A New Winnie


曉琪不願再作悲情歌手 失戀後期待新男友


Youth Times/青年時報/2003.11



English Translation

Understanding’ made Winnie known by many people. However, it also gave her burden and constraint. Some of the people even think that she just released only one album. ‘You don’t think that, do you?’ She kept asking such question. After receiving a satisfied reply, ‘that’s good, that’s good. I need not to explain anymore.’ For her, it’s troublesome to explain, ‘it’s up to you to think anything.’

  Yesterday in a hotel, Winnie, first appeared in Hangzhou, freed herself in front of the media. She thought herself unvarnished and full of funny, like a little woman. ‘Sometimes I’m emotional, sometimes flexible, sometimes a bit stupid!’

  Singing Career: Success & Failure because of Jonathan Li

”’Understanding’ is a song about Jonathan, and he proposed to sing himself. Later he gave it to me. I did not dare to say this, but now I think it’s okay to tell the truth.” In the eyes of Winnie, he is detail-minded, not just for woman but many things. ‘One time he took her daughter to airport and at the moment of saying goodbye, he sudden had some sentences brought into his mind. He’s great!’

  ‘After leaving Jonathan Li’, Winnie try to kick off the image of sorrow. So, there was a new Winnie in her album like ‘Lovers’ and ‘Forever’. She said, her every album is her diary and now, it’s time to produce her own one so she’s the producer in the coming albums.

  The diva has her own interpretation of popularity. ‘Every singer has to experience high-tide and low-tide in his singing career, just like our lives, we have to be aged. The important thing is the satisfaction of career and life in every stage.’

  Love: Waiting for new guy
  For the end of her last relationship, she commented in a relaxing way. ‘It’s just ended… It’s not a big deal to keep it secret. I’m waiting for a new guy!’ During recording her ‘Lovers’ album, her ex-boyfriend flied to be with her from The States. The sweetness was just in yesterday. ‘Why did you both break up?’ asked the reporter. ‘It’s life! I think, if I have new boyfriend, I would tell you.’ Winnie smiled naturally. She added, ‘It’s not a big deal, that’s true!’


Has sang sad love songs for a long time, it’s time to change. ‘Although I still talk about love, I want to sing something out of man and woman.’ When being asked about the market nowadays, ‘the market is in it’s worst situation, and won’t get worse more than that.’


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Chinese Original











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