Kathy Morgan Jones


I'm Cherokee & Italian..my name is "Ahoya Wesa" in Cherokee and it means "searching cat" which I find extremely appropriate.

I'm a creative fanatic!� I'm a published writer and published songwriter.� Have you heard the songs?� Have you read the article?� Probably not (yet!)

As a mom, I've raised a Navy SEAL, an agricultural genious, hopefully another "golfer", and my share of hell.� As a "meemaw" I have the world's cutest, sweetest grandson ever!

As a wife, am I good at it?� Oh sometimes I am.� I am definitely not a Martha Stewart type but I do like her sheets.� I am more a combination of Roseanne, Scarlet O'Hara and Ashley Judd.� Yes, that sounds good...Ashley Judd.� However, I sing songs like Ashley's sister, Wynonna.

So, I didn't stay on the subject of� "wife" very long, did I?� That's ok, if you're a wife, you understand!� I mean, who wants to scrub commodes and do laundry all day?� Not me!


I need a maid, I need a twin, I need a triplet, I need to live 100 lives.� Why?� Because there's so much to do; so much I want to do; to be really good at so many things.�

I need a landscaper, a chauffer, a nanny.� Why?� Because I can't do everything I want in a day.� Why do we have to sleep?� I could use all that time to surge ahead!� Am I hyper?� I can be.� I can also be a lazy so & so sometimes...can't you????

I am badly addicted to Pepsi...used to be addicted to chocolate too.� Liar..."used to be"? Oh, and don't let me NEAR a pc that has PhotoImpact loaded!!!!


As a friend...ah, let's see.� This one's tough.� One of the best friends I ever had...my soul-mate-joined at the hip-best friend passed away very suddenly back on 7-18-96...she was only 42.� Her name is Susan and she is my guardian angel.� I thought I couldn't go on without her but I've learned I'm not without her.� She's the angel on my shoulder each and every day.� Susan and I and Ida, my singing partner, were referred to as "The 3 Muskateers".� Oh to have those days back....Susan, I know you're listening...let's make a date to pull a "Thelma & Louise" or a Kathy Bates real soon, ok?


No, this isn't a western movie...it's not even a movie.


The bottoms of my feet. (I hate shoes)

The circles under my eyes.� (Plastic surgery's too expensive)

Me naked. (Comes in handy at Halloween)

My unwaxed eyebrows (but this got me the lead in "Grizzly Adams")

Some things I still can't talk about.

...you'll get over it...

I'm working on this page when I should be cleaning house...

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