Digital Illusions' Logon Screen

+o [NoMercy]

A brand-spanking-new Windsor BBS, which is accesible via telnet. This board shows tons of promise. Featuring lots of doors, files, message nets, and some ascii art by yours truly. Digital Illusions is the home of a new message net - Oldskewl Net.

This board is now running Synchronet.

If you're looking for a good telnet client, try mTel, which operates just like the good ol' dos terminal programs. (ie - Telix, Terminate, and whatnot)

Sysop's Description:

" 15/nodes of pleasure, many doors (lord, tw2002, bre,fe,sre,clans+muds), msgs, LOTS of files (bbs files Palm Warez, BBS Warez, everything mp3's and warez being uploaded as we speak, muds...

Digital Illusions BBS Is Offering Anyone in the scene or related to.. storage space/shells/ftp access/www,pop email/+more msg [NoMercy] or goto to find out more..."

Info on Digital Illusions

BBS NameDigital Illusions
Local Message Areas5
Message NetworksDoveNet, RimeNet, OSN
Door Gameslots
File Areasexpanding

Files Related to Digital Illusions

None. Please help out by sending log files, user lists, etc.

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