Winnie and Tigger's Circle of Friends
What our services will include for your cat(s) while you are away. + Nurturing and having some playtime with their favorite toys.
+ Cleaning the litterbox and surrounding area so that it is nice and clean for them when they have to use it again.
+ Feeding and providing fresh water for your pet, including those with special diets.
+ Medicating your pet, if they will allow me to do this.
+ Brushing them, which some cats really love.
+ Bringing in mail, packages & newspapers that are delivered.
+ Alternating lights and blinds to give your home a lived-in look, if the owner requests it.
+ Watering house plants inside and also outside in the summer months.
+ Setting out garbage or recycling, if requested.
+ Looking after other small pets in the house such as fish or birds.
+ Always making sure that your pet is eating properly and using the litterbox.
+ Taking the cat to the vet if necessary, with the owners permission in case something does happen while you are away.
+ Writing up notes on a daily log including the time that the visit was done to let you know just how they are doing and if they are behaving themselves.
+ Quick inspection of your home for leaks or possible problems.
+ Also just spoiling them and letting them run the house while you are away.  

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