Feeling A Brand-New Self



Reporter/ Hui-man Hu/Elle Magazine / °OªÌ/­J¼záp/ElleÂø»x


English Translation

(What a cyber look Winnie!)


Time, sometimes is a good thing.


It makes apple from green to red; a small plant to a green forest; snow flakes to a glacier¡K


Sitting in front of the computer, every scene that I met Winnie started to appear in my mind. I feel clearly that time is a good thing¡K


Last time I met Winnie was about a year and a half before. Now, with the same working schedule, same location and same procedure, but a totally different Winnie.


She is more peaceful, relaxed and happy. Though it¡¦s about three o¡¦clock in the early morning, and the heavy workload has brought her extreme tiredness, she still looks relaxed and pleasant. What makes her has such changes?


¡¥I know clearly what I want, and the enjoyment and happiness of music come back to me!¡¦ That are the reasons making her smiles so relaxing and her eyes without lost or worries.


It¡¦s a good changes, due to the 18-month production of her album. She thinks seriously and bravely facing the problems about her music, lives and dreams, as she had faced contradiction and under struggle for a long time. Starting from the ¡¥relatively simple, happy and relaxed¡¦ Winnie who enjoying music, to ¡¥burden loads of pressure¡¦ after great hit song ¡¥Understanding¡¦.


She faced a lot of comments, say, she should continue her original style; should not sing with too little feeling¡K they all opposite from what she wanted to do. ¡¥I didn¡¦t know what is right to do, and didn¡¦t know which road I should take.¡¦ Winnie said.


Therefore, she felt hard, until these two years.



¡¥I know I should have a change. But what should I do? How can I make natural changes on music?¡¦ Traveling to an unknown countries was her solution.


¡¥In fact, I think a saying is so right. It¡¦s ¡§The one who understand yourself well is you.¡¨ Even an experienced producer, his help is still limited. He also has to ask you, ¡§Winnie, what do you want to say? What is your next step?¡¨ I think we should take some kind of responsibility. That is music should start from singer. We should think who am I and what I want.¡¦


Though she did care about the market and the favour of her audience, they no longer hinder her way.


¡¥I feel I should have a breakthrough, a different feeling to continue my road of music. If I still keep what my audience supposed, eventually I would no way out, and at the same time, I lost the happiness and freedom in making music.¡¦


She knows well that she should face the cost of unsatisfactory selling result. ¡¥At least I have made some changes and I¡¦m proud of it!¡¦ Winnie said so.


In the past, she chose some hard songs intentionally and received strong criticism from producer. ¡¥You sang with no feeling!¡¦ or ¡¥Can you sing better?!¡¦


¡¥In fact we can make a market-oriented album in a very short time. So we wonder it¡¦s worth or not for insisting our belief.¡¦ ¡¥But I¡¦m so glad for such experience, as I can¡¦t have time to rethink, learn and grow every time in producing album.¡¦


Music brings changes to Winnie, and in another way round, Winnie brings changes to her live. 



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Chinese Original




















































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