Japanese Name: Kimura Kouichi
English Name: I've heard too many rumours of what it is so I'll put it here when I find out for myself.
Age: 10/11??
Gender: Male
Spirit: Darkness
Digimon Human Spirit: Duskmon/L�wemon
Digimon Beast Spirit: ..Velgmon/Kaiser Leomon

Kouichi is Kouji's older brother, he never knew about his brother until his grandma told him while she was dying. Kouichi kept trying to talk to Kouji but everytime he tried he would get too nervous and back off. Kouicji followed Kouji down to the train station in the beginning and was trying to get on the elevator with Kouji & Takuya but he was too late.

Kouji first found himself aware of Kouichi when they were battling and Kouji saw a boy that looked like him, then when Kouichi was defeated, Kouji saw the human form of  Kouichi instead of Duskmon.

Kouichi finally became/becomes his normal self when Kouji yells out brother (something like that anyways o.O) and Kouji's light from his D-Tector purifies Kouichi and the darkness that surrounds him.

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