and welcome to my homepage

2024(R6)年 5 月 24 

my name is ノワール ゆだい アナンタ ス (Noir Yudai Anantha  Su.)

     I am the prince of blood and darkness.
i am 16 physically and 39 biologically.
I am a デミ・ブラッド 人間の狼 I am from the island
 republic  of MolMol.
who orginates from 日の出  「Hinode」witch  is a small village /residential area 
in the 
prefecture  of venuses equator (all year around summer) Region  まながら「Mangala」.
I studied at ryusei school.
witch is in a village  called  ryusei one of the  many gateways between venus and earth. 


a little bit about my self and what i do for a living 

Occupation: Retro tech Enthusiast Swordsman  and alchemist 

Interests: Technology, Fruitger aero , the ancient demon sword arts.


Skills:fully trained alchemist computer programer/IT nerd and a and a ancient demon sowrds art user  

some John Wong advert i found on the web a long time ago that a found made no sense to me even though i am not christian btw



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