Answer of Love Promotion in Netease







English Translation


W: Hello, everybody on the internet!

H: When did you come to Shanghai last time?

W: A few months ago.

H: Long time no see. You just attended a music awards show here.

W: I had to go for a function, and I stayed at my friend's home for a few days.

H: I think you should have a motivation for releasing this album after 3 years.

W: I haven't stayed away from the showbiz. In these three years I worked for a musical 'Butterfly Lovers', and 2 ticket-selling concerts. They all took me more than half a year for preparation. Apart from this album, I had many performance in many areas. For me, I always keep in touch with this showbiz and intake many information.

H: Any difference of this album with the old ones?

W: It's more relaxing, both for the style and the way of presenting. In fact my past albums were not that tension. The album includes 11 good songs. My thinking is a bit changed and I gathered something in the life in these three years and some stories of my friends into this album. All songs are different from the others. I even haven't tried some styles like the song 'Empty Window'.

H: Do you have any expectation on the result?

W: I think now we shouldn't have expectation on the result. Now it' the 3rd on Taiwan album chart. It's not bad. Of course I hope to have more support from the fans in China. I love the theme song 'Answer of Love' very much. It's different. It can bring me to another world. I think the lyrics are excellent and I think the lyricst Kevin Yi write about me. It's a bit literature. I'm touched by the first sentence, 'the cloud hide in the sky and doesn't know how many days it has cried.' I can't help when going to the part of refrain.

H: I heard that you cried when recording.

W: Yes. The lyrics reflects your heart. Many memories talks in the heart and make you to think about you from kid to adult. It's easy to pick out those deep in your heart, especially when you listen this song at a silent night.

H: Other than Kevin Yi, who is the producer?

W: The other two is Wei Chen and Si-song Lee. It's my first time to work with them. I enjoyed the process and we had new things. And also Terry Chou. He helped me to produce the song I sing with A-Do.

H: Was there any special working with them?

W: I'm a bit nervous at the beginning. Fortunately we share some views on music, so we can understand each other when the thing is being spoke out. I think it's great. Like Si-song Lee, he knows what I need. So he let me to use classic piano for arrangement and let me to sing the background vocal in the song 'Empty Window', they all make this song special. I handle the song 'Do you still remember love?' It's my first time to handle a song on my own. The song is written by Hsie-Ching Pan and the lyrist is Kevin Lee. It's the theme song of 'Butterfly Lovers'. I'm pleased with this song. Even those who didn't watch the musical love this very much. I added Chinese instrument in this song and it's the only song that played by Chinese instrument.

H: Apart from 'Do you still remember love?', did you handle other songs?

W: No, I let the producers to do so, but I did communicated with them very often during the process. We started to do the album from last year.

H: People used to call you 'Pop Song Queen of Healing'. How about this time?

W: It's difficult for not healing, like the song that Jun-jie Lin writes for me. The lyrics are very positive. The title can be meant by a new birthday or reborn. Many people love this song. You are no need to be sad. During the past three years I leant to appreciate. I understand it's not easy to make the music I love. I thank for everyone. I do have hope for the future, no sadness.

H: Which songs do you want to recommend?

W: The Answer of Love, and How Many Times I Have Love You. The range for the latter song is wide, you can try to sing it in Karaoke. It can make you relax after singing. Another recommendation is The Moonlight Diary. I sing with A-Do. We both changed the style of singing. This song presents prefect love.  Empty Window and the song I produced are also my favorite.

H: Why you sing with A-Do?

W: We sang each other's song in a award presentation in Taiwan last year. Somebody said it's a good idea to sing a song together. It's a surprise to the listeners. We belong to different companies and he also agreed to have a try.

H: Did you do the recording together?

W: We did recording together at the beginning, but we caught a cold one by one, so we could just finish it separately.

H: Any changes for the costume style?

W: I cut short for the hair in my front head. I didn't like this kind of hair style, so I didn't have any confidence. Later I found that it looks nice and makes me look more younger. I'm happy with all photos in my CD booklet. I love the outfit too.

H: How do you keep good shape?

W: Exercises and careful eating. I skip doing exercises if I'm busy, but at least do it once or twice a week. I don't have standard place for exercises. Do some simple exercises. I did Qi exercises before. It can make you energetic.

H: What kind of exercises do you like?

W: I watch video tapes for Yoga and follow the practice. It's very good. I did practicing boxing before but it's too exciting so I quit.

H: Now you don't have time to exercise.

W: I can practice Qi exercises at my room in the hotel.

H: Other than 'Pop Song Queen of Healing', some people say you are the best Chinese female singer. Have you ever heard about it?

W: It's the promotion strategy at the very first step. The theme song 'Answer of Love' was uploaded in the internet without my name and let audience to guess. I was happy for the reply. Those who guessed right are familiar with me. There're many other replies, liked the singer should be a freshman, or other singer. I was happy about all these replies. This song is quite different from my old ones indeed. 

H: The album brings pleasant feeling.

W: Yes. The feeling is not strong when you listen to the 'Answer of Love' at the beginning. But the sourness will penetrate into your bone. I can't help when listening to this song.

H: You¡¦re touched by this song.

W: Right. I even couldn¡¦t help bursting into tears during recording and shooting MV. Reporters in Taiwan are very familiar with me and they say I like crying. Emotional and being frank is my personality.

H: You also cried when you were a judge in a competition in Taiwan.

W: Everybody cried. Of course it doesn¡¦t mean they cried so I have to cry. The atmosphere at that moment ¡V somebody had to leave did so.

H: There¡¦re many competition programmes in China.

W: Yes. It¡¦s a fashion. If we can find out great musicians, it would be great. However I think it¡¦s a bit over. It¡¦s not a good phenomenon. We have to calm down and not be blind.

H: Have you watched competition shows of China?

W: Yes, but not many.

H: Have you heard of ¡¥Good Boy¡¦?

W: Yes.

H: Did you be a judge in China programme?

W: I joined the first and second episodes in a progrmme in a star TV channel. It¡¦s good to find out the new blood for further training. But if you are being put into a position that everybody serves around you before getting popular. I hope you will not be getting a lost. It¡¦s important to prepare good yourself. It¡¦s more concrete.

H: Have you thought of being a judge in ¡¥Happy Boy¡¦?

W: It¡¦s not impossible. But now I want to concentrate on my new album. I hope you can listen to the whole album. If I have time next time, or I have such arrangement, I¡¦m glad to be do so.

H: You said you wants new blood in the music arena. What¡¦s your expectation to them?

W: You have to sing well at least. The sensitiveness of music and the progress of oneself is important. Perhaps it¡¦s too hard for young people, but you should be humble, and the sincerity of learning. If you keep upgrading yourself and have something concrete, you won¡¦t be afraid. You can show yourself when you got a chance with something concrete. Being an artist is quite hard. I should say this to everybody. We¡¦re not what you¡¦re looking. We have to put huge effort, no matter mentally, physically etc. You can¡¦t think yourself is very good as I¡¦m being selected so and so.

H: How long have you been in the showbiz?

W: Almost 20 years.

H: It¡¦s not easy for an experienced singer to release album.

W: Last time when I was the judge, I met Zhang Yu and Yuan Wei-yen. They were surprised that I release album, but not single. In fact it¡¦s possible unless you don¡¦t want to. I still love music. About 6-7 years ago I was disappointed with the environment. There were so many great musicians but they didn¡¦t receive relatively good rewards and feedback. I was upset about this. My fans told me if I don¡¦t continue to sing, they would be very sad. I found that I can¡¦t to be so willful. I still have some responsibility. I realized that my favourite is music so I continue. On the other hand, I¡¦m very tough and don¡¦t want to be attacked so easily. I believe if you work hard and hold on, you can continue.

H: Did you think of giving up when no new albums are released?

W: When I was in the Rock Records, almost one album for one year. The experience for each album is not the same. Some were made during low tide, and some album made me have hopes.

H: How about this album?

W: I treat myself as a freshman, as I entered a new company and work with new people. I haven¡¦t released new works for three years and I found that there are many new faces, including in the media. I think myself as a freshman so that I can accept more new things and people. It¡¦s new feeling.

H: Do you have pressure for the freshman in the showbiz?

W: I think it¡¦s good to have new comers. From day one, I have encountered pressure, as there¡¦re hundred or thousand of albums being released every year. I think not to think too much is better. If new comers want to be excellent, he should make himself strong enough.

H: What is your strength?

W: I think I¡¦m emotional. With my own experience and qualification, I can put my feeling more easier into song. Last time I was the guest in an interview radio programme. A listener said my song make him think and have feeling, but he can do other things when he is listening to other singers¡¦ songs. I¡¦m pleased to hear his comment.

H: Some friends in the internet asked do you think of dancing song?

W: There¡¦re some rhythmic in this album. It¡¦s no need to have an opposite of my style or personality if I want to do something different. I danced last year. I can try different kinds of dancing. I don¡¦t say what I want to intentionally. There¡¦re too many good things that hard to get. I don¡¦t want to get bad things. The songs are my selections from hundreds of songs. I recommend ¡¥Empty Window¡¦ and ¡¥The crystal of forget¡¦.

H: When is your concert in the mainland?

W: I hope as soon as possible. My company and I keep working of it.

H: Do you have such planning in this year?

W: Still have to work hard for this.

H: A-Qin sent you present on the last day of recording. Did you sing with him in this album?

W: No.

H: Does he in the same company?

W: Yes. Perhaps we can have a try in next album.

H: Maybe he can tailor-made a song for you.

W: I will invite him to do so. In fact I invited many famous musicians. However I just chose those more suitable.

H: Who were the famous musicians?

W: I can¡¦t tell you as they wrote me songs but I didn¡¦t use.

H: Were they from Taiwan? Did Jay Chow was one of them?

W: No. I thought I had. In fact I¡¦m happy to have a song from JJ Lin. Some friends said the song was not in his style. He is one of the musicians that I¡¦m very appreciated.

H: You like him in what ways?

W: I like his creation, and his live singing. It¡¦s great. He wrote me a song and the Ruo-long Yao wrote the lyrics.

H: Ruo-long Yao is a very famous lyricist.

W: Right. He¡¦s my old friend.

H: You said in a function that there¡¦re many admirers approaching to you. Is that true?

W: But we didn¡¦t have the luck to be together.

H: You two were quite good, was it?

W: No. Now is ¡¥Empty Window¡¦. So that¡¦s why this song is created. We are still friends. Friends are better than lovers, as friends livs longer. Once can¡¦t be lovers, then ¡¥It¡¦s better to be passed.¡¦ Life would be easier.

H: In recent years, many Taiwan artists get married or have baby.

W: Right, but it needs luck.

H: Are you still long for it?

W: I open my door to love.

H: Welcome love comes.

W: Yes. But now my pace is different and will be slow down a little bit.

H: Is it because of work?

W: No. It¡¦s because my personality. I¡¦m easy and quick to get into it. So my friends always scold me about this. They said I¡¦m naïve and romantic no matter I¡¦m getting aged. I¡¦m affected by my another horoscope Pisces. I told the Taiwan reporters that I want my half is good in genes and family background with basic economic background. I suffered in the past so if he has better economic ability then I won¡¦t be so tired about living.

H: From the internet news, I heard that your current status is quite good. Is that true?

W: It¡¦s true.

H: Do you have anything to talk to our audience? They are all longing for you to say something.

W: Do they have any questions?

H: One asked will you dance? Or hoped you to have big changes.

W: You can watch my dancing in my concert DVD, but I¡¦m afraid that due to copyright, I couldn¡¦t dance the part for Michael Jackson. I love him very much but there¡¦re almost 10 kinds of copyright just in a little part of dancing. If you ask for my big changes, then those two concerts could make you surprised. I believe. 

H: If you have concert in the mainland, you will show something different from what the fans¡¦ expected.

W: Yes, but I will have some adjustment. I want to thank for the support of my fans. I had a thought that I want to quit and go to further study, and the market was bad. However, my fans give me support and encouragement so that I can continue. Their power is great. They are my motivation apart from my family members.

H: Did Zhang Yu feel surprised for your new album?

W: Yes. He thinks that making a full album is tiring. For the current market, it¡¦s better to release single.

H: What do they think about your album?

W: Some famous DJ are happy to know my new album. They think I¡¦m different from the past and I¡¦m more carefree. A DJ called Tao Zi said her kid becomes calm while listening to my ¡¥Answer of Love¡¦. I¡¦m pleased to hear my songs can bring people such feeling.

H: It¡¦s a miracle. Many friends on the internet long for your singing now.

W: I sing the first part of ¡¥Answer of Love¡¦.

(Winnie sings ¡¥Answer of Love¡¦)

W: Another song has a wide range, namely ¡¥How Many Times Have I loved You¡¦.

(Winnie sings ¡¥How Many Times Have I Loved You¡¦)

H: Great.

W: These two songs are different in style.

H: I think the friends on the internet are happy to listen. It¡¦s not often to get the chance of singing new songs in live. Where will you go other than Shanghai?

W: I went to Nan Chang before, and there¡¦re still some functions in Taiwan. I will take part in an TV advertisement and do some promotion. I will leave at 8th then be back after a few days. Perhaps I will go to Beijing, or maybe come to Shanghai again.

H: Beijing fans said they hope you can go to Beijing as soon as possible, and see how little woman you are.

W: I will. (smile)

H: Do you have chance to meet your fans?

W: Yes, I do.

H: Did you do some promotion in Taiwan?

W: Yes, I just finished some. I had a promotion in an university. Many people came and I had interaction with fans.

H: How old are your fans?

W: Some are very young. They become mature earlier and do listen to my songs. I¡¦m surprised about that. Some of them are primary students. I think most of my fans are senior secondary students to office workers. One of my very little fan is just six years old and is my hairdresser¡¦s kid. Some mothers of my fans also love me.

H: Quite good.

W: I hope I can receive more feedback.

H: Some internet friends recommend to put your singing just before into album.

W: But I had stops during singing. You can listen to my album as well. Of course I don¡¦t forget lyrics.

H: There¡¦re 20 to 30 songs in a concert.

W: Right. In the mini concert in the university I sang 9 songs out of 11. The lyrics of the new songs are too¡K demanding for me.

H: Didn¡¦t you have any reminder?

W: I don¡¦t want to cheat everybody so I admit there¡¦re some reminders in live. My working schedule is always full. Sometimes I don¡¦t have time to sleep. That¡¦s why I can¡¦t revise all the lyrics.

H: It¡¦s very hard to have a concert.

W: Yes. I almost have to sing 30 songs.

H: Could you share your experience to us?

W: If you have many experience, you know how to deal with some problems on the stage, like if the microphone doesn't work so an so. It¡¦s harsh to ask freshman to handle very well. So you have to sing live or do performance in different places in order to know how to handle. If something happened, you don¡¦t have even 1 second to think about it. It¡¦s my comment. I think perform everywhere make myself become mature. It¡¦s hard to be seen but it¡¦s better to stay in a single place and repeat performance.

H: You mentioned that you worked with many friends in the album. Did you have any people that wanted to work with but eventually not? Any male singers?

W: Yes I had, but I think it¡¦s not possible. One is in the same company, and one is about to quit.

H: They are people that you wanted to work with?

W: Right. I tell you who but you don¡¦t laugh. One is Michael Jackson. I have loved him for a long time. No matter how bad people said him, it¡¦s not possible to deny his past achievement. He was very great right? You see me how I love him!

H: I think Michael Jackson and you are totally different.

W: Right. I thought we both have strengths and weaknesses. Say it¡¦s hard to think I can dance on the stage, but he¡¦s good at dancing. I love him very much. Another one is a vocalist. I love his music and voice very much.

H: How about male singers or artists in China?

W: It¡¦s many, like JJ Lin is not bad, both in singing and music. Others like David Tao, Li-hong Wang, Jay Chow etc.

H: Do you want to work with them?

W: It¡¦s a good idea, but it depends on chance.

H: Something different will come out, like this album.

W: Right.

H: It seemed that the preparation time for this album was not long.

W: I need more time to think for every matter, like musical, album, I think of them in my mind for a long time before that. Also I have to communicate and better understanding with my new workmates, letting them to know more about you as soon as possible. If this kind of work hasn¡¦t been done properly, the time for preparation will be much longer.

H: Internet friends want to know more about your life. Many of them asked did you think about marry to a millionaire or a guy in the showbiz?

W: If he was in the showbiz, then he should be not in front of the screen.

H: Why?

W: There¡¦re too many attractions. It¡¦s hard to let people to stay. I prefer mutual understanding, but I think it¡¦s very difficult. My friend said I need purity in love.

H: Your requirements are more.

W: More about soul.

H: Many artists will marry a wealthy¡K

W: I will consider if they¡¦re wealthy and simple, but it seems no such kind of people.

H: What kind of people in your life?

W: My very best friends are not in the showbiz and we¡¦re friends for a very long time. They¡¦re my primary or secondary classmates, or colleagues when I taught piano in the past. We¡¦re friends for 10 to 20 years. I want to make friends out of the showbiz to broaden my knowledge. I have interest to know their profession, living style and way of thinking. I think our experience maybe quite diverse. Such kind of people is not many, as I love to stay at home in my free time. I¡¦m not active in social gathering.

H: I¡¦m happy to talk with you today. I wish your album great success. Thank you for all friends.

W: Thank you very much.



Chinese Original















































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