

Mutab had spent his life savings on the journey - and though he had once commanded a retinue worthy of a noble, he was alone now, the palanquin-bearers long since overcome by exhaustion, guards deserted, and even his faithful retainers either slain or given up on his quest in disgust.

Days of tortuous heat and nights so cold they clawed at his bones passed like waves on a shore. Still he trod on, ever hobbled by a growing lameness. The forested mountains gave way to rocky summits. He was near.

And finally, the moment came, the day when he saw the base of Sore-zan, the sacred mountain on which the top was his destination. And it was the night before his final ascent, that he had a dream, a vision in which he met the master he knew resided at the top of that summit, yet so many had mocked him for believing. In the dream Mutab wore a white robe, his ample beard cascading lazily over his chest and onto his lap. A small glow circled his head, and his outstretched hand.

Mutab awoke - something was grunting at his feat. Suddenly a great and heavy weight came down on his chest, a weight he knew his body could not bear, as he heard it start to break. His last awareness was of teeth and yet peace…

The sun rose. Only a small indentation in the ground marked where the man Mutab once lay. And soon even the wind removed that.

Some will try their entire life to understand the powers of the cosmos, searching the highest peaks and farthest countries. Others know that any truth worth knowing can be found in the everyday pouring of water from a simple cup. If truth is universal, you need not search for it.

The ascetic prestige class is just that - a class (some say a social status) that encourages one to deny the body for the mind. Where there is judgment, there is pain, and where pain, the body is dominant when it should be submissive. So say the ascetics that abide in the farthest recesses of this world, and so say they that dwell in the most metropolitan of cities.

The ascetic's power derives from this suppression of body. Indeed, as he gains experience he finds his physical self growing weaker while at the same time enjoying an "abundant spirit." In order to realize this power however, the ascetic must renounce almost all worldly belongings. In compensation, he can cast spells by simply drawing on the powers within him rather than use material props. Concurrently, his mastery of mind over body allows him to simply "observe" when damage is sustained, meaning that as he gains in wisdom he can take more punishment than a person of healthy body. Finally, the path of the ascetic encourages insight, and it is in this that the ascetic is most gifted.

        Hit die: d6


Skills Concentration 10 ranks, Knowledge (Religion OR Arcana OR psionics) 10 ranks

Feats Skill Focus (Concentration)

Spell-casting abilities Must be able to cast first-level shaman or shugenja divine spells OR first-level wu jen or sorcerer arcane spells OR manifest first-level psionic powers.

Experiences Must renounce all worldly wealth and station.

Skills & proficiencies

Skills The ascetic's skills are based on his mental aptitude as well as his ability to sense more in his surroundings than the average person. Listed with the ability scores on which they are based, the skills are Animal Empathy (exclusive skill, Cha), Autohypnosis (from the Psionics Handbook, Wis), Autostabilize (from the Psionics Handbook, Wis), Concentration (Con), Intuit Direction (Wis), Knowledge (taken individually, Int), Listen (Wis), Psicraft (Int), Scry (exclusive skill, Int), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).

        Skill points: 4 plus Int modifier per level

Proficiencies The ascetic gains no proficiencies with arms or armor. In fact, he is mostly barred from using such items at all (see Strictures below).

Class features

Strictures - Ascetics are, by definition, ascetic. The ascetic bars himself from owning more than he needs. In practical terms, this means he can own and use little more than a bowl for rice gruel, a staff for walking, and basic garments. An ascetic may not even carry items for others. The ascetic cannot "cheat" his own sense of material denial. He finds that simply "borrowing" an item from a friend has the same consequences as if he had actually owned the thing. He may of course manipulate objects if they are not otherwise used or possessed (e.g., lifting a lid on a box to see what is inside). He must also renounce all social stations he has, such as political office or martial commander, although certain enlightened rulers have a "court ascetic" whom them might consult on important matters, though such a person usually does not reside in the court. Ascetics also do not prefer fancy lodging or otherwise enjoying material comforts. If such is offered, he might accept only to be found the next morning sleeping on the stone floor at the foot of the bed. The ascetic must live by these strictures even if he takes a level in another class.

This means that the ascetic is essentially limited to unarmed attacks and striking with his staff.

If the ascetic breaks any strictures, he loses all abilities associated with this class, including the ability to cast spells, until he can have an atonement, as per the spell. So strict is the ascetic's devotion, he must also atone whenever he takes a level in another class and wishes to return to the ascetic prestige class.

Ability Score Adjustments - Through self-denial, the ascetic grows physically weaker while augmenting his spiritual capacities. The ascetic permanently loses a point of Constitution and Strength at first, fourth, seventh, and tenth levels. He also gains a permanent point of Wisdom at second, fifth, eighth, and tenth levels. And somewhat paradoxically when compared to his selflessness, his force of personality also improves. Charisma rises by a single point at third, sixth, ninth, and tenth levels. These changes cannot be reversed, even with the aid of powerful magic. Nevertheless, the character can augment one of these ability scores (or any other) by one point as normal every four levels.

An ascetic cannot progress in this class whenever gaining a level would reduce his Strength or Constitution below 3. If doing so would decrease his ability scores below this limit, he must instead take a level of another class. He is still subject to the requirements for atonement if he comes back to the ascetic class however, after being "forced" out.

Meditate (Ex) - At first level the ascetic can meditate. This allows the ascetic to enter a state of meditation with a minute of concentration. While meditating, he cannot make Spot checks but is not penalized for Listen checks. He can leave the state of meditation in a moment's notice. He also suffers dehydration and starvation at half the normal rate and gains elemental resistance against fire and cold of 1 hp per round for every point of Wisdom modifier he possesses (if any). This damage reduction stacks with that listed below.

Kundalini - The ascetic "powers himself;" he does not gain his abilities by appealing to a deity or outside authority. As such, any supernatural powers listed below function even when they would otherwise be unusable, such as when he is in an anti-magic field. The only exceptions to this are cancellation effects that are produced by beings of deity status or artifacts. A rod of negation will also render the ascetic unable to use his supernatural abilities for one round.  Kundalini refers to the ability to draw power from the base of the spine and channel it into higher centers of the body.

Free Casting/Manifsting (Su) - The ascetic retains the ability to cast spells or manifest powers as per his previous spellcasting or psionic class. Every level he gains, he increases his ability as if he had gained a level in his spellcasting or psionic class. This only allows him access to higher levels and more spells or powers; it does not grant him class abilities associated with that class. Thus, a Wu jen 8 / Ascetic 3 could cast spells as if her were an eleventh-level wu jen, and he would gains new spells as if he gained levels in his previous class, but he would not have any of the class abilities of the wu jen beyond eighth level.

Psionic ascentics also gain power points as if they were continuing gaining levels in their previous psionic class.  They also gain bonus power points if their ability scores and level are high enough.  Ascetics wo were previously psychic warriors can choose a discipline and also gain bonus power points.  Psionic ascetics also gain an attack/defense mode of their choice at second level and every other level thereafter.  These modes cannot be traded in for feats with the Resculpt Mind feat.

Free casting actually refers to the ability of the ascetic to eschew some material spell component and focus requirements when casting divine spells. Essentially, the character can cast any spell with a material spell component or focus even if he hasn't the item. For spells with a component or focus with more than nominal monetary worth, the ascetic must instead spend ten XP per gp cost of the item. This cost is additional to any normal XP costs the spell may impose. He cannot spend XP if such would reduce him a level, though he may choose to spend XP earned to cast a spell rather than take a new level.

Arcane spellcasters that rely on spell books or spell scrolls are also able to "cast aside" their dependence on these crutches. If an ascetic who casts arcane spells comes across a spell that he does not know (e.g., in a scroll), he can "copy it into his mind" if he takes the time to do so immediately (typically one day per spell level). Otherwise, he cannot keep the object with the new spell and not violate his strictures against material possessions (above). Ascetic with spellcasting ability to a sorcerer already have an equivalent ability, but they cannot add new spells to their repertoire through such study. Essentially, this grants wu jen with the Spell Mastery feat for every spell they know and learn. Both divine and arcane casters must spend the normal amount of time each day meditating and preparing spells each day.

Ascetic Concentration (Ex) - The character can add his ascetic class level to Concentration checks.

Basic Subsistence (Ex) - The ascetic needs only half the normal food and water requirements for a creature of his size to live. This is a good thing, as he often must depend on others for basic fare.

True Mind (Ex) - Through mental discipline, the ascetic gains insight into his motivations and perceptions; he thus enjoys a +2 bonus to saving throws against enchantments and illusions. This benefit stacks with the Still Mind ability if the character already has it.

Damage Reduction (Su) - At first level the ascetic learns how to diminish the physical damage his body suffers. He gains damage reduction equivalent to 1 hp per ascetic level. Thus, a tenth-level ascetic will have a damage reduction of 10/-.

Endurance - At second level the ascetic gains the Endurance feat. This reflects the fact that the ascetic learns to deny his body's impoverishment.

Elemental Resistance (Su) - Learning to simply "observe" his body without making value judgments, the ascetic learns to shrug off damage sustained from the elements: fire, cold, electricity, acid, and sonic energies. The ascetic can ignore damage from these sources equivalent to his Wisdom bonus (if any) multiplied by half his ascetic level per round. For example, a second-level ascetic with a Wis 16 could ignore the first 3 hp of elemental damage. This benefit does not stack between uses unless there is a remainder of "unused" hp. That is, the character used in the example could subtract 3 hp of damage from a sonic attack, but if he were hit later in the round with a cone of cold, he could not reduce the damage sustained unless some of the 4 hp he were allotted still remained "unused." This ability is first gained at second level.

Mystical Health (Su) - At third level the ascetic becomes immune to all diseases except those induced magically, such as mummy rot.

The ascetic also benefits from a +2 bonus to saving throws against poison.

Speak with Animals (Su) - At fourth level the ascetic can speak with animals. This does not necessarily make them disposed toward him however.

Levitate (Su) - At fifth level, the ascetic gains the mystical feat Levitate. After two rounds of meditation, he can rise off the floor and fly with perfect maneuverability at a rate of 10 feet. The ascetic must maintain concentration (with a DC as if casting a second-level spell; see the Concentration skill on p. 65 of the Player's Handbook) or fall to the ground. Movement can actually be in any direction, not just the vertical. Though the ascetic cannot perform Spot checks, while meditating, he is visually aware of his environment to the extent that he can guide his motion. Levitating also precludes spellcasting, speaking, and manipulating items.

Physical Denial (Ex) - Also at fifth level, the ascetic can subsist on one-fourth of the minimum requirements of food and liquid that a being of his size would normally require. Furthermore, he suffers penalties and damage for starvation and dehydration at half the normal rate. This does not stack with the resistance to starvation and dehydration he gains while meditating.

Improved Ascetic Concentration (Ex) - At sixth level the ascetic can "take 10" on any Concentration skill check, even when under duress or when failure carries dire consequences.

Speak with Plants (Su) - At seventh level the ascetic can speak with plants. This does not necessarily grant any special influence with them, however.

Improved Mystical Health (Su) - At seventh level the ascetic becomes immune to all diseases, including those that are magically induced.

The ascetic also enjoys immunity to all poisons.

Mystical Wisdom (Su) - At eighth level, the ascetic's insight into the cosmos allows him to answer questions usually only answerable by divine powers. This allows him to answer questions as if casting a commune spell with a caster level equal to his Wisdom bonus plus his ascetic class level. He can do this once per day, but needs only be asked the questions by an another party. Used in this way, the ascetic needs not pay the XP cost of commune, but if he were to cast commune as a spell (with his spellcasting ability), he would have to pay the XP cost normally.

Tongue of the Sun and Moon (Su) - At ninth level the ascetic can speak with anything that has a language.

Improved Physical Denial (Su) - At ninth level the ascetic has inured his mind, and thus his body, to harsh environmental circumstances. He can ignore damage caused by harsh physical environments (e.g., a vacuum, lack of oxygen, etc.) for a number of rounds equal to his Wisdom bonus (if any). After that time period, the environment has its normal effects. He can extend this time period to one minute per point of Wisdom bonus if he has a minute beforehand to enter a state of meditation (see above). This does stack with the elemental resistance class ability.

Know Truth (Su) - At the last level of the ascetic class, the character gains the ability to know whenever a creature lies to him. Thus, he is able to know when a speaker doesn't believe what she is saying. He must relate what he finds to others in order for them to know, however. Also, this ability only detects disparities between what a speaker believes and what she says. If the speaker thinks a legion of enraged bajang is descending on the kingdom, and he says so (regardless of whether they are or not), then he is speaking the truth as far as this ability can detect.

See the Heart (Su) - Also at tenth level, the ascetic knows the alignment of any creature on which he gazes unless the creature is protected from such scrying by magical means.

Mystical Lifespan (Su) - Finally, at tenth level the ascetic ages slower than normal individuals of his race. While he retains any ability score modifications incurred by aging to date, from this time forward he ages at one third of the normal rate. To approximate this effect, multiply the age for each age bracket by three. When he surpasses this age, he passes into the next age category. He cannot become younger through this ability however.

Multiclass Note - Inkyo can freely multiclass with this class, though they must have atonement whenever they take another ascetic class level (see Strictures above).

The Ascetic









Strictures, Meditate, Kundalini, Free Casting, Ascetic Concentration, Basic Subsistence, True Mind, Damage Reduction

Con -1,
Str -1

+1 level






Endurance, Elemental Resistance

Wis +1

+1 level






Mystical Health

Cha +1

+1 level






Speak with Animals

Con -2,
Str -2

+1 level






Levitate, Physical Denial

Wis +2

+1 level






Improved Ascetic Concentration

Cha +2

+1 level






Speak with Plants, Improved Mystical Health

Con -3,
Str -3

+1 level






Mystical Wisdom

Wis +3

+1 level






Tongue of the Sun and Moon, Improved Physical Denial

Cha +3

+1 level






Know Truth, See the Heart, Mystical Lifespan

Con -4,
Str -4,
Wis +4,
Cha +4

+1 level

* These adjustments are not cumulative (that is, a tenth-level ascetic would have a Strength and Constitution reduced by a total of 4 points each; his Wisdom and Charisma would also be 4 points higher).

The Wu Jen

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