Oriental Adventures - Spells

This work is ongoing and will be updated as I convert more spells.  I've used the guidelines in the D&D Conversion Manual written by Skip Williams. OA refers to the book Oriental Adventures authored by Gary Gygax. All asterisked spells are converted below.
                                                                                                            - "exempt"

Hallelujah!  WoTC has announced the release of 3e OA for October, 2001!  While that will hopefully make all the stuff on this page obsolete, I still want to continue my homebrew OA campaign, and for that end, will continue converting spells as I need them.

Shukenja Spells

    Shukenja Orisons

    First Level Shukenja Spells

    Second Level Shukenja Spells

    Third Level Shukenja Spells

Sohei Spells

    First Level Sohei Spells

    Second Level Sohei Spells

    Third Level Sohei Spells

    Fourth Level Sohei Spells

Wu Jen Spells

    Wu Jen Cantrips

    First Level Wu Jen Spells

    Second Level Wu Jen Spells

    Third Level Wu Jen Spells

    Fourth Level Wu Jen Spells New

Converted Spell Descriptions


Shukenja Spells

Shukenja Orisons

OA contained no orisons. DM's are suggested to allow shukenja access to all clerical orisons and the following spell which was originally first level.

Detect Disease* Allows shukenja to detect presence and possibly diagnose type of disease.

First Level Shukenja Spells

Animal Friendship Was animal companion.
Attraction* Lowers target's AC by 2.
Augments social relations with friendly creatures.
Cure Light Wounds
Detect Chaos
Detect Evil
Detect Good
Detect Harmony*
Detects balance between good/evil and law/chaos.
Detect Law
Divining Rod*
Similar to locate object.
Endure Elements Was resist.
Inflict Light Wounds
Know History*
Relates history of an area, item, or person.
Omen* Foretells woe or weal in next 24 hours.
Remove Fear Was calm.
Shield of Faith Was deflection.
Snake Charm*  Holds snakes at bay unless attacked.
Trance* Detects spirits, haunting, and curses in an area.
Weapon Bless* Grants one-time +5 attack/damage bonus vs. specific creature.

Second Level Shukenja Spells

[Note: 3rd edition contains no provision for the spell chant, so it has been omitted.] Also, DM's might also consider allowing shukenjas to cast cure and inflict moderate wounds, as the cure/inflict series of spells has expanded with 3e.  Lesser restoration is also a spell recommended for this list.

Animal Messenger
Was messenger.
Commune with Lesser Spirit* Allows caster to ask questions of a natural spirit.
Conceal Motivation* Disguises basic motivation (greed, hunger, anger, revenge, etc.).
Cure Moderate Wounds (Suggested addition to spell list; not in OA)
Delay Poison
Was slow poison.
Deathwatch Was detect life.
Detect Charm* Caster can detect presence of any enchantment school spell.
Dream Sight* Caster's spirit becomes incorporeal and may wander anywhere within range.
Dry Spring* Destroys any natural spring or one made by create spring.
Hold Person
Holy Symbol*
Caster can create a holy symbol of his faith.
Inflict Moderate Wounds  (Suggested addition to spell list; not in OA)
Know Motivation
Detects basic drives of a creature such as hunger, fear, revenge, love. etc.
Obscure Charm* Prevents detection of enchantment school spells.
Obscuring Mist Was obscurement.
Protection from Spirits* Prevents minor spirits and hinders greater spirits from attacking recipient.
Request* Demands a natural spirit perform any action within its power if it fails a Will save.
Snake Summoning* Summons and calms snakes and snake-like creatures within area of effect.
Speak with Animals
Sweet Water Was create spring.  This spell is described in Defenders of the Faith.
Warning* Increases recipient's Spot and Listen checks, prevents close-range sneak attacks.
Withdraw* Time slows for caster allowing him to cast healing, divination, and protection spells.

Third Level Shukenja Spells

Note: The official conversion document states that the spell know alignment should not be carried into 3rd edition. It is thus dropped from the shukenja spell list. DM's might also consider allowing shukenjas to cast cure and inflict serious wounds, as the cure/inflict series of spells has expanded with 3e.

Bestow Curse
Castigate As per castigate in Defenders of the Faith.
Cause Blindness/Deafness
Cure Serious Wounds  (Suggested addition to spell list; not in OA)
Death's Door
Stabilizes dying creature and raises its hp to 0.
Detect Curse* Detects curse and perhaps its general nature.
Dispel Magic
Divination* Allows remote reconnaissance of forces, treasure, and supernatural presences of an area. This spell differs is different from the western divine spell of the same name.
Dream Was dream vision.
Flame Walk* Increases saving throw against fire by +4.
Inflict Serious Wounds  (Suggested addition to spell list; not in OA)
Invisibility to Spirits
Makes recipient invisible to spirits.
Magical Vestment* When on own holy ground, caster's garments receive armor bonus. This spell differs from the western divine spell magic vestment.
Oath* Trades promises between the caster and a target, who must abide by the oath or suffer. Broken if caster breaks his oath.
Possess Animal* Caster's spirit enters body of animal and dominates its actions.
Remove Blindness/Deafness Was cure blindness.
Remove Curse
Remove Disease Was cure disease.
Remove Paralysis
Speak with Dead
Substitution* Allows statuette of shukenja's deity to absorb up to 20 hp damage caster would normally suffer.
Unbind* Removes a creature affected by the oath spell.

Sohei Spells

First Level Sohei Spells

Attraction* Increases effective range of missile weapons.


Shield of Faith


Weapon Bless* Grants one-time +5 attack/damage bonus vs. specific creature.

Second Level Sohei Spells

Animal Messenger

Delay Poison

Warning* Increases recipient's Spot and Listen checks, prevents close-range sneak attacks.

Third Level Sohei Spells

Castigate As per castigate in Defenders of the Faith.
Dispel Magic

Flame Walk* Increases saving throw against fire by +4.

Fourth Level Sohei Spells



Penetrate Disguise*

Spell Immunity*



Wu Jen Spells

Some wu jen spells are categorized according to the Asian elements they affect. These elements are different form the "elements" specified in western protection spells and the like. They include wind, earth, fire, water, and wood/nature. The element(s) to which a spell belongs are listed in square brackets [ ].

Wu Jen Cantrips

OA contained no cantrips. DM's are suggested to allow wu jen access to all sorcerer/wizard cantrips except disrupt undead, which might be replaced by disrupt spirits, a spell with the same effect as disrupt undead, except that it only affects spirits.  Additionally, some 1st-level spells have been "downgraded" to cantrips (e.g., read magic).  These do not appear in the 1st-level spell list, below.

First Level Wu Jen Spells

Accuracy* Increases range of missile weapons.
Animate Wood* [Nature] Animate wooden object to assist you.
Chameleon* Recipient's coloration changes to match background, adding +10 to Hide skill checks.
Cloud Ladder* [Wind] Shape weightless ladder from smoke.
Comprehend Languages
Drowsy Insects* [Nature] Insects swarm an opponents, biting them and causing them to sleep.
Elemental Burst* [All] Object bursts in area causing damage (stone, earth, fire), stunning them (air), or knocking them down (water).
Fiery Eyes* [Fire] Your stare lights fires and makes foes hesitate. Increases effectiveness of some enchantment spells.
Ghost Light* A light resembling that of spirits frightens creatures with 1 HD or less.
Hail of Stone* [Earth] A rain of stones to pound any place outside.
Hold Portal
Inaccuracy* Makes recipient harder to hit with ranged weapons.
Magic Missile
Melt* [Fire] Melt snow and ice and cause damage to cold-based creatures.
Obscuring Mist [Wind] Was wall of fog.
Secret Signs* Secretly transmits a message with an innocuous word, gesture, or movement of an item.
Sinking* [Water] Imposes a -30 penalty on Swim checks.
Spider Climb
Still Water* [Water] Calms waters allowing safer passage by creatures and ships, and pacifies water-based creatures.
Swim* [Water] Allows land-based creatures to swim normally without Swim checks; doubles speed of aquatic creatures.
Turbulence* [Water] Causes waters to increase choppiness, possibly capsizing small boats and even larger ships. Enrages water-based creatures.
Unseen Servant
Warp Wood* [Wood] Bends 15" of 1"-diameter wood/level.
Water Protection* [Water] Recipient can breathe and vocalize underwater.

Second Level Wu Jen Spells

The spell vocalize has been omitted since it can be emulated with the metamagic feat Silent Spell.

Animal Friendship Was animal companion.
Animate Rope Was bind.
Animate Water* [Water] Causes water to move about at the caster's command, extinguish fires, knock down opponents, etc.

Arcane Lock Was wizard lock.
Bull's Strength Was strength.
Detect Chaos
Detect Evil
Detect Good
Detect Law
Detect Thoughts Was ESP.
Enchanted Blade* Creates a blade in recipient's hand that can strike for 1d6 damage per caster level in melee or ranged combat.
Fire Shuriken* [Fire] Hurl fiery shuriken inflict 1d4 slashing, 1d4 fire damage per missile.
Fog Cloud* [Wind] A mass of fog that can move away from the caster at 10' per round.
Gaseous Form [Wind] Was smoky form.
Hypnotic Pattern
Ice Knife* [Water] Hurl an icy knife inflicting 1d4 cold damage and slows all within 5' who fail a Reflex save.
Locate Object
Omen* Foretells woe or weal for a character in the next 24 hours.
Protection from Enchantment* Was protection from charm.
Pyrotechnics [Fire]
Rope Trick
See Invisibility Was detect invisibility.
Silent Image Was phantasmal force.
Smoke Shape* [Wind] Caster molds smoke, haze, or mist into any shape which can be used to fool observers at a distance.
Stinking Cloud [Wind]
Whip* Creates a magical whip that can strike opponents, disarm or trip them, and keep animals at bay.
Whispering Wind [Wind]
Wind Breath* [Wind] Caster expels wind with velocity of 5 miles per hour per level. Can extinguish torches, knock creatures down, capsize boats, etc.


Third Level Wu Jen Spells

Animate Fire* [Fire] Enhances, diminishes, and/or moves flame up to 1' away from its source per level.
Change Self Was disguise
Cloudburst* [Water/Wind] Precipitates moisture in area, sputtering or extinguishing all flames.
Commune with Lesser Spirit* Allows caster to ask questions of a natural spirit.
Detect Shapechanger* Detect shapechangers and see their most commonly assumed form.
Dispel Magic

Face* Seemingly elevates social status and adds +10 to Diplomacy checks when acting "in character."
Feign Death
Fire Rain* [Fire] Fire falls from the open sky striking all for 1d8 hp/2 levels or half if save.
Fire Wings* [Fire] Sprout wings of fire useful for battering opponents or flying.
Hold Person
Illusionary Script
Lose Face* Reduces social level of target, causing them to suffer -10 to Diplomacy checks when interacting with persons of higher rank.
Magnetism* [Stone] Pluck ferrous items from others' grasps or cause all ferrous objects in 30' to converge on a target.
Memory* Implant a false memory or ease a valid one from a target's mind.
Minor Image Was improved phantasmal force.
Protection from Arrows Was protection from normal missiles.
Steam Breath* [Wind] Expel damaging steam in a cone causing 1d6 damage per level.
Scry [All]
Statue* [Stone] Recipient can turn to stone or revert to flesh at will.
Wood Shape* [Wood/Nature]Alter cubic 1'/level of wood into any conceivable shape.


Fourth Level Wu Jen Spells

Note: As per the Conversion document released by WoTC, know alignment was dropped from the spell list.


Bargain* Compel a lesser or greater spirit to perform an action for you.

Bestow Curse


Dancing Blade* Non-magical sword animates and fights for designated creature.

Dimension Door [Earth]

Dispel Illusion* Dispels any illusion as if dispel magic were cast with a +5 bonus.

Dream Was dream vision.

Elemental Turning* [All] Elementals of a specified type must make Will save or flee.


Fire Enchantment* [Fire] Deliver a suggestion to all looking at a fire.

Improved Invisibility

Melt Metal* [Fire] Make metal "flow," opening locks, liquefying bars, etc.

Minor Creation

Plant Growth [Wood/Nature]

Polymorph Other

Polymorph Self

Quell* Forces victim to surrender if Will save failed; you may demand service if target fails a new Will save.

Remove Curse

Reverse Flow* Reverses flow of water.


Major Image Was spectral force.

Transfix* Hold targets in a specified place until a certain condition occurs or they pass a Will save (every hour).

Vengeance* Your spirit remains to carry out a one-round action after you are slain.

Wall of Bones* Wall 10' long and 1/2 foot thick per level rises from earth.

Wall of Fire [Fire]



Converted Spell Descriptions

Level: Wu jen 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 round
Range: 10'
Target or area: 1 missile/level
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: No

The spell allows missiles to be fired twice their normal range and double their normal range increments. For example, an arrow fired from a hankyu could now travel 120' before being out of the first range increment. This effect is considered an enchantment bonus.
    Normal and magical missiles can be affected. Missiles that can be affected include all items that can be thrown or discharged by a normal Medium size creature or smaller without using a "machine" larger than a heavy crossbow or daikyu. Thus, arrows, bolts, spears, shuriken, and the like could receive this enchantment but ballistae bolts or catapult shots could not. Missile that are not destroyed and located by the targets could possibly be returned with the same benefits if the duration of the spell has not ceased.
    Note that this enchantment can be placed on melee weapons that are to be throw, although the bonus gained applies only when they are used as missile weapons. This spell does not allow the 30' range increment for point-blank shots (as per the feat), extra damage inflicted by weapon specialization, sneak attacks made by ninja and the like to be surpassed, as the attacker must still be able to discern detail on the target to strike effectively.
    This spell counterspells inaccuracy.
    Material components: A calligraphy brush and ink. A mystical character is written on each missile enchanted.

Animate Fire
Conjuration [Fire]
Level: Wu jen 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Short
Target or area: 1' cube/level
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round/level (D)
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: No

This spell animates fire, allowing it to travel up to 1' away from its source per caster level at a rate of 10' / round.  It can be caused to burn up to twice as fiercely, consume twice the fuel, and cause twice the damage.  Flames can also be quenched but not totally extinguished.
    Material components: Charcoal, sulphur, soda ash.

Animate Water
Conjuration [Water]
Level: Wu jen 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Medium (100' + 10'/level)
Target or area: 5' cube/level
Duration: Until concentration ends, up to 1 round/level
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: No

With this spell the caster animates a volume of water up to a 5' cube per level. He cannot shape the water but command it flow in any direction. The water has a movement rate of 15' (double that for the double-move option), but is still susceptible to consequences of natural laws like evaporation and gravity. Thus, water moving over sand is absorbed, and water moving over earth is also absorbed but makes the ground muddy (and thus makes for unsure footing). Large amounts of heat can also evaporate the water at a rate of one 5' cube per 5 hp of heat damage; water evaporated in this manner creates a 5' steam cloud for every 5' cube evaporated, persists 1d3 rounds, and has all the effects of dense fog (granting concealment). Strong winds dissipate such clouds in one round.
    The water can ascend gentle grades of less that 45 degrees, but walls, stairs, and the like are insurmountable obstacles (unless they are small enough to be washed over - typically less that 3' high). Water ordered to attack deals 1d2 bludgeoning damage per 5' cube, smacking opponents in a crashing wave.
    Material components: Vial of spring water mixed with cinnabar ore.

Animate Wood
Transmutation [Wood]
Level: Wu jen 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Touch
Target or area: Special
Duration: 10 minutes
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: No

Animate wood allows a wu jen to cause living or dead wooden items to twist and bend. The spell does not change the form of the items but allows them to strike and move if such is possible for the kind of object being animated (e.g., a rooted tree could not romp around but a chair could scuttle across the floor). Wood with this spell act has the same statistics as Animated Objects described in the MM. They do damage however, according to their form. Thus a tree would inflict bludgeoning damage while an arrow slithering around like a snake would cause piercing damage.
    A single plant of living wood 5' or less in stature (Medium size) can be animated for every level of the caster. For non-living wood, a piece approximately the size of two arrows (each one size Tiny) can be animated for every caster level.
    Magical items get a Fortitude saving throw to resist the effect, each plus of enchantment adding to their roll. "Intelligent" wood (e.g., a treant) is not affected by this spell.
    Note that this spell is an effective counter-measure against wooden weapons, although attended items are allowed a saving throw as if the bearer were making the save.
    Material components: Powdered cinnabar, ground peach pit.

Level: Shukenja 1, Sohei 1
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target or area: 1 creature
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Saving throw: Will negates
Spell resistance: Yes

This spell causes attacks to veer toward the victim, making her suffer a -2 penalty to her AC.

Level: Wu jen 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Short (25'+5'/level)
Target or area: 1 spirit
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: Will negates
Spell resistance: Yes

Bargain can be cast on any lesser or greater spirit in order to obtain its services.  The caster must have already contacted the spirit (e.g., via commune with lesser spirit or commune with greater spirit).  If the spirit succeeds its saving throw, it is under no special obligation toward the caster, but if it fails, it owes the caster a specific item or service within its power stated by the caster.  The spirit can demand payment of no more than half value of the item or service required of it.  The spirit must immediately engage on the endeavor unless otherwise allowed not to by the caster, but the caster can delay payment until the spirit performs the deed.  If the caster refuses to fulfill his portion of the bargain, the spirit petitions the Celestial Bureaucracy, and the caster suffers a -2 penalty to all saving throws and attack rolls until he executes his half of the deal.  If the spirit succeeds in its saving throw, it may still strike a (nonmagical) bargain with the caster though the terms are never as good (from the caster's perspective) as they are under this spell.  A spirit can never be under more than one bargain at one time, and a spirit succeeding in its saving throw against this spell is immune to this spell by the same caster for the next three days.
    [Note that monster conversions available at this site classify spirits into lesser and greater spirits, each of which is a sub-type of Fey.]
    Material components: A bowl of incense worth 20 gp or more (120 tael).

Level: Shukenja 1
Components: V
Casting time: 1 action
Range: 0'
Target or area: 10' radius/level
Duration: 20 minutes/level (D)
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: No

All who encounter the shukenja recognize him as a holy man, and may be predisposed to treat him kindly or at least with respect. The shukenja gains a +4 enhancement bonus to his Diplomacy, Bluff, and Gather Information skills. This spell only works on nonhostile creatures and those that cannot understand the shukenja's roll. For example, a pride of lions or bandits waiting in ambush would not be affected.

Level: Wu jen 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Touch
Target or area: One creature
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: Yes (Harmless)

Chameleon alters the coloration of the target to match the current environment. This camouflage changes automatically when the recipient moves into a new environment with different terrain features. The effect is to add a +10 circumstantial bonus to Hide skill checks.
    Material components: Shed skin of a small lizard.

Alteration [Water]
Level: Wu jen 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Short
Target or area: 30' diameter cylinder up to 60' high
Duration: 1 round
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: No

This spell condenses all moisture in the air and causes it to fall to the ground, typically dumping 1" of "rain" on the area.  It quenches all mundane fires in its area of effect, and magical fires sputter out for 1d2 rounds.  Fires as large as the area of effect or greater release a steam cloud four times the size of the original cloudburst's area of effect lasting 1d4+1 rounds and causing 1d3 heat damage per round.
    Material components: Small kite, rock salt

Cloud Ladder
Transmutation [Wind]
Level: Wu jen 1
Components: V, S, F
Casting time: 1 round
Range: 0'
Target or area: See text
Duration: 1d4 minutes + 1 minute/level (D)
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: No

A wu jen casting this spell reaches into an area of smoke and shapes it into a ladder. The ladder can be 10' long for every level of the caster and can be transported once shaped. Cloud ladders can be used by the caster and one more creature per level designated by the wu jen. Additional creatures attempting to take hold of the ladder find their hands simply full of smoke. The ladder is always rigid stays where put, although at least one end must be touching a surface that could normally bear the weight of the creatures supported on the ladder; the ladder need not be leaned against a surface to stand it on end, and it could be used to bridge a chasm with only one end touching an edge.
    The wu jen can choose to re-cast cloud ladder upon the smoke of a cloud ladder already created in order to lengthen the duration of the spell.
    Focus: A large bonfire (5' x 5') of green wood. The fire is not extinguished by this spell.

Commune with Lesser Spirit
Level: Shukenja 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 10 minutes
Range: 0'
Target or area: Special
Duration: Special
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: No

With this spell, a caster is able to contact any of the many local lesser spirits living within rocks, trees, hills, streams, and the like. A spirit that inhabits a structure can also be contacted. This spell cannot contact spirits of greater areas such as a river or mountain. The caster must know the identity of the spirit (obtainable via a trance spell) and be within 10' of the area where the spirit resides.
    When the spirit is contacted, he can ask it one question for every level he has. Questions must be specific but are not limited to yes-no answers. The spirit answers literally but truthfully if the answer is known. They do not volunteer information, but good spirits attempt to be helpful, neutral ones indirect, and evil spirits malevolent, attempt to distort the answer if possible.
    The spirit can only answer questions of which it would have knowledge - e.g., the spirit of a small copse could say what kind of creatures passed through it recently (though not specific identity, class, etc.). Questions to which the spirit does not know the answer are wasted.
    This spell can be used a maximum of once per week for any particular spirit.
    [Note that monster conversions available at this site classify spirits into lesser and greater spirits, each of which is a sub-type of Fey.]
    Material components: Incense and an offering appropriate to the spirit.

Conceal Motivation
Level: Shukenja 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Touch
Target or area: 1 creature
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: Yes (Harmless)

This spell masks the detection of the basic drives and needs of the target (e.g., anger, hunger, revenge, love, fear, etc.). It causes all Detect Motive skill checks used against the recipient to suffer a -6 penalty. Note that it does not prescribe the target from making these needs known either through speech or otherwise. It can counter know motivation.
    Material component: A prayer written on a cloth tied about the caster's head.

Dancing Blade
Level: Wu jen 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 round
Range: 10'
Target or area: 1 creature
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: No
This spell animates a sword, which hovers and fights for a designated target within range.  The sword can be neither magical (though it can be masterwork) nor in the possession of another being.  The sword's location can be controlled by the designated creature as a free action, and it can travel at the same base movement rate as the target (the target can leave the range of the spell and have the sword follow it).  Nevertheless, it cannot wander more than 5' away from the target, or it will drop to the ground and the spell will end.  The sword requires no act of concentration to use, and it strikes with the base attack bonus (including multiple attacks, if any) as the designated target, though it does normal damage (with no modifiers for Strength, specialization, etc.).  It cannot be "disarmed" unless an opponent attempts to grab it, in which case the disarm attempt is made as normal (again, without the defender's Strength bonus, etc.).  A creature that successfully "disarms" the sword in this way must keep hold of it with at least one hand or it will re-animate if he lets go (unless the target is more than 5' away).
    Material component: Tiny stick puppet.

Death's Door
Level: Shukenja 3
Components: V, S, F
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target or area: One creature
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: Yes (Harmless)

With this spell the caster brings a creature that is unconscious due to hp loss (-1 to -9 hp) to 0 and stabilizes them. Consciousness can be restored by other means, including magic and mundane. This spell does not work on creatures without a Constitution score (e.g., undead).
    Focus: Holy symbol, scrap of white silk, unguent.

Detect Charm
Level: Shukenja 2
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Close (25' + 5'/2 levels)
Target or area: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: Special
Spell resistance: Yes (See below)

This spell determines if a target creature is under the influence of spells or spell-like effects from the Enchantment school. If the target is charmed by an unfriendly creature within the immediate vicinity (i.e., one that could see or hear detect charm being cast), then he can thwart the spell with a successful Will save since such detection would be inimical to his interests.

Detect Curse
Level: Shukenja 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 round
Range: 0'
Target or area: 10' ´ 30' path
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: No

This spell allows the caster a 5% cumulative chance per level to detect a curse placed upon a creature, item, or place. One creature, one object, or one square yard of area can be examined per round. If a curse is detected, the caster can concentrate another round to determine the general nature of the curse; the success rate for this is also 5% per level, cumulative. The information conveyed is only general in nature. For example, a caster could learn that a particular yuan-ti altar will place a curse upon anyone who touches it, but not that it polymorphs them into a snake. This spell only works once every time the caster gains a level for any particular creature, item, or place. For example, the shukenja Myori casts this spell upon a companion who has been battling evil spirits. She detects nothing. Myori may cast the spell and examine the same companion only after she has gained another experience level.
    Material components: A gem worth at least 2 ch'ien given as an offering to the caster's deity or higher power, fresh spray of cherry or plum.

Detect Harmony
Level: Shukenja 1
Components: V, S, F
Casting time: 10 minutes
Range: 0'
Target or area: 10' cube/level
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: No

This spell informs the shukenja of the general balance among the lawful-chaotic and good-evil axes in a given area. It does not reveal the exact alignment - only the general proportions of each. Answers are always vague; for example, "Good prevails here," or "Chaos and law are in balance." Cast on buildings or other areas, the spell might reveal a preponderance of evil in, for example, a haunted cave.
    When cast on a creature, the spell takes into account the target's alignment, recent actions, and intentions.
    Focus: A scroll of sutras worth at least 5 ch'ien for paper and ink.

Detect Disease
Level: Shukenja 0
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Close (25' + 5'/2 levels)
Target or area: One creature, object, or 5'-cube
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: No

The caster can detect the presence of magical or mundane disease. There is a 10% chance per caster level that the exact nature of the disease (e.g., mummy rot) is known.

Detect Shapechanger
Level: Shukenja 4, Wu jen 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Medium
Target or area: 1 creature/level
Duration: 3 rounds/level (D)
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: Yes

The caster can see the true form (most commonly assumed form) of any shapechanger examined.  If the shapechanger is already in that form, the spell simply reveals that the creature is a shapechanger.  One creature can be examined per round.
    Material components: Honey, lotus flower.

Dispel Illusion
Level: Wu jen 4

Except as stated above, this spell functions exactly as dispel magic, except that the caster obtains a +5 bonus to the dispel check, and it is only effective against spells from the Illusion school.

Level: Shukenja 3
Components: V, S, M, DF
Casting time: 10 minutes
Range: Personal
Target or area: Special
Duration: Special
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: No

This spell allows the caster to gain specific information about an area whose location is known. It provides the caster with the following information: relative strength of creatures, amount and value of treasure, and whether the area is being specifically watched by a supernatural being. The chance of receiving correct information is 60% plus 1% per caster level, although this may be modified by the DM. If the divination is incorrect, it provides inaccurate information. Further spells regarding the same area provide the same information, even if incorrect.
    Material components: Handful of coins, incense. For powerful divinations (and increased chance of success), the caster may offer jewelry or magic items. In this case the chance of success may increase 1% per 100 ch'ien value of the item offered, but there should always be a 5% chance of receiving inaccurate information.
    Note: This spell differs from the western divine spell of the same name.

Diving Rod
Components: V, S, F
Except as noted, this spell is the same as locate object.
    Focus: Stick cut from a ginkgo tree.

Dream Sight
Level: Shukenja 2
Components: S, M
Casting time: 1 minute
Range: Special
Target or area: Personal
Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: No

Upon casting this spell, the shukenja enters a sleep and dreams of her vicinity. His spirit becomes incorporeal and can pass through solid objects but not enter areas protected by any protection spell, desecrate, or consecrate. Noises in such areas also cannot be heard. What the caster does see is what is happening while she is dreaming, not the past or future. She can move her spirit up to 90' per minute and then observe the scene in the next minute. The spirit automatically returns to the body when the duration expires or the shukenja wills the spell to end.
If the body of the caster is disturbed while she is in dream sight, she must make a Will save with a DC of 15. Failure indicates the spirit is lost and cannot return to the body, which lies in a catatonic state. Another caster using dream sight can locate the original spirit and guide it back.
    During dream sight the caster's spirit is considered to be a lesser spirit (a type of fey) and thus subject to spells like commune with lesser spirit, invisibility to spirits, and smite. If affected by the last, the spirit is destroyed and the body remains in a cataleptic state. She can only be restored by means normally used to raise the dead or a restoration spell.  Restore spirit will also revive the caster.
    Material component: Incense worth at least 1 ch'ien.

Drowsy Insects
Conjuration [Nature]
Level: Wu jen 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Medium (100' + 10'/level)
Target or area: 5' square/level
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: Fortitude negates
Spell resistance: Yes

This spell summons a cloud of biting and stinging insects. All within the area of effect must make succeed in a Fortitude saving throw against poison or fall asleep for 2d6 rounds. Sleeping creatures are considered helpless, but can be woken when suffering any damage or with a full round action devoted to shaking them. Loud noises such as combat have a 50% chance per round of waking them, and shouting in their ears will also cause them to awaken.
    Targets protected by smoke, large fires (i.e., not simply a torch), or cold are avoided by the insects.
    Material component: Live honeybee or stinging insect.

Dry Spring
Level: Shukenja 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Touch
Target or area: Special
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: No

This spell destroys any natural spring or one created by create spring. It can counter create spring.
    Material component: Bamboo cane.

Elemental Burst
Conjuration [Wind, Earth, Fire, Water, Wood]
Level: Wu jen 1
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100' + 10'/level)
Target or area: 5' radius burst
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: See text
Spell resistance: Yes

Elemental burst causes any object composed of one of the five elements - air, earth, fire, stone, or water - to suddenly lash out against all in the area of effect. Wood and stone objects release a spray of sharp splinters, inflicting 1d8 damage with a Reflex save indicating half damage.
    Fire releases sparks causing 1d4 hp of damage; a successful Reflex save indicates damage was avoided. Sparks have a 5% chance of igniting flammables within the area of effect. Elemental burst is also considered a fire-based spell if cast on fire.
    Water roars into a small wave, knocking all down all within the area of effect unless a Reflex save is successful. For every size smaller than Medium, creatures suffer a -4 penalty to the Reflex save to avoid the wave. Large creatures enjoy a +4 bonus, as does any creature with four legs or more (cumulative with size), and creatures larger than Large are unaffected. The wave will douse torches and the like.
    An air burst causes a sonic wave stunning victims for 1d2 rounds unless they make a successful Reflex save.
    The object creating the burst is in no way physically damaged by the spell.

Elemental Turning
Abjuration [Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Wood/Nature]
Level: Wu jen 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Caster
Target or area: 60' emanation
Duration: 4 +1d4 rounds
Saving throw: Will negates
Spell resistance: Yes

Elemental turning requires all elements of a specified element (Earth, Air, Fire, or Water), stated at the casting of this spell, to make a Will save or flee in panic until the spell ends.  Elementals that enter the area of effect while the spell is in operation must also make a Will save or flee the area.  Those that cannot flee (because they are forced against the area of effect) are banished to their native plane.  The emanation moves with the caster.  Elemental turning for a specific element cannot be cast on that elemental plane (e.g., a turning directed against fire elementals cannot be cast on the Plane of Fire).
    Material components: A pinch of the element inimical to the type of element being driven away (fire for water elementals, earth for air, a puff of breath for earth, and water for fire elementals).

Enchanted Blade
Level: Wu jen 2
Components: V, S, M, F
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Touch
Target or area: One creature
Duration: 10 minutes or until discharged
Saving throw: Reflex half
Spell resistance: Yes

Upon casting this spell, the wu jen conjures a magical sword of electrical energy in the recipient's hands. The weapon is the same size of a longsword but weightless and does not impose a nonproficiency penalty when used. The blade can be used in two ways - either as a normal melee weapon or to discharge a bolt of energy with a range of 30'. If used as a melee weapon, the wielder must make a touch attack with the blade; if used as a missile weapon, a ranged touch attack is required.
    In both cases, the sword can do up to 1d6 hp of electrical damage for every two caster levels before disappearing (maximum 6d6). The wielder can use all the damage at once or divide them up between uses. When making an attack, the wielder chooses how many dice of damage she will inflict if successful. She then makes the attack, and if successful, that many dice of damage are subtracted from the sword's potential. Targets are allowed a Reflex saving throw to avoid half of the damage. Strength and other appropriate modifiers are added to melee damage, but critical hits only double these modifiers, not the electrical damage dealt by the sword.
    The blade disappears when all the damage die it can deal have been consumed, or when it leaves the hands (or what passes as hands) of the recipient of the spell.
    The enchanted blade can strike creatures with damage reduction without penalty. The amount of damage reduction the blade can surpass is equivalent to +1 for every four caster levels, rounded down. Thus, an enchanted blade created by a fourth level caster can bypass damage reduction of +1, +2 at eighth level, +3 at twelfth, +4 at sixteenth, and +5 at twentieth.
    Material components: Small wooden sword.
    Focus: Silver rod (1 ch'ien).

Level: Wu jen 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 10 minutes
Range: Touch
Target or area: Creature touched
Duration: 20 minutes/level
Saving throw: Will negates (Harmless)
Spell resistance: Yes (Harmless)

This spell causes the recipient to appear as if he were of a higher social class.  It adds +10 to his Diplomacy skill checks, as long he is acting "in character" for a person of that station.
    Material component: Honey.

Fiery Eyes
Transmutation [Fire]
Level: Wu jen 1
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 action
Range: 0'
Target or area: Self
Duration: 3 rounds/level (D)
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: No

Fiery eyes imbues the wu jen's eyes with a red, hot glow. They project light to 3', clearly illuminating that area. The caster can fix his sight on one location within this range for three rounds to cause combustible objects to catch fire (1d4 fire damage unless the fire spreads). This gaze attack cannot be made against mobile creatures, as any movement will cause the wu jen's sight to veer. Finally, any creature looking at the wu jen must make a Will save or hesitate, and can only perform a partial action during their next turn.
    If cast with hypnosis, hypnotic pattern, or a mass suggestion spell, the wu jen imposes a -1 circumstantial penalty on the targets' saving throws if they are looking at the caster.
    The wu jen can control the color springing form his eyes, ranging from red to yellow.

Fire Enchantment
Enchantment (Mind-Affecting, Coercion)
Level: Wu jen 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Long (400'+40'/level)
Target or area: 10' radius emanation
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: Will negates
Spell resistance: Yes

Cast upon a fire, this spell delivers a suggestion to all viewing it.  The actual suggestion seems to emanate from the blaze.  All within the area must make a Will save or fall victim to its effect.
    Material components: Mirror, lighted candle.

Fire Rain
Evocation [Fire]
Level: Wu jen 3
Components: V, S, M, F
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Long
Target or area: 20' diameter area
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: Reflex halves
Spell resistance: Yes

This spell bade fire stream down from the open sky.  All within the area of effect suffer 1d8 damage per two caster levels, or half that if they successfully make a Reflex save.  Combustibles in the area catch fire 50% of the time.  The spell only works outdoors, although it could burn away the roof of a building under which potential targets reside.
    Focus: A miniature blowpipe.
    Material component: Lamp oil blown through the blowpipe.

Fire Shuriken
Evocation [Fire]
Level: Wu jen 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100' + 10'/level)
Target or area: One creature or target
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: Yes

With a flick of her wrist, the wu jen can hurl fiery shuriken at one target with this spell. They have no range increment, but the caster must make a ranged touch attack to hit. The shuriken spin out toward the target, leaving fiery trails, and if they hit, inflict 1d4 of slashing damage and 1d4 of fire damage per missile. Upon striking the target, whether a creature or solid object, the shuriken burst into a cloud of multicolored smoke. The smoke is thick, lasts one round, and fills the 5' square where they struck. Any creatures in the square are considered blinded for that round unless they move out of the square. They also benefit from nine-tenths concealment but suffer the same penalty when making melee or missile attacks.
    All shuriken created by one casting of this spell must be cast at the same target. If more than one is created, subsequent shuriken suffer no attack penalty. One shuriken can be created for every four caster levels, rounded up: one up to third level, two between fourth and seventh levels, three between eighth and eleventh levels, and four (maximum) at twelfth level and beyond.
    Material components: Tiny shuriken coated with pine sap and sulfur.

Fire Wings
Evocation [Fire]
Level: Wu jen 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 round
Range: 0'
Target or area: Self
Duration: 10 minutes (D)

Fiery wings sprout from the caster's arms.  Items cannot be held, but rings and gloves and the like are transformed with the wings (but still effective); likewise, spells with somatic components cannot be cast.  The caster can fly at 60' per round with an Average maneuverability.  The wings illuminate all within 60'.  While the caster is immune to the fiery effects of her wings, they inflict 1d3 heat damage per round on all within 5'.  They can also be used to batter opponents and inflict 2d6 of fire damage per hit. The caster can strike with both wings but suffers the normal penalties for fighting with two weapons.
    Focus: Golden amulet shaped like a phoenix (approx. 25 tael or 4 gp in value).
    Material component: Bird feather.

Flame Walk
Level: Shukenja 3, Sohei 3
Components: V, S, F, DF
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target or area: 1 creature/5 levels
Duration: 10 minutes + 10 minutes/level
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: Yes (Harmless)

Recipients of this spell are hardened against magical and mundane fire. He enjoys a +4 resistance bonus to all saving throws against fire.
    Focus: Powdered ruby.

Fog Cloud
Level: Wu jen 2
Range: Short (25' + 5'/2 levels)

This spell is exactly the same as obscuring mist (PHB, p. 233), except that it does not have to be centered on the caster and the clouds can be commanded to move away from the initial location of the caster at a rate of 10' per round. Once the clouds start moving, the caster cannot stop them or change their direction.

Ghost Light
Level: Wu jen 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Long (400' + 40'/level)
Target or area: 10' cube
Duration: Concentration
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: No

Ghost light summons a preternatural, green glow. The light can be used for illumination or shaped into a form that fits into the area of effect. For example, it could be shaped into the form of an oni and then commanded to walk or fly. Fine detail is not possible, but spirits supposedly posses an illumination that resembles ghost light, according to common superstition. Thus, any creature with 1 HD or less must make a Will save upon viewing the light. Failure indicates the creatures run away in panic for one round. If fleeing is impossible, they cower.
    Material component: Phosphorus.

Hail of Stone
Conjuration [Earth]
Level: Wu jen 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Long (400' + 40/level)
Target or area: 5' square/level
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: No

Wu jen can summon a rain of actual stones from the sky, potentially damaging any within the area of effect. The caster must succeed in a in a ranged touch attack for every creature. Success indicates the creature suffers 1d3 hp of damage per caster level. This spell only works outside.
    Material component: Jade worth at least 1 ch'ien that is thrown at the target.

Holy Symbol
Level: Shukenja 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 10 minutes
Range: Touch
Target or area: One object
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: No

With this spell the shukenja creates a holy symbol with an object particular to his faith. He may only make a symbol for his deity or chosen power, and can carry up to two at a time. The symbol radiates good, evil, or neutrality, and law or chaos according to the deity's alignment.
    Material component: The object to become a holy symbol.

Ice Knife
Evocation [Water]
Level: Wu jen 2
Components: V, S, M, F
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Long (400' + 40'/level)
Target or area: One or more creatures within 5' of each other
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: Reflex negates
Spell resistance: Yes

Ice knife creates a small blade of preternatural coldness which the caster hurls at a target. The caster must make a ranged touch attack to hit a target, though there are no range penalties up to the maximum range of this spell. Upon impact with a creature or solid object, the knife shatters with a loud snap and releases a wave of cold. All within 5' of the point of impact must make a Reflex save or incur 1d4 cold damage and be numbed 1d3 rounds. Numbed creatures suffer as if they were under the influence of a slow spell: they can only take partial actions each round; suffer -2 penalties to AC, melee attacks and damage, and Reflex saves; and can jump half the normal distance.
    Large fires or other bodies of heat can add a +2 circumstantial bonus to the Reflex save to avoid damage and the numbing effects, at the DM's discretion. The slowing effects (but not the damage) can be countered with a haste spell.
    Material component: Drop of melted snow water.
    Focus: Minute silver dagger.

Level: Wu jen 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 round
Range: 10'
Target or area: One creature
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving throw: Will negates (Harmless)
Spell resistance: Yes

This spell causes the recipient to become amore difficult target for missile weapons. All missiles launched at that target act as if they were shot or thrown from one range increment greater that they actually were. Thus, all missiles launched from their first range increment and flying toward the benefactor of this spell suffer a -2 enchantment penalty as if they were launched from farther away. This also means that recipients within the last range increment of a weapon cannot be hit at all. The recipient is also immune to extra damage caused by point-blank shots (as per the feat), weapon specialization, and sneak attacks which require the target to be within 30' for augmented damage.
    Material component: A piece of thick glass.

Invisibility to Spirits
Level: Shukenja 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 10 minutes
Range: Touch
Target or area: One creature
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: Yes (Harmless)

This spell grants invisibility to all types of spirits. Although visible to any other sort of creature, the recipient can move freely among spirits and not be seen. If he attacks a spirit while invisible, only the defending spirits will be able to see him. Items picked up after the spell is cast and magical effects are perfectly visible to spirits.
    [Note that monster conversions available at this site classify spirits into lesser and greater spirits, each of which is a sub-type of Fey.]
    Material components: Writing brush, red ink. The caster must write sutras on every part of the creature being warded. The sutras disappear at the end of the spell.

Know History
Level: Shukenja 1
Components: V, S, F
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Short (25' + 5'/level)
Target or area: One creature, object, or 10' cube/level)
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: Special
Spell resistance: Special

Know history reveals the common name, background, family, and significant events associated with an item or experienced by a creature. It does not indicate secret identities or magical properties. When cast on a creature, an unwilling target is allowed a Will saving throw. If successful, the spell would indicate the target's family and personal name, place of birth, and perhaps any significant (and well-known) events that the creature took part in. If cast on an object, it would reveal the object's name (if any), it's creator, and any significant events it was used in. When cast on an area, it reveals the builder (if any) and events of import that occurred there.
    Focus: Carved bones.

Know Motivation
Level: Shukenja 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 round
Range: 0'
Target or area: 10' ´ 30' path
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: No

Know motivation allows the caster to sense the basic needs and drives of any creature not warded against scrying. It detects feelings like hunger, thirst, fear, greed, revenge, honor, anger, love, etc. It does not affect creatures without Intelligence (e.g., lesser undead, oozes). It can counter conceal motivation.
    Material component: A prayer written on a cloth tied about the caster's head.

Lose Face
Level: Shukenja 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target or area: One creature
Duration: 20 minutes/level
Saving throw: Will negates
Spell resistance: Yes

This spell reduces the social standing of the recipient in the eyes of all who see her.  They no longer act as if she were of her true social station, and she suffers -10 to all Diplomacy checks when interacting with those of rank higher than she is when under the spell.  The caster can choose the social rank to which she will be demoted.

Magical Vestment
Level: Shukenja 3
Components: V, S, F
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Touch
Target or area: Personal
Duration: 6 rounds/level (D)
Spell resistance: Yes (Harmless)

This spell is effective only within the temple of the shukenja or on grounds recognized as holy by the shukenja's faith. The shukenja's garments gain a +5 divine AC bonus. If no armor or other protective devices are worn (e.g., shields, ring of protection, bracers of armor, etc.), the garments also grant a +1 enchantment bonus to AC for every four caster levels (maximum +5). Note that divine bonuses and enchantment bonuses do stack. The effects are lost if the shukenja leaves the area or loses consciousness (but not paralyzed or magically held).
    Focus: Garments of any sort worn by the caster. No streaking shukenjas, please.
    Note: This spell differs from the western divine spell magic vestment.

Alteration [Fire]
Level: Wu jen 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Medium
Target or area: 30' radius emanation
Duration: 3 rounds/level (D)
Saving throw: See text
Spell resistance: Yes (see text)

This spell has two variations:
    Self-magnetism: With this effect, the caster draws ferrous items to his hand.  If the item has a weight greater than the caster, the caster is instead drawn to it.  Objects held by creatures are treated as if the caster were performing a disarm attack, though he need only make a ranged touch attack without drawing an attack of opportunity.  The caster's "weapon size" for purposes of disarming is considered Small, but increases by one size class for every 6 caster levels.  If owner of the target loses the contest, the item flies to the caster's hand.  The caster can also use this as a ready action to change the flight of arrows (drawing them toward him!).
    Other-magnetism: This variation draws all ferrous objects within 30' of the recipient toward and stick to him.  The recipient is allowed a Fortitude save to negate the effect.  Items in creatures' grasps fly away if the owners fail a Reflex saving throw.  Weapons striking the target inflict no damage, since they are not wielded effectively.  If a ferrous item in the vicinity is larger than the victim, he will be drawn to it.  To move away from such an item, he must make a full-round Strength check with a DC of 22 to move his base movement rate.  Items sticking to a character increase his encumbrance, perhaps even rendering him immobile.
    Material component: Piece of a lodestone (magnet).

Alteration [Fire]
Level: Wu jen 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Close (25' + 5'/2 levels)
Target or area: 1 cubic yard of ice or 2 cubic yards of snow/level
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving throw: Special
Spell resistance: Yes

Melt raises temperatures in a specified area, causing snow and ice to melt at the rate of 1 cubic yard of ice or 2 of snow per round. Cold-based creatures suffer 2 hp of damage per round if they fail a Fortitude save; they suffer half that damage otherwise.
    Material components: Crystals of rock salt, soot.

Melt Metal
Level: Wu jen 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Touch
Target or area: 1 cubic inch/level
Duration: Concentration up to 1 round/level
Saving throw: Fortitude negates
Spell resistance: Yes

With this spell, the caster liquefies metal.  While the object does not actually become hot, it flows and bends as if it were molten.  Thus, locks and bars can be easily removed, and the middle of a sword will bend to and fro, making it useless as a weapon.  This spell will deliver 1 hp of subdual damage to a metallic creature (even if it is normally immune to subdual damage), but the damage disappears as soon as the spell duration ends.
    Material components: Gem worth at least 20 ch'ien (200 gp).

Level: Wu jen 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Close (25' + 5'/2 levels)
Target or area: 1 creature
Duration: Permanent
Saving throw: Will negates
Spell resistance: Yes

The caster can implant a false memory or delete a real one in a target's mind.  The memory implanted or erased can be up to 1 round's duration per 4 caster levels, and the event, real or not, must have occurred within the last week.  This does not allow the caster to read the subject's mind, which can make implanting a false memory tricky, and deleting a real one requires your knowledge of that event.  False memories are inserted in the recipient's mind, not "written" over old ones.
    False memories that are inconsistent with the recipient's experiences in the last week grant a +1 to +4 on the saving throw. Preposterous memories require no saving throw at all to be resisted (e.g., a memory that the recipient was flying when she has no such ability).
    The spell cannot erase other spells held in the caster's mind, but they can erase the memory that the caster prepared them.  One spell can be "forgotten" in this manner for every 5 rounds of memory the spell can erase.
    Material components: Sheet of white paper, brush, ink.

Level: Shukenja 3
Components: V, S, DF
Casting time: 1 round
Range: 10'
Target or area: One creature
Duration: Permanent
Saving throw: Will negates
Spell resistance: Yes

This is a powerful spell that allows the caster to exchange a service provided by an unwilling creature for one granted by the caster (such as sparing its life). The caster must be able to speak with the target and the target understand the caster.
    The oath must be limited to activities the creature can accomplish and cause harm neither to it nor another. For example, the caster could exact an oath from an evil kensai never harm the defenseless again, that a daimyo never treat his serfs harshly again, or that an angry spirit never enter a specific village again. She could not swear an oath that a bushi commit suicide or attack the shukenja's enemies.
    The victim can resist the oath with a successful Will save, but suffers a -2 morale penalty if it has been subdued in combat.
    The caster must swear to his part of the bargain, which must be meaningful to the target. Thus, the caster could make a promise to spare the target's life, not inform the authorities of the evildoings of a (now reformed) highwayman, or such.
    Both sides of the bargain have free will to act on it. Breaking the oath causes a loss of honor for the offending party and frees the other participant from their part of the oath. If the caster (or her companions) break the oath, the recipient is free to act as he chooses. If the recipient breaks the oath, he suffers extreme pains, inflicting one hp of damage per round until he relents or dies.
    Oaths can be removed nothing short of a wish or miracle, although the reverse of this spell, unbind, or atonement will also do the trick. This spell counterspells unbind.

Obscure Charm
Level: Shukenja 2
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Close (25' + 5'/2 levels)
Target or area: One creature
Duration: 10 minutes
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: Yes (Harmless)

This spell protects any magical or mundane detection of Enchantment magic cast upon the creature. Only limited wish, wish, or miracle will reveal the truth.

Level: Shukenja 1, Wu jen 2
Components: V
Casting time: 10 minutes
Range: 0'
Target or area: Special
Duration: Special
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: No

This spell is used to foretell the general direction of the short-term future (usually the next 24 hours). Upon consulting his deity, a caster can tell whether the fortune of a creature in question is good, bad, neutral, or ambiguous. The DM may adjudicate any answer he likes or refer to the following table. Note that there are some questions even the gods cannot answer.

d10 Omen
1-2 Ill omen - The character will suffer a -1 divine (or profane) penalty on all attacks and saving throws this day, and a -2 penalty to all Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Bluff skill checks.
3-4 Great danger - The character's enemies enjoy a +1 divine bonus to all attack rolls against the character, and a -2 penalty to all Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Bluff skill checks.
5-7 Neutral - No special modifiers.
8-9 Favorable - Opponents suffer a -1 divine penalty to hit the character, and if the character is traveling he (and his party) will be able to cover up to half again his normal rate.
10 Auspicious omen - In addition to the effects of a favorable omen, the character gains a +1 divine bonus to all saving throws made in the next 24 hours.

Note that it is possible, given time, to wait for a good omen before embarking on an adventure - that's what this spell is for - to allow actions to be taken on auspicious days.  The world however, donsn't always wait for lucky days...

Possess Animal
Level: Shukenja 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 round
Range: 10'
Target or area: One animal
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving throw: Will neg.
Spell resistance: Yes

With this spell the caster projects her spirit into an animal in an attempt to control it. The target must be have the type Animal (which includes dire animals), have fewer HD than the caster does levels, and fail a Will save. If these conditions are met the caster can cause the animal to do anything within its capabilities, even to the point of causing its own death. For every two hp of damage suffered by the animal however, the caster suffers one hp of damage. Additionally, if the animal dies while possessed, the caster must make a Fortitude save with a DC of 15. If the caster fails, he also dies.
    The caster's body is in a catatonic state, and thus helpless, while the animal is controlled. If the body is disturbed by taking damage or any other effect that would normally require a Concentration check to maintain a spell, then the spirit is lost until returned to the body via a limited wish, wish, miracle, or restore spirit (cf.) spell.
    Material components: Bowl of incense, food appealing to the animal.

Protection from Enchantment
Level: Wu jen 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target or area: Creature touched
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving throw: Will negates (Harmless)
Spell resistance: Yes (Harmless)

Protection from enchantment adds a +1 resistance bonus for every three caster levels to saving throws against spells from the Enchantment school.  It does not ward against effects that allow no saving throws or nonmagical "charms" such as use of the Bluff skill.
    Material components: Piece of a creature that can naturally cast an enchantment spell or hair of a character with a Charisma of 17 or higher.

Protection from Spirits
Level: Shukenja 2
Components: V, S, F
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Touch
Target or area: 10' emanation
Duration: 3 rounds/level (D)
Saving throw: Will negates (Harmless)
Spell resistance: Yes (Harmless)

This spell creates a transparent barrier around the target protecting her from most spirits. Lesser spirits cannot physically touch the being so protected, though they can fire missiles and spells at the creature. Missile attacks from lesser spirits suffer a -2 attack penalty, and the target gains a +2 enchantment bonus to saving throws against spells and spell-like effects cast be lesser spirits.
    Greater spirits can physically affect the target if they make a successful Will save the first time they try to strike the protected creature. If failed, the spirit cannot physically affect the target for the duration of the spell. One save is allowed for each creature. Greater spirits incur a -1 attack penalty when using missile weapons against the protected creature (even if they succeed the Will save), and the target gains a +1 bonus to saves against spells and spell-like effects used by greater spirits. Greater spirits that do penetrate the ward suffer a -1 penalty to all saves for the duration of the spell.
    [Note that monster conversions available at this site classify spirits into lesser and greater spirits, each of which is a sub-type of Fey.]
    Focus: A ginkgo wand with attached prayer strips.

Level: Wu jen 4
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Short (25'+5'/level)
Target or area: One creature
Duration: Permanent
Saving throw: Will negates
Spell resistance: Yes

Pointing at the target and whispering arcane words, a caster can cause a foe to surrender with this spell.  The target is allowed a Will save and is unaffected if it has a CR greater than the caster's level.  The target must be intelligent; however, it need not understand the language of the caster.
    If the creature can communicate with the caster, it can be coerced to perform a service for her, although she is allowed a second saving throw; success indicates the effects of the entire spell dissipate.  The service must be within the capabilities of the creature and not overtly harmful to it, and must be able to be completed within a short time (e.g., one day or less).  The creature will accomplish the task in the easiest, most effective manner possible, and will make preparations and plans within its ability.  Quell ends when the service is completed.  If the service has no set end point (e.g., "walk west"), the creature is allowed a new saving throw each day thereafter, with a +2 bonus if the caster and her party seem especially weakened.

Level: Shukenja 0
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 30 minutes
Range: 0'
Target or area: Special
Duration: Special
Saving throw: Will neg.
Spell resistance: Yes

With this spell, a shukenja can request a service from a spirit. The shukenja must know the spirit's identity (usually found via trance) and be within the area the spirit resides. The caster can ask for any favor or action within the spirit's power. A small stream could be asked to change course or encourage fish to a certain area. The Lord of the Sea could be asked to deliver an unattended item within the ocean's depths, ensure the safety of a vessel, or produce a powerful storm. The request must be specifically worded; the Lord of the Sea might locate a lost relic but not necessarily deliver it to where the caster is. Requests that cannot be fulfilled are ignored.
    The spirit is allowed a Will save to ignore the effects, but often comply if ignoring the caster would place the spirit within grave danger. Spirits will also usually attempt to cause the caster harm by either bending the spirit if the request while following the exact letter.
    Upon casting this spell, the shukenja becomes immediately drained. He loses all spell-casting abilities for the following week, is reduced to 1 hp (though normal rest and magic can restore him before the week is up), and cannot engage in combat, travel, or any activity requiring physical movement or concentration.
    [Note that monster conversions available at this site classify spirits into lesser and greater spirits, each of which is a sub-type of Fey.]
    Material component: An offering to the spirit worth from 5 to 100 ch'ien in value or even more. The offering must be meaningful to the spirit; simple money won't do. Valuable art or magic are usually appropriate sacrifices. The spirit can refuse service (even if it fails its Will save) if the offering is not deemed worthy (DM's call).

Reverse Flow
Level: Wu jen 4
Components: V, S
Casting time: 10 minutes
Range: Medium (100'+10'/level)
Target or area: 1/4 square mile/level
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: Yes

Reverse flow can literally make water flow uphill.  All running bodies of water in the area of effect reverse their flow for the spell's duration, although the change enacts no ill effects on the actual body of water itself.  It has no effect on animated water of water-based beings.

Secret Signs
Level: Wu jen 1
Components: Special
Casting time: 1 action
Range: 0'
Target or area: Caster and one other creature
Duration: 1 round
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: No

Secret signs allows the caster to communicate secretly between himself and one other designated creature, which must intelligent and within seeing and hearing distance of the caster. Via a nondescript signal, the caster can communicate one message of 25 words or less with a single gesture, word, or movement of an object. The designated creature understands the message even if it does not speak the caster's language, although misinterpretation is possible as with any type of communication. For example, the wu jen could tweak his moustache and thus transmit the message, "I think your companion is not to be trusted." Or, he could lay a cup on a table and have the designated creature understand, "Seek me out tonight when everyone else is asleep." This spell cannot be used to cast spells or spell-like effects.
    Components: The components of this spell depend on how the wu jen sends the message. If he uses only a word, then the component is Verbal; if a gesture, Somatic; and if by positioning an object, Focal.  This spell must have at least one component.

Level: Wu jen 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Long (400' + 40'/level)
Target or area: One creature
Duration: 3 rounds/level
Saving throw: Will negates
Spell resistance: Yes

This spell causes the ability of the target at swimming. Aquatic creatures act as if they were under the effects of a slow spell, and land-based creatures suffer a -30 penalty on Swim checks. This penalty is cumulative with the -1 penalty for every 5 lb. of gear carried. This spell does not negate the ability to breathe underwater if the creature can do this.
    Sinking can counterspell swim.
    Material component: Scale of a goldfish.

Smoke Shape
Transmutation [Wind]
Level: Wu jen 2
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Touch
Target or area: 5' cube/3 levels
Duration: 1 yard/level (D)
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: No

With this spell the caster can mold smoke, mist, or fog into any shape she desires. She could for example, make the form of an imposing warrior or a solid wall. The form still has the properties of a gas but retains its shape for the duration of the spell, though strong winds or spells that emulate these will dissipate it in one round. When finished casting the spell, the wu jen can give the form a gentle push, which can propel the form forward with a movement rate of 15' (double that per round since the form takes double-movement actions). The spell cannot create fine detail, but it would be sufficient to fool onlookers at a distance. To detect the true nature of a smoke form, onlookers have to make a Spot check with a DC equal 15, with a -2 penalty for every 50' span between them and the smoke form. Penalties for low-light conditions also apply. It can be seen for what it really is (without a Spot check) at a range of 30'.
    The spell requires smoke, fog, or mist to be available - early morning haze or smoke from a fire will also do.

Snake Charm
Level: Shukenja 1
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 action
Range: 0'
Target or area: 30' radius centered on caster
Duration: Special (D)
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: None

While bobbing and chanting, the caster can cause snakes within the area of effect to stop and listen, themselves swaying and watching the caster. If the snakes were not attacking before the spell's start, they will remain transfixed for 10 to 30 minutes or until the caster leaves the area. If the snakes were angry or attacking, they stop all actions for 4+1d4 rounds. A shukenja can charm a number of snakes whose total hit points don't exceed his own. It only affects snakes with a type of Animal (e.g., not yuan-ti) with an Intelligence of 1 or less.

Snake Summoning
Level: Shukenja 2
Components: V, S, F
Casting time: 1 round
Range: 0'
Target or area: 120' radius emanation
Duration: 10 min/level or end of concentration (D)
Saving throw: Special
Spell resistance: Yes

With this spell the shukenja summons all snakes and snake-like creatures within 120' of him. They will come to the shukenja and follow him about, attacking neither their summoner nor anyone else unless attacked themselves. They will continue following the caster for the duration of the spell or as long as the shukenja maintains concentration. If the snakes are attacked, the spell ends. When the spell is finished, the snakes revert to their natural behavior.
    Snakes or snake-like beings that have an Intelligence of 2 or above can make a Will save to resist the summons. Likewise, snakes with more HD than the caster has levels are entitled to a Will save.
    Focus: A small silver flute played throughout the duration of the spell (note that this precludes conversation and the like).

Level: Wu jen 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target or area: One creature
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving throw: Fortitude negates (Harmless)
Spell resistance: Yes (Harmless)

The recipient of this spell can turn to stone or revert to normal form as a free action once per round.  While stone, the creature cannot move but can see, hear, smell, and think (and thus manifest psionic powers).  He has a hardness of 10, a break DC of 35, but the same hp he had when in "flesh" form.  Spells that affect stone affect him while he is in stone form, and stone to flesh negates the spell.
    Material components: Mortar, sand, lime, and water stirred with a bar of iron.

Steam Breath
Alteration [Water]
Level: Wu jen 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 round
Range: 0'
Target or area: 30' cone
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: Reflex half
Spell resistance: Yes

A super-heated cone of steam expels from the caster's mouth with this spell.  The steam inflicts 1d6 heat damage per caster level, half on a successful save.  Normal fires are extinguished in the area of effect, and magical ones are doused 50% of the time, though those that are permanent in nature rekindle themselves.
    Material component: Hot charcoal doused with water.

Still Water
Alteration [Water]
Level: Wu jen 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Medium (100' + 10'/level)
Target or area: 10' square/level
Duration: 5 rounds/level (D)
Saving throw: Special
Spell resistance: Yes

With this spell the caster calms the most turbulent waters up to but not including those with the force of a tsunami. Rivers flow gently within the area of effect, waterfalls still "fall" but less violently and loudly, and wave-tossed seas become flat. The force of water flowing through an area is altered, not the amount or direction. Thus, fording a raging river could be facilitated with this spell, but any boats sailing up or down the river would move at the same rate.
    If cast upon a water-based creature (e.g. a water elemental), the creature must make a Will save or be physically unable to engage in strenuous activities like combat, though it can still defend itself and use special abilities not based on physical force. If a calmed water-based creature is attacked, the spell is instantly negated.
    This spell also counterspells turbulence.
    Material component: Small flask of whale oil. (Artificial, non-whale substitutes like dolphin-free tuna will also do.)

Level: Shukenja 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 30 minutes
Range: 0'
Target or area: Special
Duration: Special
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: No

With this spell the shukenja imbues a statuette of her deity with divine essence that actually absorbs damage taken by the shukenja. Each time the spell is cast, the statuette absorbs 1d4 hp of damage, cumulative, to a maximum of 20 hp. Whenever the shukenja next takes damage, the wounds appear on the statue instead. Once the statuette has taken damage however, it cannot receive further substitution spells, and it is destroyed when it reaches 0 hp. A shukenja may have only one substitution in effect at one time, and if she is in at all any disagreement with her deity, the spell is not granted. The statuette need not be with the caster when to absorb damage; it even works when it and the shukenja are on different planes.
    Material component: A statuette of the shukenja's deity.

Transmutation [Water]
Level: Wu jen 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Long (400' + 40'/level)
Target or area: One creature
Duration: 3 rounds/level
Saving throw: Will negates (Harmless)
Spell resistance: Yes (Harmless)

With this incantation, the recipient is able to move through water without making Swim skill checks.  She also gains a +8 enchantment bonus to Swim checks to perform special achievements or escape dangers.  The recipient can always "take 10" on the skill check, regardless of circumstances.  She can also "run" (move at triple or quadruple normal speed, depending on encumbrance and armor allowances) if she moves in a straight line.  Cast on creatures that naturally swim (e.g., dolphins, merrow, etc.), this spells doubles the movement rate of the targets. Note that Swim checks still suffer a -1 penalty for every 5 lb. of gear carried.
    Swim can counterspell sinking.
    Material components: Scale of a goldfish.

Level: Shukenja 1
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 round
Range: 0'
Target or area: 30' radius emanation
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: No

Upon casting this spell the caster enters a deep trance during which he is considered helpless. While in a trance the character discovers any supernatural or magical forces at work within an area. For each round in the trance, the character senses the presence of one lesser spirit, greater spirit, curse, permanent magical effect, or haunting. She will know the general type of the presence (e.g., evil haunting, natural spirit, etc.), but nothing more specific. This is a good way to "scout" an area the party intends to rest in or divine the identity of a local, lesser spirit to contact with the commune with lesser spirit spell.
    [Note that monster conversions available at this site classify spirits into lesser and greater spirits, each of which is a sub-type of Fey.]

Level: Wu jen 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Long (400'+40'/level)
Target or area: 10' radius area
Duration: See text
Saving throw: Will negates
Spell resistance: Yes

Transfix is a powerful version of hold person.  With it, the caster can hold creatures in the area of effect until a condition he specifies occurs (e.g., "until dawn").  The condition can be implausible (e.g., "for all eternity"), but in either case,  the targets receive a new saving throw each hour.  If any new creatures enter the are of effect after the spell is cast, they, too, must make a saving throw (with a +4 bonus) or be held.  The spell is considered in effect as long as one creature is held.
    Material components: A barnacle crushed under the foot or a drop of pine resin.

Alteration [Water]
Level: Wu jen 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Medium (100' + 10'/level)
Target or area: 10' square/level
Duration: 5 rounds/level (D)
Saving throw: Special
Spell resistance: Yes

Turbulence enhances the force of water moving through the target area. Calm waters become choppy with whitecaps, white capped waves become breakers capable of capsizing canoes and small boats. In the latter case sailors must make a Profession (Sailor) check with a DC of 11 plus the caster's level or be capsized. Larger ships are unaffected, unless the water was initially stormy, in which case sailors must make the same check or capsize.
    Cast on water-based creatures, this spell makes them hostile and unable to calm themselves if they fail a Will save.
    Material component: A small ornamental fan.

Level: Shukenja 3
Components: V, S, DF
Casting time: 1 round
Range: 10'
Target or area: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: Will negates (Harmless)
Spell resistance: Yes (Harmless)

This spell is used specifically to counter oath, although the recipient cannot be the caster. It also counterspells oath.

Level: Wu jen 4
Components: V
Casting time: 1 minute
Range: 0'
Target or area: Caster
Duration: 1 round/level

Vengeance is often cast in dire situations when the caster expects to die but desires to "have the last laugh."  Upon the casting, if he dies (is reduced to -10 hp) within the duration of the spell, his spirit remains one more round to carry out a final act.  If the body is present, it will be animated; otherwise, a ghostly essence (resistant to turning, damage, etc.) performs the final act of the wu jen.  The spirit can carry out any act the wu jen would normally be allowed to perform in one round (e.g., cast a spell, strike with a weapon, etc.), although he must have had the capability to do the action immediately before he died (e.g., he could not cast a spell he hadn't a slot for).  The spirit carries out the action regardless of what the player desires, even if it harms allies.  Furthermore, the spirit is not guaranteed success in performing the act, just the opportunity for the act itself.

Wall of Bones
Level: Wu jen 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Medium (100'+10'/level)
Target or area: Wall 10' long and 1/2' wide per level
Duration: 10 minutes
Saving throw: Reflex half
Spell resistance: No

Wall of bones summons from the earth the reconstructed bones of all the creatures that have ever died in that place, and then some.  The structure must be based on a solid support or it will collapse.  It is not solid however, and missiles can be fired through it, although it provides 10% cover per 1' thickness (round down).  Creatures of Small size or less can wriggle through the openings at 10' per round, but suffer 1d8 piercing damage for every 10' traversed.  Cast under the feet of a creature, the wall appears everywhere but where the creature is standing, but it suffers 2d8 piercing damage (Reflex halves).  The wall has a harness of 5, AC of 12, and 10 hp per 5' by 1/2' section.  The break DC is 14 and Escape Artist DC 18, but if the creature uses natural weapons (e.g., fists, hooves, etc.) to break through or struggle out of the mess, it suffers 2d8 piercing damage per 10' traversed (no Reflex save).  Bones from the wall cannot be animated or raised.
    Material components: Branch of a withered peach tree taken from a cemetery.


Level: Shukenja 2, Sohei 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target or area: 10' radius emanation
Duration: 10 min/level (D)
Saving throw: Will neg. (Harmless)
Spell resistance: Yes (Harmless)

This spell makes the recipient hyper-aware of his environment. He gains a +2 enchantment bonus to his Spot and Listen skill checks when using these skills on objects or creatures within the spell's area of effect. He can also use his Spot skill to detect traps within the area (like a rogue uses search), though this may be performed only once per trap (i.e., the character can't take 10 or 20). He also cannot be flanked, and thus is also not susceptible to sneak attacks.
    The warnings the recipient receives are only known to him; others traveling with the recipient of the spell won't be aware unless he informs them.
    Material component: Small metal figurine sprinkled with the dust of a small pearl.

Warp Wood
Alteration [Wood]
Level: Wu jen 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Short (25' + 5'/level)
Target or area: 15" of 1" diameter wood/level
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: No

This spell causes wood to bend and curl. A caster can affect a 15" length of 1" diameter wood per level, equivalent to one hand or throwing axe handle or four crossbow bolts. The bends and twists caused by this spell can be up to 90 degrees, though the caster has no control over severity or direction of the bends. If used against wooden weapons that are attended by a creature, the items receive a Fortitude saving throw as if the creature were making the save. Missiles like arrows and bolts so affected are rendered useless, and weapons made of wood or with significant parts like handles made of woods impose a -4 attack penalty when used because of their awkward shape (essentially the weapon is so deformed the character no longer has proficiency with it). Bows and crossbows are ruined with this spell.
    This spell can warp a board in a ship, causing a leak. It can also damage items like wooden doors and chests. In this case, the item suffers 1 hp of damage per caster level, and hardness does not protect the item. If the item is magical in nature or has been enchanted (e.g., with a hold portal spell), the spell succeeds if the wu jen has a higher level than the caster who made the object or created the enchantment and then has only a 20% chance of success per level of difference. This spell does not destroy the magical properties of wands (though subsequently wielders will have to hold them at awkward angles). Spells that can be cast from staves are also unaffected, but using the staff as a weapon still incurs the -4 attack penalty.
    Material component: Green twig bent during casting.

Water Protection
Abjuration [Water]
Level: Wu jen 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Touch
Target or area: One creature
Duration: 1d3 x 10 minutes + 10 minutes/level
Saving throw: Will negates (Harmless)
Spell resistance: Yes (Harmless)

Water protection prevents a creature from drowning and her equipment from water damage. The recipient can breathe underwater for the spell's duration, and her equipment remains dry. Torches and lanterns will remain lit underwater and words can be spoken normally (and thus spells with verbal components cast, though creatures trying to understand words spoken by the recipient will hear them as they would any sound underwater, which is most likely "blurred").
    Water protection does not grant any bonus to Swim skill checks; recipients can still sink. It also does not reduce water resistance, and so activities like underwater combat still impose penalties. The spell does not affect the ability to breathe air.
    Material component: A small golden statuette of a fish (worth 5 tael or more) held by the recipient during casting.

Weapon Bless
Level: Shukenja 1, Sohei 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 10 minutes
Range: Touch
Target or area: 1 weapon
Duration: Special
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: No

With this spell, the caster is able to make a weapon particularly effective against a specific foe. The exact name of the enemy need not be known, but it must be identified specifically. For example, a weapon blessed to work against "an oni" will not receive the enchantment, but one blessed to strike "the oni we saw yesterday raiding the town" would. The weapon thus gains a +5 enchantment bonus to the first attack and damage roll against that opponent. This bonus does not stack with any other enchantment bonus, and is discharged without effect if used to strike another creature.
    Material component: Writing brush, ink made from dragon's blood.

Level: Wu jen 2
Components: V, S, F
Casting time: 1 action
Range: 10'
Target or area: Special
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving throw: Special
Spell resistance: Yes

This spell conjures a whip of numinous force that can be used to attack opponents within 10'. Simply cracking the whip (a standard action) keeps creatures with the type Animal at bay unless they make a Will saving throw with a penalty of -2. If they fail, they move away from the caster at their normal movement rate; if they cannot leave, they cower but attack and defend without penalty if they themselves are attacked.
    The whip can also be used in melee combat. The caster does not suffer a nonproficiency penalty for using the weapon if she hasn't skill with a normal whip. The weapon inflicts 1d2 of normal damage (not subdual damage) upon a successful hit and can harm armored opponents. The caster can also use the whip to inflict subdual damage with no penalty. The whip can also be used to disarm or trip opponents as normal, but if the attempt fails and the caster chooses to release the weapon instead of being tripped (or disarmed) herself, the whip disappears. Likewise, if it leaves the caster's hands the spell ends.
    Focus: A small silken whip.

Wind Breath
Evocation [Wind]
Level: Wu jen 2
Components: V, S, F
Casting time: 1 round
Range: 0'
Target or area: 60' cone
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving throw: See text
Spell resistance: No

Wind breath allows the caster to expel a mighty breath of air from her lungs. The wind thus generated has a velocity of about 5 miles per hour per level.
    Pages 87 to 88 of the DMG have details on the exact effect of winds of various speeds. In summary, strong winds may blow out flames (or spread them), knock creatures down, capsize boats and stir waters, uproot trees, knock down buildings, and disrupt flying creatures. Since the duration of the spell is instantaneous, missile attacks are not affected, nor are the casting of spells unless their casting time spans that of the wind breath.
    Outside the area of effect the winds are not felt, though object can be blown from the spell's area.
    Focus: Fan with an artistic value of 5 ch'ien or more.

Level: Shukenja 2
Components: V, S, F
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Personal
Target or area: Self
Duration: Special (D)
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: No

Withdraw allows the caster to alter the local flow of time and perform several actions while the rest of the world experiences a brief moment. The duration of the spell as seen from the outside is 2 seconds plus 1 second per caster level. During this brief period, the caster can take actions that would normally require 2 rounds plus 1 round per level. Allowable actions are limited however: the caster can defense herself, read, think, meditate, or cast divination spells. She can also cast cure spells, but only upon herself. She can also use items that activities these abilities (a potion of cure light wounds, for example). Other actions like walking, attacking, becoming invisible, or curing others end the spell immediately.
    Focus: A small piece of rice paper.

Wood Shape
Alteration [Wood]
Level: Wu jen 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Touch
Target or area: 1 cubic yard of wood/level
Duration: Permanent
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: No

This spell can be used to rework wood in to a desired shape.  A tree could be made into a ladder, a pile of planks in to a chest.  The form is crude, at best.  It cannot affect "intelligent" wood, like treants.
    Material components: Miniature carpenter's adze.

The Wu Jen

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