Wilson Translations and Research

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Our Track Record

When we set up Wilson Translations and Research in 1989 we intended to become the online language translator in the industry. We offer translation, website localization and web consulting services covering English and Spanish.

  • Government agencies that have used our freelance services include the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (I.R.B.), the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (R.C.M.P.), Department of Citizenship and Immigration, and the Canadian Security Intelligence Services (C.S.I.S.).

  • Among Canadian corporate clients that have used our services are prestigious Toronto-based law firm Torys, as well as high-profile mining company Kvaerner Metals Ltd. of Toronto

How did we meet this challenge of serving a multi-faceted clientele, you ask? By understanding the varying needs of our diverse clients in both the private and public sectors we came up with executable plans to provide high quality translation and localizer services within an agreed timeframe at a reasonable price.

The Internet has opened up unprecedented business opportunities. We’ve ventured into on-line website translation for big-name firms such as WorldPoint Inc. of San Francisco, CA. It has been a very positive experience. And we want to expand these services to reach more people, particularly potential customers like you. Foreign language documents,legal document translation, legal words, spanish for systems, information and marketing translations are part and parcel of our offering to you.

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