Appendix 1  Interesting websites


l          Videos on YouTube – There are two important searches to make.  One is “Nanjing UFO”.  The other is “Ltseung888”.

l - The most important is the second Video oon the rotating Wang Shenhe device.

l - This is the original website used since December 2004 on the Lead-Out-Energy technology.

l - Tseung used the username ltseung888 and the thread Lee-Tseung Lead-Out theory.

l - Tseung used the username ltseung888 and started multiple threads.  Unfortunately, Steorn failed in their demonstration.

l – This is the USA government sponsored website.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


FAQ1: What are your grounds in believing Countries such as China, Japan, UK and USA already mastered the lead-out-energy and the flying saucer technologies?


There were patent applications in all these Countries classified as ‘perpetual motion machines’.  Many of these applications had primitive prototypes.  They were rejected or ignored because they lack a theory to explain their source of energy.  The Lee-Tseung Lead-Out theory changed all that.  The lead-out-energy information was available since July 27, 2004.


The requirements for designing a flying saucer are:

(a)    An almost infinite source of energy

(b)   An inertial propulsion system that does not need to eject hot gases.


These two requirements are now met.  Tseung et al submitted their China patent on flying saucers in 2005 and a video was available on youtube (search on Nanjing UFO).  There have been numerous citizen reported sightings on UFOs all over the World.  If the theory is sound and the technology is within reach, the military will have the resources to build them. 


FAQ2: Why are Governments keeping the technology of lead-out-energy and UFO top secrets when they are so beneficial to their Citizens?


The military significance is that the flying saucers can wipe out every military plane, missile, satellite etc. with ease. Lead-out-energy devices will create infinite wealth.  That will change the balance of power.  Nations would like to build a huge lead.  There is also pressure from existing interests.


FAQ3: What are your proposed solutions to the Financial Crisis in 2008?


Both US presidential candidates, Mr. John McCain and Mr. Barack Obama blamed the present Crisis as due to the greed in Wall Street and in Washington.  The Monitoring and/or the Regulating Bodies failed to see the obvious danger of reckless lending of mortgages.  These Bodies failed to warn against the danger of derivative and the explosive growth of financial papers with no backing of real assets.  The collapse of a few big ones undermined the confidence of all such papers.


In Hong Kong, the thousands of investors of the Lehman Brother Mini-bonds refused to accept their losses and die quietly.  They forced the Government to take action.  Initially, the Government sided with the Banks who sold the Mini-bonds.  But many of these investors are pensioners and average citizens who claimed that they were tricked into buying such Mini-bonds.  Some Bank employees openly admitted that they did not understand the risk of such papers.  The Bank management told them to sell such Mini-bonds as medium or low risk financial instruments.  The Management should have realized that Lehman Brother was in trouble in 2007.  There are legal grounds to claim that the Banks were misleading their customers.


Suddenly all such financial papers were treated with disgust.  Financial Institutions could no longer raise funds with such financial papers.  Holders of such papers, including major banks, suffered huge losses.  Even the biggest investment bank, Goldman Sachs, needed US Government injection of capital to survive.


The pendulum has swung from the Market is Almighty (It will regulate itself and Government Control is not necessary) to suitable Government Control is needed (Including buying up such Banks).


My proposed solutions are:

(a)    Heavily invest in the lead-out-energy and flying saucer technologies.  Take away the top-secret cover.  The new technology will generate phenomenal additional meaningful economic activities.

(b)   Introduce Mutual Credits between Countries and within Countries.  Make sure the new creation of money flows into meaningful economic activities and not speculative financial papers.

(c)    Have appropriate disclosure on all financial papers.  Some will argue that a full disclosure will further erode confidence as the majority of the financial papers have zero or negligible asset backing.  Thus I use the word – appropriate.

(d)   Develop the many models – Farms, Villages, Cities etc.  Now I shall include model banks, model investment banks, model insurance companies etc.

(e)    With the incident of poisoned milk in China, I shall include model companies of all types.


There will be no lack of meaningful economic activities.  The financial crisis of the World will be over.  New control and monitoring standards will be available.  There will be models to learn from.



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