Prior Learning Assessment Recognition

The RRC-WCLC has certified staff trained in PLAR.


Prior Learning Assessment is the process that involves the identification, documentation, assessment and recognition of the learning you have acquired through formal and informal study. The process of recognizing and giving credit for knowledge, skills and competencies that have been acquired experientially, that is, through work experience, unrecognized education or training, self study, volunteer activities and hobbies.


The type of learning known as prior learning may occur:


Ø     On the job

Ø     In volunteer activities

Ø     Through a hobby or interest

Ø     In military service

Ø     Through travel

Ø     On training courses

Ø     Through independent study

Ø     Through family and life experiences


PLAR is a process that can be used to look at what you know and what you can do. PLA can be used to get some form of recognition for what you know and what skills you have.




Any high school course can be PLARed. Many of you have a long list of work experience which possibly can be transferred towards a full or partial credit of a High School course.


Courses that have been PLARed in the past at the Winkler Community Learning Centre include:


Academic Foundations Math

Academic Foundations English



Transactional English


Come and see Dean for more information as to how you can receive a high school credit for your past accomplishments.



Interview with a trained PLAR staff member

Complete a self-assessment

Gather evidence to show you can do what is expected

Have evidence evaluated by a staff member

Full/Partial Credit possibly awarded.

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