Here are a few photos of the most important people in my life; my family and friends

To start off, these are my friends from my hometown Welland, Ontario:

From the right we have Melissa, Joanne, Curtis, myself, Patrick and Catherine (she's not really from my hometown, but my best friend from Laval)

This picture was taken New Years 2001-2002, just two days after our New Years Eve celebration. I have to admit, some of us were still hung over in this picture!!!

This picture was taken at Marineland in Niagara Falls, Ontario with my good friend Genevieve who is studying to be a marine biologist. Hence, I took her to see the beluga.

Although we were not supposed to pet them, we managed to get them to come up to the surface and touch them...then security came!!!



Oh yes, let's not forget my family!!! These are my parents, and my brother Jeffrey.

Here is Catherine again, my best friend since the eighth grade. anyone who knows me well understands how much she means to me. She truly is the sister that I've always wanted.



Ah!!! My infamous crazy roomates.The stories that I could tell...
On the left is Olivia from France, then Karl from Quebec and Claudine from France/Venuzuela. My other roommate Jonathan is absent is this picture, but just as crazy.

This next picture is for all those who don't believe that I am a real redhead!!!!

Oh yes, my brother is also a redhead....poor kid!


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