Winnie and Tigger's Circle of Friends
Choosing the right pet sitter

As a responsible pet owner, you may be needing a pet sitter for various reasons:
maybe you are going away on vacation for a week, going out of town on business, or just need someone to take your dog for a midday walk.
There comes a time in almost all pet owner's lives when a pet sitter is a necessity.

When going on vacation, do you want to take your pet along? Remember that not all pets travel well. Flights can be very stressful on your pet, and if you are going to leaving your pet alone during the day while you are at the amusement park or at Uncle Bill's wedding, why not leave them at home where they feel safe and secure?

Whether or not to hire a professional pet sitter is an important decision. If you are going to be away, will your friend or family member be able to come by to check on your pet? If so, will they be responsible for the pet's safety, do they have experience in dealing with your type of pet and are they completely dependable? A professional pet sitter may be your best option.

No matter what your needs are in regard to your pet, there are some important issues that you should consider carefully when choosing a sitter for your pet. Here are just a few questions you should investigate prior to hiring a sitter for your pet:

5. Does the sitter employ independent contractors or other employees, and if so, are they covered under the sitter's insurance policy?

Do not hire a sitter who uses independent contractors or other employees that are not adequately covered under insurance. If those contractors or other employees carry separate policies and may possibly be looking after your pet, you have the right to request copies of those policies as well.

6. Does the sitter provide a written contract that outlines your specific needs and includes definite fees in regard to his/her services?

A well-written contact is essential for both you and your sitter. Your sitter should provide a form for you to fill out in regard to specific needs and services. The costs for those services should be plainly outlined for your approval prior to your sitting contract's start date.
The contract should also include information regarding the sitter's services in regard to the times/dates of visits, the length of the visit etc.
Also, the sitter should have a form that details other information such as location of leashes, kitty litter, food, bags, etc.

7. Will the sitter meet you for a prearranged meeting so that you may interview him/her and give you a chance to see how you and/or your pet interact with him/her?

It is important for your sitter to make a visit to your home prior to your departure. This allows you to meet the sitter one-on-one and see how he or she reacts with your pet. In addition, you can get a feel for the sitter's true personality and confidence in handling your pet. Pay attention to your pet's reaction to the sitter. Does the sitter's voice irritate or scare the cat? Does the sitter seem genuinely concerned about your pet?

8. What kinds of additional services does the sitter offer in regard to general duties such as bringing in your mail, newspaper, adjusting curtains and lights, etc.?

If you need other services, be specific in what you need. Most sitters will provide additional services such as bringing in your mail, newspaper and other safety issues at no additional cost. However, always inquire about these services so you will be aware of any extra charges, if applicable.

9. Does the sitter provide a check-in number so that you can check in on your pet from time to time?

A professional sitter should have a contact number where you can at least leave a message during the normal business day. Many sitters carry cell phones for client check-ins while others use voice mail and paging services. Your sitter should be available to answer your questions or concerns while you are away.

10. Does the sitter provide you with a veterinary release form so that he/she may seek emergency medical care in your absence? Does the sitter have a back-up veterinarian in case your vet is unavailable?

No one knows when an emergency might arise. Therefore, your sitter should have an emergency plan for getting medical attention even if your veterinarian is unavailable. Be sure to provide a release form and notify your veterinarian of your arrangement with your sitter.

11. Be specific about your pet's health.

Always inform your sitter about your pet's dietary needs. Does the sitter offer treats without your consent?
If so, this should be a concern. Your pet's diet is sensitive and should not be altered. If you have specific treats for your pet, be sure to stock up before you leave and give proper instructions to your sitter in regard to this. Be sure your sitter knows what kind of pet food you feed your pet. If you have cats, be sure to discuss any instructions in regard to treats and/or the use of Catnip. Some cats overreact when given Catnip and must be closely observed if in the vicinity of other cats.

As you can see, hiring the right pet sitter can be a difficult decision. The pet sitting industry is growing rapidly and there are a lot more sitters available than in earlier years. However, with some investigation on your part, you can choose the right sitter for your pet!

Remember, the only silly question is the one that you don't ask..

Don't be afraid of asking questions and don't be afraid of answering them.

A good sitter is an informed sitter.

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1. Is the sitter licensed and/or bonded?

Insurance is important for your own peace of mind. Although many sitters do not have bonding, they typically do carry insurance which will cover items that might be broken due his or her negligence, or items that may come up missing. When letting a stranger into your home, use common sense by insuring that all of your valuables are securely kept in a hidden area where only you have access. This is important whether you are hiring a pet sitter or a cleaning service. If a sitter is responsible enough to have obtained insurance and bonding, they are usually going to be a trust-worthy partner for your pet. Your sitter should be able to show you documentation of his/her policy upon request.
In regard to bonding, you may wonder what bonding is and when would it be needed in regard to a pet sitter. A dishonesty bond protects a sitter and pet owner from losses caused by dishonest employees. Pet sitters are pretty much equally split on whether or not a single pet sitter with no employees would need a dishonesty bond. Since the bond only covers employees, a lot of pet sitters feel this is wasting money. However, many pet sitter policies include bonding for their customers. Other sitters may be bonded through an alternative method.If your sitter is a sole proprietor and does not have "employees" or subcontractors, they will be adequately covered under their normal pet sitters insurance plan. Never be afraid to ask for proof in regard to insurance coverage.

2. Does the sitter have experience and references?

An experienced sitter will be able to provide references which you can easily verify. Don't be afraid to ask for references. Your pet is a member of your family - you are right to be cautious in regard to trusting your pet's care to someone else.

3. What kind of training has the sitter had in regard to your specific needs?

Many pet sitters have completed special training courses such as Pet CPR and Pet First Aid. Most sitters are completely comfortable with most pets, with the exception of exotic pets (you may find it more difficult to locate a sitter for this kind of care). However, would you trust your iguana to someone who is terribly afraid of reptiles? Will the sitter know when your bird isn't feeling well and needs medical attention? Be sure that you ask! Don't assume that a pet sitter has previous experience with all kinds of pets - when unsure, ask for a reference of another client who has the same type of pet.
Furthermore, if your pet requires medical attention such as administering medicine, ask the sitter about experience in this area. Some sitters are actually Certified Veterinary Assistants and have no difficulties with administering medications. However, would the sitter know what to do if Fluffy won't take her heart medication?

4. Does the sitter provide a back-up plan in the event of illness or emergency where he/she cannot attend to your pet?

Sitters who have membership in a major organization for other pet sitters often network with other sitters in his/her area. In the event that your sitter is unavailable for a visit, who would he or she send in replacement? Is that sitter insured and/or bonded?
The sitter should also ask you for an emergency contact. Who can your sitter call in the event of a weather-related emergency? Always provide a contact person in the event that your sitter cannot reach you.
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