ARTHUR MOUNTANIOL's first web page

Rock Shaman
West Los Angeles
New Release 2009: "Ghost Show", "Ghost Show" on iTunes
New Releases 2008:
"Tails of the Cloven Hoof"; "Alien in LA"
Released new CD "Master of Ecstasy" 2005

artist The Players: Arthur Mountaniol, vocals, guitar,
flute, samples/loops.
Material: Arthur Mountaniol is either a Martian
or a mad maestro. A self-proclaimed recluse, he's
the epitome of a solitary closet player who got
the courage to take it public. His music is an
amalgamation of Seventies-style hard rock,
American Indian chants and sonic explorations
that bear little resemblance to any known sound.
His songs have lyrics, but for the most part
they're trippy soundscapes that allow him to go
where no man has gone before. An enigma who will
confound critics, this artist is a bonafide

Musicianship: Mountaniol is a one-man band with
loads of effects and multiple personalities. He
Shamania, Master of Ecstasy uses pre-recorded tracks with drums, bass, rhythm
guitar and God knows what he cues with an endless
row of foot pedals. On top of this rather full
sound, he plays lead guitar and vocalizes in
several different voices. His signature vocal is
truly bizarre, sounding similar to a human
didgeridoo, while another variation sounds like
a crazed clown sucking helium. In fact, the only
normal vocalization is a straight-up Robert Plant
scream. As for his fretwork, it's not only
exceptional but, like his vocals, is totally
unpredictable and full of surprises.

CONCERT Click on any CD image on your right to go to the
corresponding CD. STOP image | ReSTART

Performance: The audience couldn't tell whether
this artist was serious or putting them on.
Cheer him or jeer him, Mountaniol held the room
and touched everybody in some significant way.
Summary: To say he's experimental would be an
understatement, but whatever he may be, he's
tapped into a cosmic consciousness that affects
everyone differently. And it's this peculiar
phenomenon that makes Arthur Mountaniol one
of a kind.

---Music Connection, Vol.XXV, No.6, March 2001

mug Arthur Mountaniol performs at Sunset Strip
night clubs in Los Angeles.            More | Back


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