Ireland was a Gaelic-speaking nation until the 16th century, and today, the Republic of  Ireland is officially bilingual. Knowledge of Irish is a requirement for university entrance and a career in the public sector, although only about eleven percent of the population speak Gaelic. Irish culture, however, is in no danger of being eroded. The people have a genuine love for old folk legends and epic poetry and songs.

Music and Dance

The music of Ireland, whether it dates back to the 17th century or even to the medieval times, it is definitely Irish. Dance is equally important. Wherever you go in Ireland, you won't be far from a pub with live celtic music, or a festival celebrating traditional Irish dance.

Ireland is also well known for its St. Patrick Day Parade, which is held not only in Dublin, buy in many cities across the world.



Celtic Heritage and Folklore

Ireland's rich tradition of story telling embraces a folk heritage that abounds with myths and superstitions, originating from about 2,000 years ago when druids passed on stories from generation to the next.  As well as the heroic deeds and fearless warriors of Gaelic mythology, Irish folklore is also rich in tales of fairies, leprechauns, banshees and other supernatural beings.

The existence of  spirits, and in particular "little people" play a big part in Irish tales and mysteries. Surely everyone has heard a story about leprechauns?!! Legend has it that if you caught one of them, he would lead you to a crock of gold, but take your eyes off him and he would vanish into thin air.

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