Current Tip

The "I-Me" Mix Up
This tip helps us to learn when to use "I" and when to use "me" and warns us about substituting "myself."  December 10, 2007

More Foreign Expressions in English
This tip gives two more examples of foreign words that have become part of the English language.  November 26, 2007

Foreign Expressions in English
This tip gives some examples of foreign words that have become part of the English language.  November 19, 2007

Don't Slip with Ellipsis
This tip outlines some of the common uses for ellipsis.  November 12, 2007

Kurt Vonnegut's Rules for Writing Fiction
This tip introduces us to Kurt Vonnegut's witty and useful rules for better fiction writing.  November 5, 2007

Writing Concise Sentences
This tip helps you to follow Stephen King's advice from last week to "Get to the point" and "Cut down your text."  October 29, 2007

Stephen King's 7 Tips for Writers
This tip gives us Stephen King's concise and easily followed tips for beginning writers.  October 22, 2007

Is That an Example or In Other Words?
This tip helps you tell the difference between the abbreviations, "e.g." and "i.e."  October 15, 2007

Using Story Quotes in a Short Paragraph
This tip gives a demonstration paragraph written on theme for the short story, "The Heyday of the Blood."   October 7, 2007

"Ironic?" Maybe! Using Quotation Marks Correctly
This tip makes clear that marking a single word with quotation marks gives the word a new, mostly ironic, meaning. Includes a link to the hilarious "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks.   September 30, 2007

Have the Guts to Cut
This tip refers to a descriptive essay written in conjunction with his English classes. Includes a sample essay and a link to a document to see where the cuts were made.   September 24, 2007

A Dominant Impression: Writing Better Description
This tip points out that creating a dominant impression in a description is the key to its success.   September 17, 2007

How to Write with Style (Kurt Vonnegut)
This tip points out an outstanding article on writing by Kurt Vonnegut. Follow his seven simple tips to becoming a better, more stylish, writer.  September 10, 2007

Defining the Topic Sentence (Revisited)
This tip points us to a 2003 Web collaboration based on trying to decide which sentence is the "true" topic sentence in a paragraph. Answers from renowned experts are interesting, diverse and, believe it or not, contradictory! September 3, 2007

One Stop Essay Tips
This tip brings together all his tips for essay writers. Especially helpful for those writing essays in summer school this term!  August 6, 2007

Pacing Your Writing
This tip comments on the importance of establishing a pace to your written work.  July 31, 2007

Using Your Head Using You're
This tip explains the sound-alike pair of "your" and "you're." July 23, 2007

The Inseparable "Not Only . . . But Also"
This tip refers to Warren Clement's column on grammar, outlining why this construction cannot drop the "but." July 17, 2007

Commas with Adjectives: The "And" Test
This tip explains a simple way to check if adjectives require a comma before a noun. July 8, 2007

The Virtue of Simplicity
This tip refers to advice taken from William Zinsser's famous book, On Writing Well. June 19, 2007

Improve Your Writing: Use Colons!
This tip points out some valuable uses of the colon: as an indicator of what's to come and also for giving emphasis. June 10, 2007

Avoid Fancy Words!
This tip suggests that you follow the advice of the great writing text, The Elements of Style.  June 5, 2007

Persuasion or Propaganda?
This tip helps you to distinguish between persuasion and propaganda.  May 28, 2007

Repeat Yourself!
This tip demonstrates the special power of repetition.  May 21, 2007

An Especially Good Special Tip
This tip explains and demonstrates the difference between "especially" and "special."  May 14, 2007

Preparing for an In-Class Essay Test
This tip reflects on his recent experiences helping students to prepare for an in-class essay test.  May 7, 2007

Pants Loose? Good! Don't Lose Them
This tip looks at the commonly confused pair of words, "lose" and "loose."  April 29, 2007

Easily Confused Spellings
This tip looks at a number of commonly confused words and examines the effect of getting them wrong.  April 22, 2007

Don't Flaunt that Rule!
This tip identifies two easily confused words: flaunt and flout.  April 15, 2007

An Everyday Day Every Day
This tip identifies a "most abused word," "everyday" used as an adjective and its counterpart, "every day," used as an adverb.  April 8, 2007

Oh You Shouldn't Of!
This tip identifies a common mistake in writing that originates in spoken English and marks the writer as less than competent.  April 3, 2007

Are You Perfect? Present Perfect!
This tip explains the importance of correct use of this tense. Includes links to a worksheet and explanation online.  March 25, 2007

Editing: On Screen or Paper?
This tip argues for a paper edit of all your writing as computer screen editing often leads us to avoidable errors in our work.  March 13, 2007

Short Sentences Create Suspense
This tip quotes Roy Peter Clark from his column, Writing Tools, where he explains and demonstrates how to make the short sentence work to create suspense.  March 5, 2007

Be Wary of the Exclamation Mark!
This tip quotes Lynne Truss's strong opinions on the use of the exclamation mark. Includes some rules and examples of how to use the mark correctly in your writing.  February 27, 2007

The Effect of Affect
This tip teaches the difference between these two words. Includes sample sentences.  February 20, 2007

The Problem with "Always"
This tip warns about the word "always," quoting from the useful writing text, The Process of Composition by Joy Reid.  February 13, 2007

Not "To Be": Avoiding "Is"
This tip warns writers about weak "to be" constructions and links to three excellent online resources to help you get an excessive use of "is" out of your writing. February 6, 2007

Some Cautions on the Thesaurus
This tip argues that a thesaurus can lead a writer astray as easily as it helps in finding just the right word. January 29, 2007

Sentence Fragments Sometimes
This tip discusses the occasions when a sentence fragment may be appropriate in your writing. January 21, 2007

Adverbs Necessary? Not Always!
This tip discusses how an overuse of adverbs can cause harm to your prose. Includes a link to a great Web resource. January 14, 2007

Understanding Point of View
This tip discusses the difficulties of understanding how point of view affects a piece of writing. Includes a link to a great Web resource. January 2, 2007

Learn from the Greeks: Onomatopoeia
This tip lists some interesting "sound-alike" words you can use to improve your writing. December 16, 2006

What the Honest Writer Does . . .
This tip quotes John Gardner from his book, The Art of Fiction: Notes on Craft for Young WritersDecember 11, 2006

Reading Leads to Better Writing
This tip quotes the thoughts of the writing greats on the importance of reading widely. December 4, 2006

Adjectives? Kill Them! (Mark Twain's Advice)
This tip starts with a quote from Mark Twain, author of Huckleberry Finn, who counsels us to avoid using too many adjectives in our writing.  November 27, 2006

Learn from the Greeks: Simile
This tip outlines some of the many kinds of simile. Yes, the Greeks outlined the uses of simile a long time ago! November 21, 2006

Learn from the Greeks: Zeugma
This tip outlines a powerful rhetorical technique first defined by the Greeks. Includes a writing sample to demonstrate its use in your writing. November 13, 2006

Don't Be Afraid to Repeat!
This tip uses the writing of Elie Wiesel from his book on the Holocaust, Night, to illustrate the power of intentional repetition. November 7, 2006

The Many Uses of Would
This tip links us to a worksheet and teacher writing sample to help you learn more about how to use "would" in your writing. October 30, 2006

The Secret to Writing Good Dialogue: Eavesdropping!
This tip gives a number of suggested places to practice this ancient art form: eavesdropping! October 24, 2006

Learn to Use the Semicolon Like the Experts!
This tip outlines an online exercise you can use to find and examine semicolon use by writers working online. Includes a link to an article for practice. October 15, 2006

Be Careful with "Only"!
This tip demonstrates how a sentence's meaning can change depending on where "only" is placed. October 8, 2006

How We See Things: Following Shakespeare's Example
This tip uses Shakespeare's Hamlet to help us understand the importance of our own perceptions and how these perceptions affect how we and others see the world. October 1, 2006

Two Part Phrasal Verbs: A Great Resource
This tip points out a great resource for students working in a second language. Includes a huge list of these tricky idiomatic constructions and examples to help you use them correctly. September 24, 2006

Short and Choppy? Sometimes, Yes!
This tip gives an example of the effective use of short and choppy sentences. September 17, 2006

Learning to be Reverent
This tip refers to Ann Lamott's comment on the responsibility of writers to be reverent. September 10, 2006

Reading and Writing
This tip refers to best selling author Stephen King's advice on reading. September 5, 2006

A Writer's Secret: Smell
This tip reminds writers to use our most powerful sense, our sense of smell, to reach their audience. August 29, 2006

Use Nouns and Verbs Not Adjectives and Adverbs
This tip brings us the advice of the great writer, E.B. White, also featured in our Quote of the Week. August 13, 2006

Write Like a Writer: Begin by Understanding Life
This tip responds to a quote from writer Anne Lamott's book, Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life. August 6, 2006

A Quick Way to Improve Writing: Using Idioms
This tip goes over the pluses and minuses of using idiom to improve your writing. August 1, 2006

Speed Up! Using Keyboard Shortcuts
This tip helps you to increase your computing speed. Get more done and save your wrists in the process! July 24, 2006

Looking for a Word in Word? Hit Shift + F7!
This tip gives instructions on using the thesaurus built into Microsoft Word. May 16, 2006

Variety: The Spice of the Writer's Life
This tip offers a few practical hints to improve the variety of your writing. April 23, 2006

Making Your Writing Specific
This tip includes two detailed student examples with his comments for improvement. April 16, 2006

Microsoft Word Grammar Check? Beware!
Brad warns students to be wary of the built in grammar checker offered with the popular software. April 11, 2006

The Dash: A Handy Mark
Brad explains the dash and gives a number of examples of its correct uses. April 4, 2006

Using the Semicolon Well
Brad explains the semicolon and reminds us to avoid "semicolonitis." March 28, 2006

Advice on Being Specific: Susan Goldsmith Woolridge
From another book from This bookshelf for writers comes a specific activity to help you find the specific in your writing. March 21, 2006

Writers Care: Reading Anne Lamott
From one of This favourite books on writing, read this week's tip for an interesting quote from writing teacher Anne Lamott. March 4, 2006

Sleep On It!
Advice to a weary student: when the writing job is complex, go to bed and have a good sleep! February 21, 2006

Top Ten Ways to Fix Writing Problems
Another great resource, this one found by an English 12 student in the course of researching her weekly assignment on student writing problems. February 14, 2006

50 Writing Tools
An index of 50 writing tools that will help you to improve your writing. A fabulous online resource for any writer,  make it a weekly stop and see your writing improve! February 5, 2006

Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University: Useful Handouts
An incredible resource, OWL has been assisting students and teachers with their writing needs for many years on the Web. January 22, 2006

More on the Essay Thesis
An additional resource students writing an essay should check for ideas and advice on improving that most important sentence—the thesis. January 10, 2006

Writing Good Essay Introductions and Conclusions
Some important tips to remember when writing your essay's introduction and conclusion. Includes links to samples at our web site. December 6


More Comments and Suggestions for Writing about Literature
Still more examples of student writing from English Language Arts 11 with detailed commentary from the teacher on what works and what might be improved. Based on Shirley Jackson's story, "The Possibility of Evil." November 19

Comments and Suggestions for Writing about Literature
A number of longer examples of student writing with detailed commentary from the teacher on what works and what might be improved. November 12


Using Quotations in Answers (with examples)
English 11 students are learning to use quotations correctly in their answers. Find examples and advice in this week's tip. October 29

Some Thoughts on the Topic Sentence
From a class discussion with the English 10 class, comments on the expectations teachers have for the topic sentences you write. October 2

Avoiding the Fancy
Beginning with advice from the famous text, The Elements of Style, Brad advises students to keep away from elaborate words when simple ones tell the same story. September 25

The "One Sentence" Rule for Revision
Peter Elbow, author of the book Writing with Power, gives us a good piece of revising advice. September 20

Characteristics of a Good Dictionary
at any level benefit from a good dictionary. What characteristics should a student look for to find a dictionary? Find out this week! Includes a link to an excellent student dictionary. September 11

Learning to Use Microsoft Word
Using a word processor can really help you make assignments look better. This tip will help you with becoming faster and more proficient at using Word.  September 6

What is a "Controlling" Idea?
Want to write the best topic sentences? Learn about the "controlling" idea and you will be on the road to better sentences and ideas for your essays and paragraphs.  August 18

Eight Steps to a Successful Test Essay
An eight step plan for writing a test essay. The tip includes a full sample essay, "The Benefits of Daydreaming" based on a standard essay topic.  May 22

A Place I Hate: Using the Senses
A series of different sensory views of a place I hate: the weight room at my local community centre. February 13

Simple, Parallel, Short: What Sentence Should We Use?
A series of sentences that demonstrate key aspects of sentence style. February 5

A Writing Exercise with Exercise (Being Specific)
Poet Susan Goldsmith Woolridge gives valuable advice on being specific and helps a writer to stay physically healthy at the same time!  January 23

Practice, Practice, Practice
Students in this week's Writing Practice wrote for 10 minutes. Done daily, writing practice will improve your writing steadily.  January 14

Learn One New Word Every Day!
Many of my students identify vocabulary as a key weakness. Use the Merriam Webster "Word of the Day" web site to learn a new word every day!  January 9

The One "Essential" Book of English Usage
A small book, available at any bookstore or online and one that any serious student of writing should consider.  January 2

Five Important Rules of Written Grammar
Why not master these five tips for the holidays? Grammar, particularly English grammar, can be difficult for writers to master.  December 14

Commas: Student Examples with Teacher Comment
The comma is one of our most powerful punctuation marks. Writing Tutorial students practiced commas this week. View their sentences and This commentsNovember 7

Adding Detail after the Object
Making sentences longer can be a challenge. Why not add detail after the object, that part of the sentence following along behind the verb?  October 23

Students' Errors Classified
Read about the common errors students make in composition. How many do you share with them? Results are from the English 10 and Advanced Composition classes.  September 26

Student Examples: Important Writing Rules
Students discussed important rules for writing and writers. Find out what they think! September 20

Student Examples: Character Description
Students discussed the use of indirect description in class this week. Here are some good examples to follow, each one with a detailed commentary from the teacher and the class.  August 14

Student Responses to Lynne Truss
Lynne Truss says, “Proper punctuation is both the sign and the cause of clear thinking.” What does she mean, exactly? Here are some student responses.  August 3

A Paradox from Wislawa Szymborska
Students of poetry may find the excerpt interesting. A fine example of paradox.  June 7

Student Rules for Topic Sentences (with examples)
Results of a class exercise on topic sentences with the Advanced Composition (daytime class) students.  May 18

Student Writing Examples with Teacher Comments
Three pieces by Literature and Composition 4 students are revised, corrected, and commented on in detail.  May 10

Advanced Composition: Imitating Great Writers
Students helped the teacher write two faithful copies of the style of two great writers, Carol Shields and Jack London. Includes comments on the craft shown in the writing.  April 22

Student Examples of Titles and Introductions
More from the students on essay structure.  February 29

Student Rules for Writing a Good Essay
of a class discussion on six parts of the essay and the rules one should follow for each. There are only five parts listed here. Can you think of a sixth?  February 19

Breaking the Rules: Avoid "Short Choppy Sentences"?
Sometimes, teachers' rules are meant to be broken! Look at this example of the effective use of "short choppy sentences" by Canadian writer, Ethel Wilson.  December 30

Strong Verbs: Intensifying Meaning
Yet another tip that will help you obtain the highest marks possible for your certificate test writing this term.  December 7

Variety: The Spice of a Reader's Life
Yet another tip that will help you obtain the highest marks possible for your certificate test writing this term.  December 1

Logical Order: The Key to Coherent Paragraphs and Essays
Follow logical order and see your test writing marks improve!  November 25

Answering Questions Well
The English 3B-C Class worked on answers to questions about water conservation in Vancouver. Learn about some good "answering questions" techniques.  October 6

The Title Rules! (Review and Examples)
The Literature and Composition 4 students have learned how to write good titles. View their work, along with a thorough review of the rules for writing good titles.  May 25

Questions and Answers about the Essay
A series of student questions about different parts of the essay. Topics discussed include, Paragraph Hooks, Placement of Body Paragraphs, Transition Words and more. April 18

Punctuation Review: Increasing Sentence Length
Sentences by the Level 3B-C show how to use the comma, apostrophe, hyphen, exclamation mark, and quotation marks. Comments from the teacher on increasing sentence length. March 19

Metaphors We Live By (All Language is Metaphor!)
Metaphor is used by poets, right? No, we use metaphor all the time, according to the text, Metaphors We Live By. January 19

Want to be a Writer? Stephen King's Advice
Stephen King's book, On Writing, is a wonderful text. What is his primary writing advice? January 5

Parallel Structure: A President's Inaugural Address
Read a quotation from Lyndon Bains Johnson's Inaugural Address and learn more about the effective use of parallel structure in your writing. December 3

Vision: "The Beholder's Eye"
Diane Ackerman explains in her book, A Natural History of the Senses, that about 70 percent of our sensory information comes through our eyes. No wonder, then, that visual image is important to writers!  September 29

Smell: "The Mute Sense"
"Nothing is more memorable than smell." So Diane Ackerman says in her book, A Natural History of the Senses. And nothing, she adds, is harder to describe than smell to another who has not experienced it. September 7

Participles: Verbs as Adjectives
This week, Brad gives some examples of participles that are also useful as adjectives. July 31

Note Pads and Cards
This week, Brad outlines a popular method for writers to save their ideas: writing them down!  July 20

The All Important Audience
This week, Brad reminds us of the importance of audience to a writer. Includes links to a worksheet and a teacher writing sample.  July 1

Writing with Power: Practical Advice
This week, Brad points us to one of his favourite writing texts. Includes a sample piece of advice and a link to  June 23

What Makes Writing Memorable
This week, Brad comments on his pleasurable experiences as a marker of many student paragraphs and essays. June 16

Should I Ask? The Rhetorical Question
Is it right to ask the rhetorical question? Find out This opinion! June 4

Student Essay Examples with Comments
Brad has written comments for a number of excerpts from student practice essays. Learn more about what makes a good essay! May 26 

Do You Know Your Essay Structure?
Brad has written a quiz to help you check! May 19

Assigned a Paragraph? Write ONE!
This been marking student paragraphs this week. Much to his dismay, some students have written short essays, although he had only asked for one paragraph! May 12

On "What" Other Hand?
Brad has some advice on transitions in writing. On the other hand, will he give good advice? Come to read about the use (and misuse) of transitions. May 5

26 Golden Rules for Writing Well
Brad laughed at this list. Visit the site to see why. April 28


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