Winnie and Tigger's Circle of Friends
Let's get to know you and your feline friend(s) before you go away. We like to meet all the pets first before we commit to caring for them. This allows the cat(s) to get familiar with us and when we begin visiting them, they won't be scared of us. During the visit, we will introduce ourselves to you and get to know your pets. Each pet is special in their own way and we want to ensure we understand your cat, see what they like to play with or whether they are simply looking for a lap to cuddle up on. After all, they all have different personalities and that is why we love them.

When we visit you at home we can review your animal's routines and you can show us where you keep the food, litter and litterbox, any treats that the cat enjoys, cleaning supplies, if we have to clean up a hairball and the toys that they play with. Also, if you have special requests or routine that you would like incorporated into the visit we will gladly accommodate this. We realize that some cats are on special diets and may need a second visit done during the day, which can be done for an extra fee. Then there are others who love to be cuddled or taken outside on a lead during the summer months, we just leave it up to the cat to decide what they want us to do. After all, they are all very special to us.

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