My Progress in 2001....
January 7, 2001
Well, long time no write. After gaining even more weight (I'm now at an all time high), I finally went back to WW. I put aside all my feelings and worries of seeing people I know and used to work with at WW and did it. I should have done it a while ago. I plan on going every week-do or die. I joined on January 3rd and can't say I am thrilled about the "winning points" modification to 123. I will stick to the old 123 and expect to do well. I would like to lose 25 pounds my March 1st. I have started exercising again. I need to have by back and neck problems re-evaluated by a nuerosurgeon. I think the sudden weight gain is making it worse. I will also be undergoing more blood tests in the next few weeks to check the thyroid further. One of my doctors wants to explore the weight gain more-maybe something good will come out of that-like answers!!! I'll keep you all posted on my progress.
January 12, 2001
Well, I weighed in yesterday and had a shock-I lost 7.6 pounds! That was by best start ever! I am really psyched. I drank all the water exercised every day and wrote everything down. I'm hoping for 5 pounds next week! I also decided to stop using one of my steriod asthma inhalers-Pulmicort. I really think that contributed to the quick weight gain. I'll keep you posted-Today I am a happy camper!
January 27, 2001
Well, I have gone every week faithfully to WW and lost a total of 10.6 pounds so far (3 weeks on program). I was hoping for a little more, but am very happy. On 2/1, I leave for Florida, but will weigh in the night before I go! I just hope to keep it up. Pants are starting to feel looser and I am exercising every day.
February 9, 2001
Good news, I am down 14.8 pounds in the 5 weeks I have been back on program. Going to meetings every week helps. I lost 2.8 this week and was on vacation in Florida! I feel like I am losing slowly, I checked my old WW weigh in book from 1998 and I lost 14.8 pounds in 5 weeks then too. I guess I am on track. A special thanks to my friend Susan who comes to meetings with me, even though she is at goal.
February 26, 2001
Well no news from me is good news, since re-joining on 1/04/01, I have lost a total of 19.6 pounds. I am very pleased  and hope to reach 25 pounds lost by 3/15. I  feel better, am exercising and am very motivated. I wish I had went back sooner. Still hoping my be somewhat in shape by 4th of July!
March 29, 2001
Well, it's been a while, but the news is good! I have now lost a total of 23.4 pounds since rejoining WW. I did have the surgery on 3/15 and it went pretty well. The healing was not as easy as it was in 1996, but I was much lighter and a little younger then. I did have a minor setback right after the surgery  with about 4 days of out of control eating and was unable to do exercise, but did get on track rather quickly. I hope to make 25 pounds at next weigh in.  Lost 4.2 at today's weigh in! And here's a laugh-the lines were so long at weigh in , that they asked me to weigh in members-which I did! I realized I did miss working for WW when the few members I weighed in said how nice I was to them!
April 21, 2001
More good news!!! As of the April 18th, I lost a total of 31.2 pounds-not bad for 15 weeks. I still have much more to lose, but am very encouraged, especially since I had had to take steriods, antibiotics and other medications since I started. Last week I lost 3.8 and this week 3.6. I was very suprised, since I had not been very careful on Palm Sunday and Easter. I have been exercising more and writing down everything! My goal is to lose 50 pounds by July 5th!  With 11 weeks to go-that is a stretch, but I will give it my best shot!
June 18, 2001
Well, I have not updated in a while! I was very sick in late April and early May and nearly died from a bacterial blood infection, pnuemonia and pluracy. I lost 10 pounds in the hospital alone. I am lucky to be alive and finally feel almost like my old self. I was unable to walk, exercise, etc for three weeks. I have lost 41.2 to date and feel like this week will be a good week for me. I have been at a plateau for about 4 weeks. I'm hoping to lose 3 pounds or more this week. I'm still shooting for 50 pounds by the week of the 4th of July! People are starting to notice the weight loss and on a good day, I can walk for an hour! Can't wait to get back to goal!!! Maybe by September/October????
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