Sharing Before the Concert



English Translation


●What are the things do you proud of or regret?

▲’Do I have any?’ I asked myself. I think it’s not something I proud of, it should be happiness. ‘Understanding’ is a precious and classic song and I have had it. At the beginning I didn’t think it’s special, but after wards I realized many people wanted to sing and failed to do so.  I must say thank you very much to Jonathan Li. As he gave me a song that can put a equal sign to me, and it’s no way for others to sing better. So I have to feel gratitude. I don’t think I have anything to regret, as I did and they were my experience. If I should say something for regret, than I say Leslie. He promised me to come to my concert. However it can’t be come true… Recently I read many messages from his fans and they said they will come for Gor-gor. It’s very touching.


●Do you think you’re experienced enough to be a judge in programmes like singing contest?

▲(Smile) In fact some popular TV programmes invited me to be a judge but I didn’t accept the offer. If I’m a judge, then I will give appropriate comments that the candidate needs to improve. I will tell the truth! Encouragement is necessary but it’s no need to hurt others.  That’s why so far I didn’t take part in those judging activities completely.


●Which newcomers do you think are really good?

▲Angela Chang (張韶涵) is not bad. There are many good male singers, like Soler. Another one is Yang Pei An (楊培安). I was surprised about his voice when I heard his advertising song from TV. His voice is bright and sonorous. It’s rare in these years.


●Are you afraid of others singing your songs?

▲No. They give me different feeling.


●Would you like to introduce the differences on singing skills between vocal music and popular music?

▲My major in the university was vocal music and I practiced all day long for the voice and sang artistic songs, opera etc. In fact I didn’t want to sing popular songs, but fate is a strange. Those unexpected chances kept on approaching you.  I ‘m familiar with popular songs, however, after learning vocal music for years, singing those songs become a difficult task. It is because the singing skills and the place for resonance are not the same. For vocal music, most are in the head (showing to the audience ). The popular songs will become very beautiful if I sing like this! However popular music no need to talk about this. It’s in our daily lives. If I sing it perfectly then feeling will be disappeared. I keep thinking about it and want listeners to feel concretely. In fact I had changed in singing ‘Waiting Behind Your Shadow’. After I worked in the Rock Records, Jonathan told me, ‘you have had the skills so don’t care about it. If you sing too artistic, the song will become dull without any characteristics. You will disappear in the showbiz.’ ‘Understanding’ is a very very good practice for me. Later on I sing naturally, using the throat more.



●What did Jonathan say to you after you met him ?

▲Before I signed the contract with the Rock Records, we met several times. He called to the Linfair Records after listening to my song ‘Selfish’ in the album Flower. I was so nervous as I didn’t believe he wanted to meet me. His first question was, ‘Winnie, do you think you can sing?’ If I wanted to be modest then I would say I sang not good. But why he meet me? On the other hand, I couldn’t be so modest. So at that time I replied, ‘Not so bad, isn’t it?’ He smiled then said something about me. I felt a bit overwhelmed by an unexpected favour.


●Please talk about the following persons.


▲Jonathan Li (李宗盛): Benefactor! Doesn’t he?


Jerry Huang (黃舒駿): He was my neighbor, when we were studying kindergarten, primary and secondary school. We are good friends. We kept contact when he worked in Taipei. So that’s why I invited him to write songs for me. I just could find writers that I knew. He also like my relative as sometimes I need his help when I have problem.


Zhong Ming Xue (薛忠銘): We had worked together for many albums. I think his Soft Rock is very good. He lets you feeling him as a gentleman but in fact… I don’t know. I ‘m not familiar with him… (laugh)


Zhou Shi Hui (周世暉): He is important to me. He produced many songs for my ‘Understanding’ album. I had sung the theme song for about a month. As Jonathan was not always there and he understood Jonathan’s requirement, so he was responsible for many things. His requirement is very high and in the studio, he is quite…


Qian Yao (姚謙): He’s smart. I didn’t have strong feeling when I receiving the song ‘Scent’, but after a few years, we met one time and he said, ‘Do you know how I wrote the song? I caught a cold at that time and my nose was uncomfortable without any feeling. After I recovered, oh! I could breath again and wrote down the song…’ He had destroyed my imagination about the song! But frankly speaking it’s quite interesting for him to say so.


Ruo Long Yao (姚若龍): I had a long chat with him during working in the Linfair Records. What he wrote for me were very fit to me. He’s very sensitive. Later I always need him to write the lyrics and his works are touching and he understands me very much.


Xie Qin Pan (潘協慶): His ‘Admit’ is another song that loved by many people. We have special relationship as he is also an Aquarius. After the song we came closer. He writes in good quality if you tell him clearly.


Man Ting Li (厲曼婷): She is also an Aquarius and very artistic. Sometimes she hides herself and you can’t find her; but when she appears, her works are perfect.


●Nowadays the target audience are very young. Do you think you are hard to keep a place for yourself (sorry to say so…)

▲No! I won’t force them to listen to my songs. I’m familiar with the songs by Jay Chou and David Tao, as my nephews listens their songs all day. I think their songs are very good.


●Your images are contradictory. Queen of Discovery with a pair of sexy beautiful legs. Which is you?

▲Both. A person can has many personalities. Don’t separate them clearly. People who have a pair of beautiful legs also have their sad moments! (laugh) Am I right?


●What would you bring to us in The Promise concert?

▲The song list is quite complete. I will try my best to prepare it. True heart is sure to give you all!



Chinese Original














▲薛忠銘:我們合作過很多張唱片,我覺得他是台灣寫Soft Rock是非常不錯的。他會讓你覺得他是個溫文儒雅的好好先生,其實…我不知道,我跟他沒那麼熟…()










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