Basic Audio Codes

Automatically starting audios:

  1. <embed src="http://url of audio" hidden="true"
    autostart="true" loop="# of times to play">

    For the audio to play continuously, use
    loop="-1" or
    loop="a really large number" or
    loop="true" (this will not work for webtv).

  2. <bgsound src="http://url of audio"
    loop="# of times to play">

    For the audio to play continuously, use
    loop="-1" or
    loop="a really large number" or
    loop="infinite" (this will not work for webtv).

  3. <object data="url of audio" hidden="true"
    autostart="true" loop="# of times to play">

    ( Use�loop="-1" or
    loop="a really large number"
    for the audio to play continuously. )
    (NOTE: The object tag may not work for the older "original" classic Webtv units.)

  4. For cross-browser 'puter compatibility, use the object tag above, or try:

    <embed src="http://url of audio" hidden="true"
    autostart="true" loop="# of times to play">
    <bgsound src="http://url of audio"
    loop="# of times to play">

    or use this javascript code:

    DC's all-browser audio codes

  5. Obtaining urls of audios

  6. Tripod / Geocities audio code "fix"

Or you can provide clickable sources for the audios.

Clickable icon for audios:

<embed src="http://URL_of_audio">

Such as:��

Clickable text to stop webtv audios:

<a href="soundbites/stop.wav">Stop the music</a>

Such as:�� Stop the music

Clickable text for audios:

<a href="http://URL_of_audio">song title or ??</a>

Such as:��I mean woo hoo

Clickable image for audios:

<a href="http://URL_of_audio">
<img src="http://URL_of_image">

Such as:��

More basic audio code information:

For back to back, automatically playing audios in e-mails, use the method developed by tyhart:

The code below works on a webpage for back to back audios, but not in e-mail:

Basic setup for a webpage with two sounds playing back to back automatically:

Title of Page
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="#;URL=http://URL_of_2nd_audio">
<body codes here>
<bgsound src="http://URL_of_1st_audio">
Rest of codes and text

1. Use <bgsound src> tag (or the <embed src> tag) for the first audio you want to play and put that code after the <body> tag as shown above.

2. Use the <meta> tag for the second audio you want to play and put the meta code within the <head> and
</head> area of webpage.

3. Substitute a real number (in seconds) for # in the content="# area --- for however long you want the first audio to play.

Or try:

Obtaining audio urls

A lot of sites have soundbites from movies or songs or other types of audios that you can put onto webpages and e-mail.

Usually audios are clickable text at websites---you click onto the text and the audio will start. After the audio has started to play, then

  1. Hit "options" on the keyboard, and then press
    "go to"
  2. Press "show last" and the audio URL will be displayed
  3. Hold down Cmd and press A to highlight the URL
  4. Hold down Cmd and press C to copy it
  5. And then you can use that URL to transload to your website (geocities, angelfire, tripod, etc)(but not to the Webtv PageBuilder) and then use the URL for the audio in the html codes described above.
    (Hold down Cmd and press V to paste the URL wherever you want it to go.)

If the audio is used as a background audio for the webpage and is not obtainable from a clickable source, then use one of the sites listed below (or a similar site) to view the source code of the webpage and look for the background music codes of

<embed src="url of audio" autostart="true">
<bgsound src="url of audio">

Source code viewers:

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E-mail audio code "fix"

Some of the website providers (tripod, geocities, etc) are blocking remote linking of audios into e-mail and other webpages. A "work-around" for this is to put the audio on a webpage by itself, and then embed that webpage in your signature area (or another webpage) instead of using just the audio url.

Make a webpage ending in���.html���, such as:

containing only the audio sound code that you want:

<bgsound src="soundbites/danger.wav">

Then embed the webpage file into your signature area (or another webpage), such as:

Signature area of e-mail (or another webpage):

<html><body bgcolor="??" text="??" background="??">

Rest of signature codes or webpage codes here

<embed src="" autostart="true">


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