'Answer of Love' Promotion

in Chongqin Morning Post







English Translation

R: Reporter

W: Winnie

Three years silence & be Zhu Ying Tai in musical


    R: During the past three years, we just heard the song ¡¥The Promise¡¦. What did you do actually?    W: I kept working. Last year I had two concerts in Taipei. Besides, I joined a new records company and it took time for adjustment. I also took part in a musical called ¡¥Butterfly Lovers¡¦ for more than a year. For the latest album ¡¥The Answer of Love¡¦, I had prepared it for about eight to nine months. I went everywhere for performance.


    R: It seems that the song ¡¥The Answer of Love¡¦ continues the style of sadness.

   W: This song brings the feeling of sourness. You think it¡¦s sad at the very beginning, but in fact it¡¦s touching. This album is back to the basic that without gimmick. The way of singing is not so exciting. Actually it¡¦s easy fade out in the market, but perhaps it will bring us surprise.


    R: Do you love musical?

    W: I love it very well. I acted Zhu Ying Tai in the ¡¥Butterfly Lovers¡¦, in the ancient costume. I had appearance of a man and a woman, and I had to cry that made me tired. I really cried even in rehearsal, so many workmates called me water tap. Musical is totally different from being a singer. You have to act, to say, to perform other than just sing. I think I¡¦m so tiny after working with the people in musical. They are keen on dedicating for arts but the returns are so little.


    Famous song ¡¥Understanding¡¦ comes from the pain of Jonathan Lee


    R: When we¡¦re talking about Winnie Hsin, the MV of ¡¥Understanding¡¦ comes out.Your crying¡K     W: The tone of the MV was too sad. Now when I watch it again, I will ask who is she? Whey I cried so severely? I think it¡¦s horrible, but everyone think it¡¦s so genuine.


    R: Was it because it¡¦s your true feeling?

   W: My pain had come to an end before ¡¥Understanding¡¦, but this song made me to recall such old pain. I can¡¦t ask to quit singing this song because it¡¦s so popular. Fortunately it¡¦s okay to sing this song now, as time goes by. In fact I sing the love story of Jonathan Lee. At that time I joined Rock Records but he was resigned after releasing an album called ¡¥Travelling¡¦. I kept waiting and waiting and after a year, he finished the song ¡¥Understanding¡¦. This song brought the feeling of sorrow as he experienced such feeling in person. However, everybody said it¡¦s my story during doing the promotion. Jonathan changed many lives of women, like Sarah Chen, Sandy Lam, Karen Mok, Li Du, Fish Leong¡K his lyrics are so powerful. Perhaps nowadays many young people can¡¦t sing the right feeling of his lyrics.


    R: After that, you¡¦re being positioned as ¡¥The Queen of healing¡¦.

    W: It¡¦s hard to avoid such name. I cried even reading the lyrics during recording. I think the lyrics were too great that I can¡¦t get out of my true feeling. So at the beginning I didn¡¦t sing this song with my very true feeling. Later Jonathan said it¡¦s hard to write you a good song but if I sing it like this, it¡¦s hard to move me and everybody. So I put my true feeling into the song and I had recorded it for almost a month. You have to sing seriously, otherwise people will know.


    Searching for change


    R: You have intentionally searched for changes after the album ¡¥Every Woman¡¦.

   W: The song in the movie ¡¥Green Snake¡¦ was my first time for change. It waswritten by James Wong. I remembered when I went to Hong Kong for recording, he said, ¡¥Winnie, I tell you. You have to sing like a snake.¡¦ I shocked. That song was very Middle-East. I sang a little part in my The Promise Concert. This song was a track in the movie and didn¡¦t included in any albums. So not many people know about it. After the album ¡¥Every Woman¡¦, Joanthan wanted to change my style intentionally. The result was quite good and people saw my happy side. However, I was a sad woman in the eyes of the people in China.


    R: In the songs Winnie Hsin always meet bad guys and women.

   W: So far so good. Like it¡¦s different for ¡¥Scent¡¦ and ¡¥Understanding¡¦. ¡¥Scent¡¦ is congee and dish, ¡¥Understanding¡¦ is Si-juan hotpot, and ¡¥Women shouldn¡¦t be hard on women¡¦ is the strategy made by marketing department. They thought that such kind of matters always happened, so a song about triangle love affair was produced.


    R: You said you had to quit singing before. What made you have such thought?

   W: About 7 to 8 years ago, after releasing the album of ¡¥Why?¡¦, the market was notgood. At that time I really wanted to give up as I was very tired. But I still had contract to fulfil, so I couldn¡¦t quit. When I lost confidence, I prefer to listen to my songs. It doesn¡¦t mean that how great my songs are, but they can let me to remember the days I¡¦ve gone through.


Little boyfriend make her so tired


    R: You put her real feeling into your songs.

   W: Right. I can¡¦t help putting my own feeling into my songs. So I get into the songs very easily everytime I sing. Definitely they ¡¥re related to some of my experience. If I don¡¦t have feeling, then I won¡¦t choose the song.


    R: Have you got the answer of love?

   W: No. It¡¦s hard to find the right person.


    R: Do you sometimes think of your ex-boyfriend?

   W: My friends always said that why I¡¦m still so naïve! I¡¦m very brave in front of love. We met on 1999 and broke up on 2002. In these 3 years, most of our friends opposed me. They warned that this kind of love is temporary, but I didn¡¦t believe itin a positive way. After several times, you must learn from lesson. I think I can¡¦t have a boyfriend younger than me more than 10 years.


    R: Why did the relationship break up?

   W: Because of him, I tasted the sweetness of love that I ever had. His energy opened up a new world. However when times went by, I found that I needed to play many roles: mother, elder sister, lover and so on. It¡¦s very tiring. If your man don¡¦t have heart to do everything, then it would be worse. You can¡¦t see his progression, so I think the distance between us became larger and larger, and the man didn¡¦t care about it. I liked a moth darting into a flame in the past, but now I remind myself to slow down, wait and see the the guy.


    R: In fact he was your 15 years younger fan.

   W: Yes. At that time he was an university student and majored in biology. I suggested to end up our relationship. He¡¦s free but I¡¦m so sad. In fact I had suggested to break up for 3 times. For the third time, it was because he was in love with my friend¡¦s friend.


    Remembering Leslie Cheung


    R: Your ¡¥Endless Embrace¡¦ with Leslie Cheung is still popular in KTV.

   W: Oh, really? If Gor-gor was still here, we could played in the musical ¡¥Midnight Voice¡¦ together. I sang the ¡¥Endless Embrace¡¦ in my concert alone last year and I remembered his promise: ¡¥I will come to see you in your concert.¡¦ Unfortunately my concert was too late¡K 


    R: You were very well with him.

   W: We sang ¡¥Endless Embrace¡¦ and ¡¥Eye Passes¡¦ together. I was his guest in his 28concerts in Hong Kong. He¡¦s very nice and doesn¡¦t like a pop star. He liked an elder brother and always took care of people. He drove me to have dinner when I was in Hong Kong. It¡¦s incredible. I didn¡¦t believe it when I was at his car at the first time. One time he came to Taiwan and we were at the entrance of a hotel. I said I wanted to go to the shop opposite to buy eye shadow. He was pleased to go with me. When I was searching the color, he went straight into the shop, picked up one of them and asked, ¡¥are you looking for this?¡¦ I surprised that he knew my choice but he was so experienced in this area. He was so attentive.


    R: Have you had loved him?

   W: No. I know him so well. He asked for recording together for the song ¡¥Endless Embrace¡¦. But his eyes were too beautiful and he was too handsome that I thought I couldn¡¦t sing. Later on I asked him to leave for a while for me to sing first. He blamed me ¡¥Why you sing so well!¡¦ after listening to my singing.


    R: What do you feel when these memories appear?

   W: I think he¡¦s still by my side. I cried when I sang his song ¡¥When love¡¦s gone¡¦ in his memorial concert.  On that day he passed away, I remembered I came back home about eight. I received my sister¡¦s call and she told me ¡¥Leslie Cheung was dead.¡¦  I thought she¡¦s kidding. She told me to switch on the TV. I began to lose control when I gazed at the TV. Why he finished his lives in such method? You know that he cared of his appearance very much. It didn¡¦t like his way, but he used to do thing surprisingly.  After that I heard many rumours and don¡¦t know how true they were.


    Her beautiful long legs


    Many male reporters came to see her beautiful legs. Winnie smiled, ¡¥Thank you for your support, but don¡¦t call me auntie.¡¦ During interview, I told Winnie that many people cried when listening to her classic ¡¥Understanding¡¦. She also gave me a smile and said, ¡¥Some people cried because their emotion hide deeply, but some of them maybe still young.¡¦ 




Chinese Original
































































































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