
These works have been converted from Oriental Adventures (1985) source book by Gary Gygax.  Conversions from earlier versions to 3rd edition D&D are permitted by Wizards of the Coast, the owners of the D&D trademark.  Original work is provided under the OGL (Open Gaming License).


Description: Bushi (bu-shi) are the warriors of the Asian society, sometimes employed by daimyo, or more often than not, working as an itinerant sword for hire for basic fare. Most small villages will have a few bushi within their premises to ward off the occasional bakemono. Though they are of the warrior class, their station is lower than any of the others, and so they tend to be poorer.

Adventures: Bushi have all the reason to engage on adventures. Foremost is the promise of honor. Furthermore, bushi often adventure to obtain material wealth - a thing they are oft without.

Characteristics: Bushi are as varied as the society from which they come. Some are stoic and self-controlled, others brash drunkards; some work only for good employers, some for anyone with coin. Nevertheless, bushi tend to be the poorest of the warrior class, and even good bushi are tempted at times to augment their meager earnings by cutting a string of coins or two.

Alignment: Bushi can be of any alignment. Those that tend toward lawful and good seem to enjoy greater reputation (and hiring opportunities) among villages, but evil and unruly bushi are certainly common enough.

Background: Most bushi are born into the warrior class, though what qualifies for this distinction is sometimes simply family history - everyday life may seem a bit meager compared to others of this upper class. Bushi often begin life with a trade, but remembering tales of their ancestors or being otherwise called to the martial life, they forsake their craft and venture on the road.

Races: Bushi can be of any race.

Other classes: Bushi and the other warrior classes operate well together. They also respect though not necessarily understand the power of magic backing them up. [Ed. note: The first draft of this mistakenly had "baking them up", which is also true.]

Game rule information

Abilities: Strength and Dexterity are important to bushi, the former for it's obvious use in combat, and the latter because bushi usually can only afford lighter armor. And seeing as how their armor may not be as good as it could, a bushi with high Constitution is especially blessed.

Alignment: Any.

Hit dice: d10

Class skills: Bushi begin with one free rank in Profession (soldier). They may also assign skills ranks to any of the following: Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Gather information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Jump (Str), Pick Pocket (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), and Swim (Str).  Climbing, Jumping, and Picking Pockets impose armor penalty checks.  A chacter also suffers a -1 penalty for every 5 pounds carried when swimming.
    Skill points: (4 + Int modifier) x 4 at 1st, 4 + Int modifier per level

Class features

Weapon and armor proficiency: Bushi gain proficiency with any simple and martial weapons. They are also skilled in the use of light and medium armor but not shields or heavy armor.

Bonus feats: At first level the bushi gains a bonus feat in addition to any she receives from being a starting character and race. At second level he gains and every three levels thereafter the bushi gains another bonus feat. These feats are in addition to any the character earns for advancing every three levels. Bonus feats may be taken from any on the fighter's list of bonus feats, though others may be added with the DM's approval: Ambidexterity, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge (Mobility, Spring Attack), Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Expertise (Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Whirlwind Attack), Improved Critical, Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike (Deflect Arrows, Stunning Fist), Mounted Combat (Mounted Archery, Trample, Ride-by-Attack, Spirited Charge), Point Blank Shot (Far Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Shot on the Run), Power Attack (Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Sunder, Great Cleave), Quick Draw, Two-Weapon Fighting (Improved Two-Weapon Fighting), Weapon Finesse, and Weapon Focus.  A character can also take Weapon Specialization if he has Weapon Focus in the appropriate weapon and has at least six levels of bushi.  Some of the feats listed above may be taken more than once, each for a different weapon. In addition, the bushi may take any martial art feat once he has taken the initial feat to learn a martial art.

Quick on the feet: Owing to their lack of funds, bushi often operate under second-rate armor. As a result, they learn to dodge blows better than a more heavily-armored opponent would. At fifth level and every five levels thereafter, when the bushi is wearing light or nor armor and only lightly encumbered, she gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC. This is in addition to any dodge bonus granted by Dexterity. The bonus is halved for bushi wearing medium armor (round down), but not limited by the Maximum Dexterity Bonus rating of the armor. It is negated if the bushi is caught flat-footed or denied her Dexterity bonus unless he has the Uncanny Dodge ability (see below). This is an extraordinary ability.

Uncanny dodge: Again, owing to their reliance on avoiding blows over taking it in the chin, bushi of fourth level and higher retain their Dexterity bonus (including the dodge bonus granted by the quick on the feet ability) even when flat-footed (but not when immobilized). The bushi must be wearing medium, light, or no armor to benefit from this ability. This is an extraordinary ability.

Weapon Specialization: At sixth level, the bushi gains the Weapon Specialization feat free for any weapon in which she has the Weapon Focus feat.  This grants her a +2 bonus to damage when using that weapon.  She cannot take this feat at any other level however.

Evasion: At eighth level, the bushi receives no damage from a successful save versus attacks requiring a Reflex save. This only applies to attacks that can have their damage halved (or otherwise reduced) with a successful Reflex save. The bushi must be wearing light or no armor.

Improved evasion: At twelfth level, even if a bushi fails a Reflex check against an attack that requires a Reflex save, she suffers only half damage (none on a successful save). This is an extraordinary ability that can only be used when the bushi is wearing no or light armor. Improved evasion is an extraordinary ability.

The Bushi












First bonus feat






Second bonus feat












Uncanny dodge






Third bonus feat, Quick on the Feet +1






Weapon Specilization












Fourth bonus feat, Evasion












Quick on the Feet +2






Fifth bonus feat






Improved evasion












Sixth bonus feat






Quick on the Feet +3











Seventh bonus feat


















Eighth bonus feat, Quick on the Feet +4

The Wu Jen

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