
Small Humanoid (Bakemono)
Hit Dice
: 1d8 (4 hp)
Initiative: +2 (Dex)
Speed: 30'
AC: 14 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +1 piecemeal armor)
Attacks: Halfspear +1 melee; or short sword +1 melee; or hankyu (short bow) +3 ranged
Damage: Halfspear 1d6-1; or short sword 1d6-1; or hankyu 1d6-1
Face/Reach: 5' by 5'/5'
Special Attacks: None
Special Qualities: None
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +0
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 5, Wis 11, Cha 5
Skills: Hide +7, Listen +2, Spot +2
Feats: Alertness

Climate/Terrain: Any temperate land, Underground
Organization: Gang (4-9), horde (10-100 plus 50% noncombatants, 1 3rd-level warrior per 20 adults, 1 leader of 4th-6th level, oni or ogre mage leader), warband (10-30 with one 2nd-4th-level warrior and oni or ogre mage leadership)
Challenge Rating: 1/4
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually chaotic evil
Advancement: By character class


Bakemono would find fast friends with the occidental goblin - if only they'd get along. Similar in habit to goblins, bakemono nonetheless come in an amazing variety of shapes and sizes. No two are the same; common features include an extended proboscis, stunted wings, arms that hang to the ground, hooves, fur, scales of a lizard or fish, feathers, tall and thin bodies, short and hunched stature, and so on. Skin color is likewise multifarious; bright orange, magenta, dark blue, and more.

At the DM's option, exceptional bakemono might have a body form or feature that changes the base statistics listed above. For example, a bakemono with hooves could have a base movement of 40'; one with a long snout could have the Scent special ability; some might even have natural weapons (claws or horns). Such individuals will usually be found among the leadership.

These creatures have a known weakness for sake and other strong drinks. Owing to their low Intelligence, they are also susceptible to a ruse.

Bakemono speak their own language (similar to that of the oni). Individuals with an Intelligence of 12 or higher (a rare occasion), speak the trade language and possibly that of the local human population.


Bakemono enjoy neither overwhelming Strength nor Intelligence. What makes up for these disadvantages is their numbers. Encountering a lone bakemono wandering from its lair is not uncommon; however, those entering a bakemono's home should be prepared to be overwhelmed, at least numerically.

Bakemono usually rely on melee weapons in combat which are usually scavenged. Those with character classes might even possess better weapons such as the katana (treat as a masterwork basterd sword). Most bakemono possess at least a poor remnant of armor (usually piecemeal, such as a kote sleeve guard or the sune-ate shin guard; each piece of piecemeal armor imposes a -1 armor penalty check), which is so dilapidated and altered to fit their individual body structure that it is worthless to any other.

Bands of these creatures are usually commanded by an ogre mage or oni, and they follow their leader absolutely, though out of fear and not loyalty.

Skills: Bakemono receive a +2 racial bonus to their Hide skill.

Bakemono Society

Bakemono live in bands whose pastime is raiding and generally causing mayhem. More likely to live in an area from which they drove out the rightful owners, bakemono rarely go to the trouble to build their own structures, except that on occasion they will erect and staff a wooden stockade around an otherwise unprotected area. They are therefore usually found in rundown temples and villages, which look on first inspection to be deserted.

Bakemono Characters

The bakemono's favored class is the bushi. Shukenja and adepts among the bakemono are rare, but usually worship elements of nature that are chaotic and destructive such as storms and the wind. Domains from which they can choose are Air, Chaos, Destruction, Fire, and Water.

Converted from Oriental Adventures by Gary Gygax. Converted by "exempt" at The Wu Jen. D&D is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast. Distributed under the Open Gaming License.

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