This is a fairly good pic. of my homecoming date, megan, and, uh, an interesting one of me...for the aussies reading this homecoming is pretty much just another excuse to have a dance.

Here's the only really good picture of me, and, well megan scares me on this one

L to R: Megan (Freshman/yr.9), Me, Stacy (senior/yr.12), Sean (senior/yr.12), and Jamil (junior/yr.11). (all of us members of the tennis team)

Another group picture just to mix things up

So anyways, like I was saying Homecoming is this thing that happens every year, and there's a football game and then a dance the next night, I think it's like the 2nd biggest dance, behind Prom of course (which'd be like your yr.12 formal). So anyway we took pictures for about 30 minutes, then went to this nice italian place called Carmelo's, we had an interesting experience with some flaming bananas there. Got to the dance at around 9:45, and spent about 10 minutes of the night actually dancing...and yes, I did dance, and yes nantes, I danced amazingly...heh well no I didn't but at least I tried. The music was alright, a lot of hip hop kinda stuff, but there was a bit of good stuff thrown in every once in a while. Afterwards we pretty much drove around for a while, made a few stops, met an ex-member of the tennis team who had come down from Oklahoma, and then I got home round 1:40. It was a pretty cool night all in all...and I'll probably get some more pics up that sean took at the restaurant once he sends them. 1
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