Be Myself






English Translation


Producing a new album was the target of Winnie Hsin. She even finished recording some of the new songs at this moment. However, her boss suddenly suggested her to release a compilation album. After discussing with other producers, this idea came into reality with 6 news songs are being added as requested by Winnie. These songs were under strict examination so the compilation album took almost one year to finish. Creativity is spacious as the album doesn't hindered by the completeness of a main theme. Therefore, Winnie chose songs with different styles in the album. The light jazz-styled of 'Who is it?' and the electronic-styled of 'Before you go' are the new try for Winnie.


The tone of the new songs are not so sad as before. Winnie cried, 'I don't want to be sad anymore, in fact I'm not so sad!' She is quite tough and not easy to admit failure. On the other hand, she is emotional and romantic. She hopes to try different styles of songs and show-off her talent in presenting fast beat songs!


She also shared her experience in performing 'Butterfly Lovers' to the reporters. For acting the role of Ying Tai Zhu, she burdened great pressure and always couldn't sleep well. She also cried often and easily got tired. Such job made her thinking back while she was a student major in vocal music: She sang in a loud voice continuously. For showing her own style, Winnie combined pop and classical music and a Winnie Hsin-styled of Ying Tai Zhu appeared! Be frank, she said that memorizing lyrics made her sick, as sometimes same melody got different lyrics. She burdened great pressure by setting high expectation on herself. The director told her need not to cry truly during rehearsal, but emotional Winnie couldn't help crying. Happiness and satisfaction have their costs!


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Chinese Original








回憶起曾經合唱過的歌手,辛曉琪表示「哥哥」張國榮讓她最難忘,因為哥哥要求兩人必須當面對唱,所以「深情相擁」、「眉來眼去」這兩首歌曲就是他們一起在台北錄音。合唱粵語歌「眉來眼去」時,張國榮還一字一句的教她發音,讓不太會說廣東話的曉琪順利的錄唱完畢。對辛曉琪來說,張國榮真的就像兄長一樣很疼她,待人不僅體貼溫柔,也會幫曉琪分憂解勞,在她疑惑的時候給予幫助!除了錄音之外,兩人也常一起吃飯、聊天,相處的非常愉快。另外,辛曉琪還說到自己與樂壇前輩金祖齡的合作經驗,挑戰演唱英文歌「The Prayer」,為了讓歌曲的品質更好,這一次曉琪也特地把母帶拿到韓國重MIX,最後的成果連她自己都很滿意。






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