Winnie and Tigger's Circle of Friends
Why do you need a pet sitter?

We believe that every pet owner who truly loves and properly cares for his or her pet needs a professional pet sitter's services at some time.

Pet sitters do far more than care for your pet's needs.

Using a sitter results in reduced stress for your pet.

Your pet remains in his/her own environment where all the sights, smells and sounds are familiar.

Your pet follows his/her established diet. Because you're using a pet sitter within your home, your sitter will provide the usual food/treats that you've specified.

Your pet isn't exposed to diseases and illnesses that are common in kennels, and he isn't put in a cage.

You won't be imposing on a friend, neighbor or family member.

Your sitter can provide additional services (usually at no charge) such as bringing in your mail or newspaper, alternating lights and curtains so that criminals don't know that you're away and watering plants.

Lastly, your pet will receive personal love and affection from his/her sitter while you're away.

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Answers to Common Questions:

Why should I use a pet sitter?

There are several advantages to using a pet sitter. Here are some of the most common concerns:
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