Chaer' Run Elite Warrior

Table | Map of the Kainuik Wastelands

"Pitiful barbarian," thought Lang Mei as he leaped at the runt korobokuru, his foot catching the opponent smugly in the face. Mei was surprised to see the korobokuru hardly blink, and instead bring his spiked club down on Mei's offending foot. An amazing hurt spiked through his leg, but he soon mastered it, though hobbled.

"Eat pain!" he thought again, and Mei's famous hand reached forward in a lightning-like gesture, striking the barbarian in the center of the chest, exactly where it would render him dazed. Nothing. Another club blow to Mei's arm. Now he was hurting.

"Let it end." Mei spoke aloud, pulling from within his own self the power of life and death, made a light touch with his quivering palm on the barbarian's temple, and sprung back. "Now." The barbarian started to bend, as if the very force of his life were eking out onto the ground. Mei had seen the greatest of his enemies slain by the power he had in his hands.

Then, amazingly, the korobokuru straightened, and came at him.

On the plains of the great Kainuik Wastelands lives an assortment of korobokuru tribes. While all possess fierce warriors, none rival in tenacity that of the Clan Chaer' Run. Known as the "flatheads," its warriors train in somewhat of a humorous fashion, but no one can deride their endurance on the battlefield, and few can withstand their onslaught.

Chaer' Run warriors prepare for war like any other of their race - praying to ancestors, applying paint to their bodies, braiding their long hair to keep it away from the swing of axe and club. But the most amusing aspect of their training comes in the long hours they spend actually hitting themselves with rock hammers. Usually, these "toughening" events are tied to ceremonies overseen by the clan chief, though they are most on display during tribe and inter-tribe festivals, when young combatants compete to display their ability to withstand punishment. Usually, the last standing is declared victor.

Almost all Chaer' Run Elite Warriors come from the Chaer' Run tribe, though certain other tribes have been known to send a promising warrior for training with Chaer' Run, usually for a fair price (paid in smoked salmon or elk hide). Although they are known to be uncontrollable on the battlefield, all of this prestige class are known to be loyal not only to clan but also the korobokuru race itself.

    Hit die: d10


Race Korobokuru

Alignment Any chaotic

Base attack bonus +6 or higher

Abilities Must be able to rage like the barbarian's class ability. Similar "extended prowess" abilities (e.g., a singh rager's rage or sohei's ki frenzy) can substitute for this requirement if the DM allows.

Feats Chaer' Run Warrior Training*, Chaer' Run Elite Warrior Training*, Toughness.  Feats marked with an asterisk are regional feats peculiar to the Kainuik Wastelands and are described below:

Chaer' Run Warrior Training [General]
Training as a member of the warriors from Chaer' Run tribe has made you durable.
Region: Kainuik Wastelands (Chaer' Run Tribe)
Benefits: You receive damage reduction against blunt attacks equal to 1/-. Chaer' Run warriors are known among their brethren for training by smashing themselves with stone anvils. Most PCs and NPCs that take this feat are korobokuru.
Special: This feat stacks with any class feature or magic that also grants damage reduction.

Superior Chaer' Run Warrior Training [General]
You are truly hardened against pain, perhaps because you can't feel it.
Region: Kainuik Wastelands (Chaer' Run Tribe)
Prerequisite: Chaer' Run Warrior Training feat
Benefit: You receive damage reduction against all physical attacks of 2/-. Most PCs and NPCs that take this feat are korobokuru.
Special: Your Intelligence is reduced by 2 in addition to any modifiers on account of race, etc.  This does not stack with the damage reduction provided by the Chaer' Run Warrior Training feat; it supplants it.

Skills & proficiencies

Skills The class skills and the ability scores on which they are based are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Swim (Str), and Wilderness Lore (Wis).
        Skill points 2 + Int modifier / level

Chaer' Run Elite are proficient with simple and martial weapons, and light and medium armors. They can also use shields proficiently. Armor checks apply for the class skills Climb and Jump. Swim checks suffer a -1 penalty for even 5 pounds of gear carried by an unluckily laden swimmer.

Class features

Endurance - By the time an Elite Warrior of Chaer' Run has achieved first level, he has endured quite a bit of physical abuse and is thus allowed the Endurance feat free.

Immune to Pain - At first level, the Elite Warrior's training has inured him to pain. While attacks still cause him damage, he is immune to the special effects of pain, wither magical or otherwise, though he is still vulnerable to damage that accompanies these attacks. For example, he would be affected by neither Pain Touch (as per the feat, S&F) nor power word, pain, though he would suffer bludgeoning damage from a successful unarmed strike attempting to deliver the Pain Touch. Attacks that cause damage simply from the pain they inflict are impotent. This is an extraordinary ability.

Bonus feat - At second level and two levels thereafter (except 10th), the Elite Warrior can choose a feat among those listed for the fighter's bonus feats. He must meet all requirements for the feat, but sadly, Weapon Specialization is nonetheless barred to him.

Immune to Stunning - Similar to the Immunity from Pain, this ability provides for immunity from stunning attacks, such as that delivered by color spray or a monks' unarmed attacks. The Elite Warrior is still susceptible to damage that might accompany the attack however. The Warrior gains this ability at third level.  Again, it is an extraordinary ability.

Immune to Fear - With his prowess growing, a Chaer' Run Elite Warrior becomes mentally hardened against mundane and magical fear. This is a supernatural ability acquired at fifth level

Immune to Elements - While not technically immune to the ravages of nature, Elite Warriors learn to toughen themselves against fire, cold, and electricity. Against these elements, an Elite Warrior gains a damage reduction of 3/- per round, which stacks with any other damage reduction abilities he may have, including the Superior Chaer' Run Warrior Training feat. This is a supernatural ability gained at seventh level.

Staring Death in the Face - Their tenacity allowing them to face down death itself, Elite Chaer' Run Warriors of level nine or above gain a +4 resistance bonus when making saving throws against death magic and instant death effects, such as disintegrate, finger of death, death spell, slay living, and vanish. It is a supernatural ability.

Shrug of Indifference - At tenth level the Elite Warrior has toughened his body and inured his mind to the degree that he can almost literally shrug off the effects of extreme damage. Once per day, after an enemy confirms a threat (i.e., making it a critical hit), he may downgrade the hit from a critical to a normal strike.

The use of this ability may be declared after the attack roll and the threat is confirmed but before the damage dice are rolled. It can also be used to negate the extra dice of damage inflicted by a sneak attack, although if the sneak attack is also a confirmed critical, the Warrior must choose to negate either the critical or the sneak attack damage, but not both. This is an extraordinary ability than can be performed any time during the round, but the Elite Warrior must be conscious before the attack for the ability to take effect.

The Chaer' Run Elite Warrior










Endurance, Immune to Pain





Bonus feat





Immune to Stunning





Bonus feat





Immune to Fear





Bonus feat





Immune to Elements





Bonus feat





Staring Death in the Face





Shrug of Indifference

The Wu Jen

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