At 'Worldvision For Vancouver' Press Conference

溫哥華饑饉三十」香港記者招待會訪 問


Interview by:Cyber Daily Post / 2000



English Translation






R What do you think is the most important target for this activity?

W:I think we can help many people who need help. I know Worldvision is the most biggest charity organization in Hong Kong, likes the Ci Ji in Taiwan. There are many sub-parties in more than 90 nations as it's an international charity organization. I think it's power is huge. I used to join this kind of activity if I catch the chance and have time.


R:Why the press conference is held in Hong Kong?

W:The headquarter of Worldvision is in Hong Kong. It can deliver the message to all the sub-parties in the rest of the world. Though the activity is held in Vancouver, there should be close contact between all the sub-parties. All the members can join this activity.


RApart from singing, what else would you perform?

W:Ha... Ha... I think you all... think that my voice is touching! So I think I would concentrate on singing. I will attend and show my support in both the opening and closing ceremony in Canada.


RWhat is your coming job? When will you release new album?

W:I had been in the Mainland China for promotion for half a month. Today I fly back to Taiwan and after a couple of days I take off to Canada. Then I head America. Afterwards, I propose my next album and hopefully it can be released by the end of this year. I hope so.


RTalking about love again in the coming album?

W:What I used to do is... (smile) I always long for doing something broader than love just than men and  women. I hope this target can be fulfill step by step in my works.


RCan you share the status with your boyfriend?

W:Oh, mhmm...(pause for three seconds) Now... (smile) Now I don't want to talk about it, thank you. (smile) Thank you very much for your concern, thank you.


RDo you starve for 30 hours?

W:I think I should do that, but until now, it doesn't have such arrangement. I will contact Worldvision after landing Canada, see what can I do.



Chinese Original




辛:我覺得最大的意義是可以幫助很多需要幫助的人,我知道宣明會是香港最大的一間慈善機構,照我所知是相當於是台灣的Ci Ji。宣明會在全世界九十多個國家都有分會,是一個世界性的慈善組織,我覺得它的力量是很大的。怎樣說呢?其實自己一直有一個期許,時間允許,又有機會的話,我都想多多參與這些活動。






辛:哈哈,我想大家... ...都覺得我的歌聲可以讓人感動吧!所以大概我都會以歌唱為主。加拿大的活動包括開幕、閉幕,我都會去參與,給他們打氣。






辛:我最本身... ...(笑)我一直想做一些大世界,比較大愛的東西,我希望我的理想可以慢慢的在我的創作裡面去實現。



辛:噢,這個... ...(停頓三秒)今... ... (笑)現在我不太想說我的感情生活,謝謝。(笑)謝謝大家的關心,謝謝。





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