Home Sweet Home



彈琴撫情緒 上網遊世界


Reporter/ Yi-Yong-ling/Apple Daily Taiwan



  English Translation




Winnie Hsin loves to stay at home. If she is free, she stays at home reading, net surfing, listening to music, doing exercises, watching DVD or playing the piano. Her life is so simple that she even can stay for a week without going out.


Simplicity, cleanness and spacious are the characteristics of Winnie’s home. At the entrance, there is a black and white enlarged photo. ‘I asked the stylist Benny for the film to re-prin it,’ said Winnie happily. The photo was shot during filming the MV ‘Love is Risky’ in Hong Kong. The stylist took it when she was putting make up by other stylist Kin-Kwok Cheng. You can see a relaxed Winnie and the signatures of the three on it.

A Snail with A Shell

‘I bought my house because of luck.’ Winnie used to live with elder brother’s family. One day, before she went out and dined with family members, she received an ad from the house in the letter box. ‘At that time, my classmates and friends have bought their houses already. As the house was not far away, I went to have a look.’ After scanning the house in not more than ten minutes, Winnie paid the deposit. The house had under renovation for four years. ‘One day I came to see my house again and I sat alone on the floor, suddenly burst into tears. I have my own house eventually.’ The small side table for the television in the living room was made by a kind of wood by a skillful carpenter. You can’t find one nail in it. Before having that, Winnie took much effort for searching. Later a director introduced a carpenter, she directly went to him and ordered one.

Good Books Before Bed-Time

In her bedroom, there is a piano she used to play. Sometimes she plays when she feels boring, worried, or listened to a good song from a movie. The notes from the piano let her feel the deeper meanings of the movie. Apart from the piano, she also has many books like about pets and magazines, say, Readers’ Digest. Winnie used to read before bed-time.


From a charity function last year, she selected two ceramic angels from eight. Everyone with different facial expression. ‘After screening, I felt touched. My friends said it’s karma to get the suitable angle.’ The two she selected with one likes her mother and one likes herself. ‘This angel looks calm but I know what she thinks exactly.’ She confirms that this one is she and puts it in her bedroom. Another angel with double chins is her mother, and Winnie puts her in the living room to look after the house. If she’s depressed, she turns on the light of angel, ‘it’s amazing. It can make me understand something.’


Model Making

One of Winnie’s interests is making model house! There are six model houses in her ‘real’ house. ‘The materials are imported from Germany. They all European-styled. One of them is a church and each costs 2000 (in Taiwan dollars)’ Winnie used to make handicrafts. One day she just popped into a shop and caught by the model houses in the display. After making one, she can’t help making and making. ‘At that time, my mom and dad kept reminding me: Don’t make your eyes bad.’


‘It’s fun to make model house. I can arrange electricity and water in it.’ It’s surprising when she traveled in England and Germany, as many of the buildings were ‘done’ by her once. She hoped to establish a community with roads, shops, houses, churches etc, ‘but I becomes busier and busier, and that shop is closed.' Her dream still waiting to come true.



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