Links of possible interest.
Links to other websites
The subaru 360 drivers club website
A really cool all around website.
Another comic, with Beatniks.
Great club if you own, or want to own a Subaru 360. 
This one is in Japan, but there is english too, he also owns a 360 and there are comics too.
beat-nik (bet'nik) n. A member of the beat generation.  This comics about a jar.
I'm going to guess that there is a missconception that I can't draw, if so, I hope this picture clears things up for all of you.
something tells me little kids shouldn't go to this site.  (this site is also in Japanese)
the link says it all.
I'm going to guess that you came here from the main page.
Now this is a cool car!  Messerschmitt KR-200
I'd like to see a limo version, Germans have the best ideas!
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