Coming soon:
Bandwagon Message Boards
The Biggest thing since the rant, go here for hilarity
The Flashes!
Including The Satellites, Madagascar Phil's Email - NEW, Gage meets the Aussies and Bizz, this your life Part 1!

The Bandwagon


/\/\/\ International News: After the World-renowned tennis pair, the Eads bros. split up, a new team has emerged. Steven 'Big Kim' Kim and Gage Eads continue to dominate the American High School Tennis /\/\/\ Entertainment news: Nokia N-Gage has made a deal with superstar Gage Eads to use his name in their new mobile phone/portable game player. When questioned, he replied 'Boop!' and vigorously poked our noses. /\/\/\ Other news: The Eskimo expidition went well, but not without losses of our own. While fighting the king of all eskimoes, we lost the live of The Bandwagon's dear friend, Little Bill. /\/\/\


Got a new section up, a bit on my Homecoming experience - Homecoming . Homecoming is just like a formal or a social or whatever, just a dance pretty much. 'Twas really fun, and hopefully nantes these pics will tide you over til I come visit.

Well nothing really to update about, but figured it was due time to change something on the main site. All the real action's going on in the message board, gotta go check it out.

Madagascar Phil's First Email is up! And boy is it crap! He wants more emails, so they can be better. Give him one, at [email protected]

Wow bizz, that satellites flash, that just left me speechless. If you see anything this year, see The Satellites. Kinda lost me after the omnisicient head appeared in space and started talking to Dakis.

The Message Boards are finally up. Check them out, and then say that it is better than the Rant!

Bizz, this is your life part 1 is up there! Go check it out!

Site merger! The Bandwagon!
What do you get when you mix the imagination, brains, and general knowledge of a lunatic and the americaness, website experience and general free time of an american? The Bandwagon! 6 months of non-stop work by our super-intelligent monkey staff in an underground laboratory have created this piece of genius. Keep watching for Bizz's msg. board, more flashes, a better overall site design and Madagascar Phil's Emails! (A derivative of Strong Bad's email).
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