My Progress...

May 31, 2000

Today I re-started Weight Watchers on my own. I feel like I undid the hard work I did in 1998-1999. My goal is to lose 20 pounds by July 8th, the day I leave for vacation. I know 20 pounds is a bit of a stretch, but I think I can do it!!!! I feel more motivated than I have been in months. I will weigh myself  Monday AM and post the results.

June 3, 2000

I couldn't help but jump on the scale this morning-I lost 3 pounds in 3 days! I know I should not have been I did!  I'm doing really great so far!! I also joined some weight loss webrings last night and made my site public to my Yahoo clubs.

June 5, 2000

Well, I did get on the scale this morning and lost 5 pounds in 5 days. I'm really motivated now!!  I decided that I will buy myself a gift when I reach the 10 pound mark-don't laugh I want a hair straightener. One of those irons that presses your hair flat and straight!  I'm gonna do it !!!!

June 9, 2000

I'm proud of myself for sticking with this 9 days so far, haven't done that in a while!  I 'm also filling out my journal for every day, every meal! I have a more positive attitude now that I'm really making the effort! I will try not to get hung up on the fact that after 9 days, I've still stuck at 5 pounds lost!

June 22, 2000

Bad news! I've been off the wagon for over a week now! I'm afraid to get on the scale. I've been walking when I can and watching, but I feel I gained back whatever I lost in early June. I am thinking about actually going back to attend WW meetings when I get back from vacation-that's not until mid July! My motivation disappeared!

July 17, 2000

Well, have you figured out why I haven't updated in nearly a month? I have returned from vacation and have not been good from the end of June until vacation. Today, I started again on my own and will not get on my scale. My friend wants for us to rejoin WW. I'm really embarassed to join since I have gained so much weight and used to work there. Still will not buy myself the hair straightener either. I was sick on vacation and only had ice cream twice. I did drink a lot and eat out every night! I dreaded putting my bathing suit on!!! What a differnece a year makes. Didn't want to be in pictures either this year! Last year, when I was thin, I set a goal for myself to walk the entire town of Wildwood Crest, NJ and back (it's a little over 2 miles each way). I did not succeed last year and fell about 1/2 mile short of my goal. Well, this year I did it, in about 1 hour 5 minutes!! That was the highlight of my vacation. I got sick the next day!!! My next Wildwood goal is to walk the entire boardwalk and back (about 2 1/2 miles each way!). I'll aim for that when I go back in September. Funny how I was able to accomplish that this year!!  I'll set my sites  on a better visit to Wildwood in 2 months!!

August 1, 2000

Well,  tomorrow I'm having sinus surgery. I have not dieted and am not motivated! I will start dieting in a couple of weeks.  In pre-op bloodwork it was discovered that I have lyme disease. I have had symptoms for about 18 months now that I think about it. I guess the three lyme vaccinations I had were useless. I will start antibiotics probably next week for the lyme. This may be responsible for the weight gain and definitely the loss of energy and fatigue. I feel somewhat relieved and suprised to know that maybe the way I'm feeling isn't all my fault and the lyme is playing a role in my downhill slide. I'm hoping  to feel better in a couple of weeks and start walking and dieting, etc. I hope to feel much better by my birthday, September 5th!!

August 8, 2000

Well the surgery is over and everything went OK. I am DISGUSTED with the way I look and feel and really am going to make an effort to lose weight. Too bad I am still afraid to get on the scale. I'll get on when I am ready. Wish me luck! I'm taking back my life!!!

August 21, 2000

I started treatment for the lyme on the 17th. Over one month's worth of antibiotics-3000 milligrams a day of Amoxicillan! Great! I should start to feel more energetic in 2-3 weeks.I still have not got on the scale since the day I started. I've been very good and a couple of people told me I look thinner. That's encouraging. I feel about 5 or 6 pounds thinner. I still need to drink more water though. I have been exercising every day and counting my points! I've seen pictures of myself and I must stick with it! I have nothing that fits me and I will not buy more large and XL clothes. Slight setback today with my neice's one year old birthday party!

August 31, 2000

Well, after my neice's birthday party, I had a week of setbacks. I was really off track. I restarted again Monday on my own at home. I have lots of anniversaries, birthdays and events coming up in the next two weeks. I am making one final trip to Wildwood, NJ from 9/9-9/11. After that I am rejoining WW. Going to the center and facing the music! I even have a friend that is going with me. From now until September 12th or 13th. I will do the best I can and stay focused. I am starting to feel a little improvement in my energy level as the antibiotics for the lyme must be starting to work.

September 23, 2000

After some dieting and lyme setbacks, I did restart my diet on Monday, 9/18. I did something I had not done in months-I got on the scale. It was not good, I guessed what it was and was 1/2 pound off. An all time high I am not proud of. Back to doing WW at home. So far, so good. I have a decent amount of points saved. I must stick with it. I think getting on the scale after a long absence did something to me mentally! It shocks me how I gained nearly 60 pounds in one years time. I think the lyme was a factor-causing accerated weight loss in 1998 and accelerated weight gain in the past year. The scale will go down. I started taking apple cider vinegar tablets the other day. Hard to say if the help, but I'll let everyone know. I can tell you-they smell horrible!

October 1, 2000

I'm back! I'm going back to WW this week-probably Wednesday. I really need to lose weight and am ready to face the music. I think my neck and back are acting up as a result of the weight gain. I started on Friday on my own and so far so good. I did not feel any benefit from the apple cider vinegar tablets. From Friday AM to this morning, my scale says I lost 4.5 pounds, I don't know if I can believe it, but it makes me feel good. I am also looking into the possibility of having Wilson's syndrome as a result tracking my body temperature and finding it consistantly low-98 degrees. For more info on Wilson's syndrome, go to . This is a thyroid problem that is very unique and characterized by low body temp. Dr. said the lyme seems to be taken care of and did take blood the other day to check for a thyroid problem. I have a feeling that it will come back normal though. Wish me luck-AGAIN!!

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