbs. in March of 1999. I had started working as a weigher/receptionist for WW in January of 1999. By April (sooner than I thought) was at leader training and passed. I was assigned two meetings right away and did a lot of subbing as a leader and receptionist and am known around the county for working so many Weight Watchers meetings last year. During the summer of 1999, the weight started to creep back up and I did not do anything to get back on track. I need to lose weight again and learn to keep it off for my health!! I know I can do this and I know how to!!!!! Like the Nike logo says "JUST DO IT!!".

We want to adopt a baby-click here to find out more about us! Make our dream come true!
Please browse around my website, I will try to update it as often as possible with weigh ins and updated photos....I hope you can relate and use this page as a source of information.

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