Winds of Darkness is a site dedicated to Izumi Orimoto and Kouichi Kimura! This isn't a couple site, it's just a site dedicated to those characters. Please remember to sign the guest book and enjoy your stay!



There's no point on a hiatus if I can't figure out the problem with the layout! So, I just said that you need to have a 1024 by 768 resolution or higher! People with 800 by 600, I'm sorry that the navigation is a bit covered! Really I am! Although you could always make your resolution a step higher if you want to see what this layout should look like...Guess not then...bye!


Gomen nasai for not updating in a long time, but this layout has taken me FOREVER! T_T It was so hard! Oh yeah, if the navigation looks like it's being covered up or something, e-mail me to let me know! Thanks and bye!


I'm still alive people! I err made another button since I was bored insane obsessed thinking about how I can update this site!


I've got myself a sibling site! :) Not just that, but I have a first award for this site! Well, I opened up the fanart section because I drew a picture of Kouichi! Um, I guess since it's the fourth picture of him I ever drew that it came out nicely. The actual first sketch of the drawing didn't, I err edited some stuff on the computer. I won't tell you what though, I'll leave it a mystery! Muahahahaha!


New affiliate! Light of Day! Cute site, a must see since the content is excellent and the layout is superb! Actually, I think the site deserves an award! *wink* *wink* Anyways, I haven't had time to draw chibi Kouichi, but I shall start now! I may post another update today, or I may not. Bainess!


I made some awards that you guys can win! ^_^ I'll be making an award for a kawaii site shortly. Just this one will be drawn...Well, a lot of the awards have Izumi on them, so I guess I'll make it have chibi Kouichi on it! Later!

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