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Privacy Policy

A Work In Progress is a personal web site making use of the free web hosting at Geocities. In return for the hosting, Geocities places its own code on every page of this site. This content may contain banners or pop-ups, or may cause cookies to be placed on your computer's hard drive. Geocities code is beyond my control.

I make use of a visitor counter supplied by a third party. Information gathered by the counter is non-identifying except for IP address, which can be identifying if you have a high speed internet connection. All information is regularly discarded as new data replaces it. I do not save this information about you.

I use the information gathered by the counter solely to improve my web site - so you can see it how it was meant to be seen. I will never try to contact you and will not give your information to a third party.

Information is also gathered from visitors who choose to take the questionnaires created as part of my training in the use of remotely hosted forms. Visitors are free to submit the questionnaire or not, as they wish. I will receive answers by email, but as this is simply a fun educational exercise I will not retain the information. Visitors may receive a note of thanks, but there will be no further communication afterwards.

Minors are cautioned against submitting any identifying information (your name, phone number or address, city, school, etc.) to any person or service on the internet without the express permission of their parents. A Work In Progress will not knowingly collect such information from any child under 13.

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