The Hidden Beast

Beast Feats

Theen almost didn't take the job because it seemed too easy. Indeed, as scaled the tower to the wizard's study, he was lamenting the lack of challenge. Inside, as he expected, he found the mage an "easy fall." A quick blow, and the man was reeling - another quick one, and he'd be finished. Theen's blade found home, and the thief turned to ransacking the room for valuables.

A sudden noise made him spin - in the place where the wizard had fallen stood an awesome beast, eyes red and glowing, rippling muscles beneath green skin, and deadly claws coming Theen's way. He ducked and feinted, but within a few seconds was on the floor. A primal light beamed in the assassin's eyes, and dark, course hair grew spontaneously, covering his body. Theen stood, dropping his sword. Let's dance, he thought. If any fey were eavesdropping by the wizard's window that night, they would surely have been alarmed to see two feral beasts battling.

A Hidden Beast is just that - an alchemist who has delved beyond the arcane into the divine, and in the process of experimentation, has discovered the means to effect a transformation of hideous nature. When desired (and sometimes when not!) the character can transform into a monster with superior strength and health. In beast form, the character can make deadly unarmed attacks and has an improved armor class. As he advances in his knowledge of the transformation, a character with a Hidden Beast inside him can develop an extra arm or two, grow a thicker hide, or even produce wings to let him fly. The ultimate in insight into the character's hybrid soul comes however, when he can effectively master the beast and control transformation.

Any character class can benefit from the Hidden Beast prestige class, though it is more fitting for some than others. Of obvious note, sorcerers and wizards usually not only have the ability but also the initial laboratory apparatus available to effect transformation. Since these classes are weak in melee, having an "ally" within that excels in combat can be quite a surprise to the unwary. These two classes also benefit in that they do not rely on wearing armor, which can be a hindrance during transformation. Rogues profit for the same reasons as well, though at lower levels the inability to precisely control transformation can be a disadvantage when sneaking around. Clerics and druids will also sometimes become Hidden Beasts, though mostly only evil gods will approve. Nevertheless, the "enlightened" beast is not unheard of in the circles of those who hear of such things. Fighters, barbarians, and rangers will probably not benefit greatly from this class, as their melee skills are unparalleled anyway, though being able to switch from an unarmed person into a deadly creature can be of help to anyone. For monks the class is a advantage and disadvantage; unarmed attacks improve with augmented strength in beast form, but other monk abilities are lost (see below). Finally, paladins becoming beasts probably just need to ask themselves what they think they're doing.

    Hit Die
: d12


To embark on the soul-journey that is the Hidden Beast prestige class, the character must meet the following requirements.

Alchemy: 10 ranks

Knowledge (Arcana): 6 ranks

Feats: Great fortitude (The solutions an alchemist must quaff to become a Hidden Beast are not easy drinking!)

Experiences A beast-to-be must possess a well-stocked laboratory, spend 10,000 gp for resources, and take 3 month's uninterrupted time researching the alchemical transformation. At the end of this period, the character makes an Alchemy check with a DC of 20. Success indicates the potion has been properly brewed to enter the class. Failure consumes half of the resources, though the character may try again.

When ready, he drinks the potion. Due to the near-toxic nature of the concoction, the character must take the concoction and then rest for one full day, after which he makes a Fortitude save with a DC of 15. Success grants entry into the Hidden Beast prestige class. Failure also grants access, but the character's transformations are subject to the same effects as if he had made a critical failure; this effect lasts for one months, after which the character is a "normal" Hidden Beast able to control transformations.

Of course, there is a chance for critical failure. If the Alchemy check is a natural 1, the character succeeds in creating an inner beast, but has no control over transformation. This beast form can be maintained for 2d8 hours during which the character has no memory of what happened. The beast's alignment may also differ significantly from the original, and it will desperately attempt to avoid being "destroyed" by the character. The beast is aware of the character's actions when he is not in beast form but cannot affect them, though he can try to transform (with an opposed Wisdom check) up to three times per day. The character can only be in beast form once per 24 hours. Since the transformation into a Hidden Beast involves the character's soul, only a miracle or divine intervention can remove the beast form; in this case, the character loses all of his Hidden Beast levels.

The character himself must be the one to mix the potions and stew the brews to effect the transformation since the process involves quite a lot of fine-tuning between the concoctions and the chemistry of the character's own body. Thus, even willing assistants will be at a loss to speed the process, as they simply won't know how to twinge and tweak the next infusion to make a more perfect match.

Class Skills & Proficiencies

Class skills Alchemy (Int), Climb (Str), Disguise (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Swim (Str). Climbing and jumping in armor or encumbered impose penalty checks. For every five pounds of gear, a -1 penalty applies to a swimming check.

Skill points at each level: 2 + Int modifier (The intelligence used for this calculation is that of the non-transformed character - that is, not the beast's Intelligence, which is lower than the basic character's.)

Proficiencies The character retains any armor and weapon proficiencies he had before gaining the Hidden Beast prestige class, but accrues no new proficiencies. When transformed, beasts do not use weapons (other than their claws and feet), and transforming when wearing armor can actually damage the character! See below for details.

The Hidden Beast

LEVEL ATTACK fort ref will notes





Transformation (1 per day), Volatile nature, Improved unarmed strike, Shapechanger type, Two beast feats





Two beast feats





Two beast feats





Two beast feats





Two beast feats





Two beast feats





Two beast feats





Two beast feats





Two beast feats





Two beast feats

Class Features

Transformation - The signature characteristic of the Hidden Beast is the ability (curse?) of transformation. The concoctions quaffed and experiments performed by the character on his own body trigger a feral change.

The change - A character morphing from his normal form grows in size. While magical rings, gauntlets, and armor generally change size to fit their wearer, non-magical forms of the same items stretch and snap, resulting in quite a bit of pain for the character. Thus, many beast masters wear light armor if at all; mundane rings are also not recommended. If a character transforms while wearing such garb, 1d4 of constriction damage is incurred for every normal +1 of armor bonus; additionally, straps will burst, and the armor will fall off and need repair. Mundane rings cause 1d4 hp of damage each and are broken, diminishing their value, while nonmagical gauntlets (if separate from armor) cause 2d4 hp of damage for each one worn. Other than this, tight clothing will rip and tear, meaning that many Hidden Beasts either wear loose clothing or at least not the best of garb.

Note that a character can combine a transformation with an attempt to release themselves from bonds. While the character will take damage according to the type of restraint (DM's call), the bonds themselves suffer twice the damage the beast character incurs. This is in addition to any Strength or Escape Artist check; both are made with the improved modifiers for Strength and Dexterity, respectively (see below).

Characteristics - At first level the character can transform into a beast once per day. The body grows in size, muscles enlarge, reflexes sharpen, and overall stamina improves. Likewise, the feral nature of the beast reduces its intangible characteristics: thinking and reflecting faculties suffer, and the visage of the monster does nothing positive for appearance. When the character assumes beast form, Strength and Constitution both increase by +4 and Dexterity by +2. Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma likewise are penalized by -4 each. These bonuses and penalties apply only when the character is in beast form; when he reverts to human form the character's original statistics are restored. In any case, a character's scores cannot be lowered below 1 due to the change.

Duration - Normally, the transformation lasts 3 rounds plus a number of rounds equal to the character's (improved) Constitution modifier. When he reverts to human form, the character suffers no ill mental or physical effects, although those not initiated to the ways of a Hidden Beast will surely be alarmed if they witness the change. For details on voluntarily ending a transformation, see the Volatile Nature feature below.

Behavior - In beast form the character still remains "himself," meaning that alignment, goals, allies and foes and the like are still the same. The character doesn't have to fight in beast form - indeed such a transformation has rescued a few from traps when the only viable way out was with muscle or death. Nevertheless, thinking is impaired and skills and feats that involve concentration cannot be used effectively. Furthermore, spells cannot be cast, though those cast beforehand with a duration lasting into the time of the transformation remain in effect. Transformed characters can speak, though their voice is the kind that would blow a little piggy's house in (i.e., rough and menacing). The transformation cannot be combined with a barbarian's rage ability.
Occasionally characters with a beast persona will invent a new name for their alter-ego.

Combat - A character in beast form fights unarmed, but gains the Improved unarmed strike at first level when in beast form, meaning he is not subject to attacks of opportunity for such attacks. The beast can make two attacks, one with each appendage, with a base damage of 1d4 plus the Strength modifier. At inception (when the beast is first created), the character must decide whether his hands do piercing, slashing, or bludgeoning damage. The beast's skin also toughens somewhat, granting a natural bonus of +2 to AC.

Appearance - The process to initiate the beast class involves an amazing diversity of experiments, equipment, and solutions. Since each person has a differing physiology, and the beast-to-be must fine-tune the process to his body's metabolism, no beast looks alike. The character should be free to invent a standard visage for his beast with the help of the DM. Some suggestions follow:

Grley, Nightbeast - Grley's original form is quite a practiced rogue; as such, Grley (whose speaking is slurred - thus the odd name) has a form reminiscent of the blackest of nights. Only the whites of his fierce eyes puncture the total darkness of his skin. His hands end in spikes, but what other features Grley has are difficult to ascertain, as the very darkness of his body seems to obfuscate any discerning eye.

Crag, the Hideous - This beast's skin fairly glows with a repugnant green hue; his eyes shine in the same green light, and bulging muscles are readily evident. His teeth hang crookedly from a mouth too small to contain them, and only a thin remnant of his normal human hair remains on the scalp. Crag's hands have altered the most; sharp nails extend from each, ending in a razor's edge, and do slashing damage.

Morg - Morg's human personality is not the rabid, fighting type; rather, he's a gentlemanly fellow, or high breeding. His monstrous alter-ego seems to befit the original, as Morg appears a tall humanoid with pale skin. His hands are normal human hands in shape but not size - their extreme mass and his elevated stature lend regret to any foe he encounters.

Snarl - Snarl's visage harkens to the werewolf, though any of that kin would never be duped. Coarse, dark hair covers his body, red eyes glow aflame, and his hands have become deadly paws, but his nails are surely sharp as any blade. His body is lean but lithe, sinew and muscle ready to snap into a frenzy of motion. A distinctive, dog-like odor emanates from Snarl, especially when he gets wet.

Regardless of the form a beast takes, they all have some characteristics in common. All are bipedal (or have as many legs as the "base" character has), two arms (though this can be augmented; see the Beast feats section below), one head and two eyes. In no circumstances can the form of the beast grant any special abilities or skills other than those listed here. For example, a beast covered in white polar-bear like fur is still subject to damage from cold.

At the DM's option however, the beast can trade a +2/-2 circumstantial bonus and penalty on any two skills. For example, Grley' the Nightbeast (described above) might receive a +2 circumstantial bonus to Hide checks owing to his dark skin; the DM could then rule that he suffer a commensurate -2 penalty on Move silently checks since Grley is a lumbering monster, not a nimble thief.

Monk beasts - Monk beasts are unheard of. Nevertheless, a monk-turn-Hidden Beast can use his normal (monk) unarmed attack damage and rate, but cannot use any other monk abilities that are also negated by wearing armor (e.g., improved AC, evasion, etc.).

Volitile Nature - At first level, the character has difficulty controlling his bestial nature. While he can initiate the change at will, extenuating factors might make that chance for him. These "triggers" include:

        Severe wounds - If the character is reduced to below 25% of his base hp
        Imbibing potions
        Failed save against a poison

If any of these "trigger" events occur, the character must make a Will save with a DC equal to 10 plus his Hidden Beast level (as the character develops, the bestial nature begins to gain ground). Failure indicates the beast form takes hold, transforming the character despite any desire otherwise. Characters so transformed must stay in beast form for at least 3 rounds (they cannot voluntarily re-transform). Certain Beast Feats (see below) can reduce or eliminate this chance.

Involuntary transformations count toward the total number of transformations a character can make in one day (1 per day at first level without any special feats).

Regardless of whether internal or external factors initiate the transformation, the actual changing takes place as a free action on the character's action. That is, a Hidden Beast character failing a Will save after being reduced below 25% of her hp by a volley of arrows will transform into the beast during her action (i.e., not when the arrows strike). Note that this allows the chance for a character to be reduced to negative hp (between -1 to -9), become unconscious, and then spring back into action if the beast form's improved constitution raises the her hp above 0.

When a character in beast form is slain, her body reverts to its original form.

Improved unarmed strike - When in beast form the character fights unarmed and gains the advantages of the Improved unarmed strike feat, making him unliable to attacks of opportunity provoked by attacking unarmed.

Shapechanger strike - The character now conforms to a hybrid between his original type (Humanoid for humans, elves, etc.) and the Shapechanger type as described in the Monster Manual, except as explained here. This means that weapons and spells designed to counter shapechangers will be most effective against the Hidden Beast character.

Beast feats - The meat and the grind of the Hidden Beast class are the special feats they gain as they increase in experience. At first level and every level thereafter, the character can choose two Beast Feats. These are in addition to any normal feats a character earns every three levels. Beast feats are described below; only Hidden Beast characters can take them, and they only operate when the character is in beast form unless otherwise noted.
A chart of beast feats and their prerequisites follows after the feat descriptions below.

Another arm [Special]
Your beast form grows another arm.
Prerequisite: Hidden Beast level 4 or higher
Benefit: A third arm has sprung from the beast form of your body either on the left, right, or in the middle of your torso. You can use this arm in any way a normal, off-hand can be used, including for extra attacks with a -5 penalty (applied to attack rolls for the third arm only). The new arm does the same type (slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning) and die of damage as the original. The third arm is not evident when you are in normal form.
Normal: All beast have two arms at inception.

Bestial stamina [Special]
You can maintain beast form longer.
Prerequisite: None
Benefit: You can maintain your beast form for 2 rounds longer every time this feat is taken.
Normal: A character without this feat can maintain beast form for 3 rounds plus a number of rounds equal to his improved Constitution modifier.

Damage reduction [Special]
You are somewhat inured against mundane damage.
Prerequisites: Natural armor, Hidden Beast level 8 or higher
Benefit: You gain damage reduction of 4/+1.
Normal: Beasts take damage normally.

Darkvision [Special]
You gain darkvision to 60' in beast form.
Prerequisites: Low-light vision*, Hidden Beast level 2 or higher
Benefit: Your beast form gains darkvision to 60'.
Normal: Beasts cannot see in the dark unless the character's normal form can.
Special: If your character already possesses darkvision, this feat increases its range by 30' (thus, a dwarven Hidden Beast could see to 90' in beast form). * Low-light vision is a prerequisite only for characters without natural low-light vision).

Eyestalk [Special]
Your beast form grows an eyestalk with a third eye on the top of its head.
Prerequisite: Hidden Beast level 4
Benefit: From the top of your head sprouts a not-so charming eyestalk complete with an eye. The quality of vision afforded by the eye is not as good as your normal eyes, and so it doesn't increase your Spot checks. However, it prevents any bonus opponents get when flanking you (and thus sneak attacks by thieves when flanking). If you have a tail that can be used as a weapon (cf. Tail feat), your penalty to attack with the appendage is reduced to -3.
Special: Note that due to the increased processing demanded of your bestial brain, an Eyestalk and a Third eye cannot be present on the same character.

Feral leap [Special]
You can make amazing leaps in beast form.
Prerequisite: Feral speed
Benefit: When jumping, you can add your beast level to the Jump check. Additionally, your height no longer limits how high or far you can jump.

Feral speed [Special]
You can move faster in beast form.
Prerequisite: None
Benefit: In beast form your movement is increased by 10' per round.
Normal: Beasts retain the base movement rate of their normal form.

Feral strength [Special]
Your strength in beast form is augmented.
Benefit: Your strength bonus in beast form is +6.
Normal: The beast's normal strength bonus is +4.

Ferocious attack [Special]
You are skilled making multiple attacks in a round.
Prerequisite: Greater strike II
Benefit: You can make one more attack per round by taking the full-attack option, but suffer a -2 penalty to hit with each attack, including any attacks of opportunity you are entitled to that round.

Fins [Special]
You develop extendable webs between your toes and fingers.
Prerequisite: Hidden Beast level 3 or higher
Benefit: Your hands and feet develop extendable webs and a dorsal fin develops on your back, allow you swim at your normal base speed. You gain a +10 "racial" bonus to Swim checks in beast form (note that the -1 penalty for every 5 pounds of gear still applies).
Normal: Beasts swim as fast as their normal form (but the improved Strength helps).
Special: Note that having developing wings through the feat of the same name disallows any improved movement gained by the Fins feat when swimming, though the character can still fly. Base swim speed can also be augmented by the swimming tail with the Tail feat.

Flyby attack [General] (Adapted from the Monster Manual, p. 11)
You can take an extra partial action when flying.
Prerequisite: Fly speed (for the Hidden Beast, this means that he has taken the Wings feat).
Benefit: When flying, you can take a move action (including a dive) and another partial action at any point during the move. You cannot take a second move action during a round when it makes a flyby attack.
Normal: Without this feat, you can take a partial action either before or after your move.

Gills [Special]
You can breathe underwater.
Prerequisite: Fins, Hidden Beast level 5 or higher
Benefit: Your beast form is now truly at home in the water and can swim anywhere without fear of drowning. You can still breathe air, however.
Normal: Beasts breathe air and drown in water.

Greater mastery [Special]
You can not only retain your Wisdom but also better resist undesired transformations.
Prerequisite: Insight into the beast, Hidden Beast level 6 or higher
Benefit: Not only do you retain your Wisdom when transformed, you also gain a +4 bonus to Will checks to prevent undesired transformations. This bonus does not stack with that granted by the Insight into the beast feat.
Normal: Beasts suffer a -4 penalty to Wisdom and only accrue a +2 bonus to Will checks versus undesired transformation with the Insight into the beast feat.

Greater strike I [Special]
Your unarmed attack does more damage.
Prerequisite: None
Benefit: Your unarmed attack in bestial form inflicts 1d6 damage.
Normal: A beast's unarmed attack does 1d4 damage.

Greater strike II [Special]
Your unarmed attack packs quite a punch.
Prerequisite: Greater strike I
Benefit: Your unarmed attack does 1d8 damage on a successful hit.

Greater strike III [Special]
Your unarmed attacks are fearsome to behold.
Prerequisites: Greater strike II, Ferocious attack, Hidden Beast level 4 or higher
Benefit: Striking unarmed in beast form inflicts 1d10 damage.

Greater strike IV [Special]
Your unarmed attacks are increasingly deadly.
Prerequisites: Greater strike III, Hidden Beast level 7 or higher.
Benefit: Unarmed attacks inflict 2d12 damage each.

Greater strike V [Special]
Your unarmed attacks almost unparalleled.
Prerequisites: Greater strike III, Hidden Beast level 9 or higher
Benefit: Unarmed attacks made in beast form inflict 2d8 damage each.

Improved transformation [Special]
You can transform into the beast more than once per day.
Prerequisite: Bestial stamina
Benefit: For every three inclusive levels of Hidden Beast, you can transform one more time per day into the beast (or maintain beast form instead of returning to your normal body if the allotted time for beast form has expired). Thus, at levels 1 through 3, you can transform twice; 4 through 6, twice; 7 through 9, thrice; and four times per day at 10th level. Note that triggered transformations (from severe wounds or imbibing potions or intoxication) count toward the total number of transformations a character can make in one 24 hr period.
Special: Beasts can transform once per day.

Insight into the beast [Special]
You retain do not suffer an Intelligence penalty while in beast form. Furthermore, you are better able to resist undesired transformations.
Prerequisite: Beast level 3 or higher
Benefit: You have looked into the nature of the beast and improved on your ability to control your transformation and maintain your mind when transformed. You suffer no Intelligence penalty when in beast form and gain a +2 to your Will save when forced to undergo Will checks for undesired transformations (e.g., from imbibing a potion or taking damage).
Normal: When transformed into the beast, you suffer a -4 penalty to Intelligence; Will saves are made as normal.

Low-light vision [Special]
Your beast form can see twice as far in low light as a normal human.
Prerequisite: None
Benefit: Your beast form gains the benefits of low-light vision.
Normal: Beasts retain the normal vision of their base form. Note that taking this feat may not be helpful to characters already possessing low light-vision or darkvision.

Master of the beast [Special]
You are not subject to undesired transformations.
Prerequisites: Insight into the Beast, Mastery of the beast, Hidden Beast level 10
Benefit: Your character automatically succeeds in Will saves when an event occurs that would cause the beast to transform, such as being severely wounded or imbibing potions.

Natural armor [Special]
Your natural armor class improves.
Prerequisite: None
Benefit: Each time you take this feat, your natural armor improves by +1 when in beast form (initially beast forms gain +2 in natural armor).
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times, each time adding an additional +1 to AC. The feat may only be taken a total of 5 times however, for a total benefit of +7.

Re-morphing heal [Special]
When you return to beast form, you heal some damage.
Prerequisite: Beast level 2 or higher
Benefit: When returning to your normal form after being a beast, you heal 2 hp of damage for every Hidden Beast level you have attained. Note that when a character in beast form is slain, he returns to his normal form, but by this point it is already too late, as he is dead.
Normal: Beasts do not heal upon re-transformation.

Spell resistance [Special]
Some beasts can resist spells. You are one of them.
Prerequisite: Natural armor, Hidden Beast level 7 or higher
Benefit: If you had not possessed spell resistance before, you do now. Your spell resistance is equal to 5 plus your Hidden Beast level.
Normal: Beasts suffer from spells like anyone else.

Tail [Special]
Your beast form grows a useful tail (or if it already had one in the initial "beast" description, you learn to use it proficiently).
Prerequisite: Hidden beast level 4 or higher
Benefit: You grow a useful tail. If you already possessed one, you have learned how to use it effectively. Tails and their uses come in different forms, but a single beast can only possess one (and once the type is decided upon, cannot be changed short of a wish or miracle). An attack made with a tail is in addition to any attacks otherwise allowed, but the character must take the full-attack option. Furthermore, unless the character has the Eyestalk feat, all attacks suffer a -5 penalty and can only strike opponents directly behind the character. Tail types are as follows.

Prehensile tail: This tail is thing an long, and can be used to hold items as if it were a hand. It provides a +2 "racial" bonus to grapple attacks and Climb and Balance skill checks, but cannotbe used as a weapon, although it can be used to wield a Tiny weapon. Weapons used in this manner suffer a -5 penalty to their attack roll, and cannot apply positive Strength bonuses to damage, as the tail.

Bashing tail: Bashing tails are thick and short. They can be used to attack opponents behind the beast, and inflict 1d6 bludgeoning damage plus half the beast's Strength modifier. Attacks made with the tail suffer a -5 penalty to attack rolls, however. The tail does provide a +2 "racial" bonus to counter trip attempts made on the beast.

Forked tail
: As per the name, this tail sports a barbed spearhead-like ending that can inflict piercing damage equivalent to 1d6 damage. Since it is supple, the beast cannot add its Strength binus to the attack, but can use this tail to strike at creatures in any where adjacent to him. All attacks made with this tail are at -5 to hit.

Flying tail
: Feathered and fine or reptilian and leathery, this tail cannot be used to make attacks. It can however increase the maneuverability of a beast that can fly from "poor" to "average."

Swimming tail
: This tail appears like that of a fish (veritcal), a whale (horizontal), or an aquatic reptilian, though it is not supple enough to make effective attacks. It increases the swim speed of a beast by one-third and adds a +2 "racial" bonus to Swim skill checks (which stacks with the bonus granted by the Fins feat).

Third eye [Special]
Between your two eyes, a third one develops.
Prerequisite: Hidden Beast level 4 or higher
Benefit: A third eye pops out on your forehead when you transform into the beast. Unlike the Eyestalk feat, since this eye is facing the same direction your other two are, it demands a little less mental attention. Thus, all Spot and Search checks gain a +2 "racial" bonus.
Normal: Beasts have two eyes.

Wings [Special]
Your beast form grows wings allowing you to fly.
Prerequisites: Hidden Beast level 6 or higher, Feral speed
Benefit: You can fly at your base speed with a poor maneuverability.
Normal: Beasts cannot normally fly.
Special: Developing a Flying tail available with the Tail feat improves maneuverability to average. Note that due to the general shape of any wings, they will cancel any improved movement gained by the Fins feat.

Yet another arm [Special]
Your beast form has grown yet another arm (for a total of four appendages).
Prerequisites: Another arm, Hidden Beast level 7 or higher
Benefit: This feat is the same as the Another arm feat, except that the arms are spaced symmetrically, meaning two on each side of the torso. The third and fourth arms can both be used to attacks with a -5 attack penalty each.

Beast feats & their prerequisites
Greater strike I
    Greater strike II
        Greater strike I
    Greater strike III
        Greater strike I
        Greater strike II
        Ferocious attack
        Level 4
    Greater strike IV
        Greater strike I
        Greater strike II
        Greater strike III
        Ferocious attack
        Level 7
    Greater strike V
        Greater strike I
        Greater strike II
        Greater strike III
        Greater strike IV
        Ferocious attack
        Level 9
    Ferocious attack
        Greater strike I
        Greater strike II
Feral strength
Another arm
        Level 4
    Yet another arm
        Another arm
        Level 7
Feral speed
    Feral leap
        Feral speed
        Level 6
    Flyby attack
        Level 3
        Level 5
    Level 4
Third eye
    Level 4

Low-light vision
        Low-light vision
Re-morphing heal
    Level 2
Insight into the beast
        Level 3
    Greater mastery
        Insight into the beast
        Level 6
    Master of the beast
        Insight into the beast
        Greater mastery
        Level 10
Natural armor
Spell resistance
    Level 7
Damage reduction
    Level 8
Bestial stamina
    Improved transformation
    Bestial stamina
    Level 4

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