Eagle Spirit Warrior


Shamans rarely blink when faced by warriors. For all their posturing and clout in the tribe, braves can be easily bent by sheer force of will - and a little witchcraft.

Thus, it was without worry that Shae' tin faced off with the leader of the braves in the council meeting. He was after all, not one to back down when challenged. And soon this man would know what it was to cross a witchdoctor… The chief interceded and drew a truce, though Shae' tin did not forget the slight.

That night, sitting in his hut amid herbal concoctions and wicked magic, he produced an effigy of the offender. Whispering a few incantations, he held the doll's feet over the fire, drawing it out when only when they started to smoke, then plunged it back into the flames again. The brave warrior should be crying by now, he thought.

As the sun rose the next morning, he said a prayer and then decided to walk by the brave's hut and glace inside with hope of seeing the searing scars of his handiwork… Before he could even approach however, the brave emerged, his eagle feathers dangling from a long braid. He held a spear in his hand and an obsidian knife in his belt. The warrior approached.

Shae' tin turned a venerable age and gained in his knowledge of magic and sorcery. But never did he understand how a single warrior could cast him out, unaided, from his own tribe.

The eagle spirit warrior is an unwavering character whose identity with his totem allows him not only acute senses, but also the ability to understand those workings of malevolent, divine magic. They often work in conjunction with shamans, but their position in the tribe just as often finds them in competition with the tribe's clerics. Thus, they serve as a counterbalance when the witchdoctor's hubris would otherwise harm the tribe's fortune.

    Hit die: d10


Base attack bonus +5 or higher

Skills Spot, 4 ranks; Knowledge (Religion), 2 ranks

Feats Weapon Focus (any spear)

Experiences Must engage on a dream quest in search of an eagle spirit. This quest must be undertaken alone and without aid. To complete it, a candidate for this prestige class must spend at least one month living in the wilderness. At the end of this time, he makes a Wisdom check with a DC of 18. If he fails, he must spend another week in the wild, but he gains a +1 bonus to his check for each week beyond one month. Upon success, the warrior has a vision of an eagle - whether real or a dream - which leaves a single feather in its wake. Some warriors report simply seeing their totem fly overhead, while others say they were forced to take action to rescue the raptor from a sudden peril.

Skills & proficiencies

Skills The eagle spirit warrior's class skills and the ability scores on which they are based are Climb (Str), Handle Animal (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Religion, Nature; Int), Spot (Wis), and Swim (Str). Jumping while wearing armor or encumbered imposes penalty checks. Swimming is not recommended when wearing armor or encumbered.
    Skill points: 2 plus Int modifier per level

Proficiencies The eagle spirit warrior has proficiency with all light and medium armor, shields, and all simple and martial weapons.

Class features

Feather - The eagle feather the warrior finds on his dream quest allows him special benefits. When wearing it openly, he gains a +2 concentration bonus to saving throws against illusion and a +2 morale bonus against fear. He also gains a +2 bonus to Spot checks made in daylight. The feather only has these properties for the eagle warrior who claimed it in his dream quest; it will work for no other. If lost, a new feather can be found again if the warrior undertakes another dream quest. While in eagle form (see below), the feather becomes part of the character's body but still grants its bonuses.

Superior Weapon Focus - At second level, the warrior gains a +1 bonus to attack with any type of spear of his choosing. He must already have the Weapon Focus feat for that spear, and this bonus stacks with that feat. Regardless of what type of spear chosen, this +1 bonus also applies to strikes made with the character's claws made while in eagle form (see below).

Eyes of the Eagle (Ex) - Though almost cliché, eyes of the eagle allows the warrior to add half his class level to Spot checks.

Shapechange (Sp) - At third level the eagle warrior can shapechange into his totem animal as a free action. Equipment, weapons, and armor also become part of the new form, and magical items have their function suppressed for the duration of the period (except the eagle feather, which becomes part of the animal's body but nevertheless grants its bonuses normally). While in eagle form, the warrior becomes Small size if he wasn't already, and thus suffers a -4 penalty to Strength but gains a +2 bonus to Dexterity. He retains his normal Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, however. Other features of this form, not adjusted for ability scores, are as follows:

    Speed: 10 feet, 80 feet fly (average)
    AC: 12 (+1 size, +1 natural)
    Attack: 2 claws (using the character's BAB adjusted for Strength)
    Damage: Claws 1d3
    SQ: Dive

Dive: In eagle form, a warrior can take a downward charge movement and attack with both claws, benefiting from a +2 bonus to attack, and stop just short of the ground. He can then choose to fly away or land on his next action.

In eagle form, the warrior can understand all languages he knows but cannot speak. If he can normally speak with animals however or is enchanted to do so, he can communicate in that tongue.

At seventh level the warrior can shapechange up to three times per day. Each consecutive eight hours spent in animal form "cost" him one shapechange use. At tenth level, the eagle warrior can shapechange at will any number of times per day.

Unless otherwise noted, a character can use his eagle spirit class abilities while in animal or normal form.

Talons - At fourth level, the eagle spirit warrior inflicts +1 damage when wielding the type of spear chosen for the Superior Weapon Focus ability at second level. At eighth level this bonus increases to +2. These bonuses also apply to claw attacks made while in eagle form.

Shaman's Bane (Su) - At fifth level, an eagle spirit warrior who makes a successful saving throw against a divine spell that normally reduces damage or effect on a successful save totally escapes the effects of the spell. Only spells that have "Fortitude partial," "Reflex halves," or "Will partial" or a similar entry can be escaped in this manner. At ninth level, the eagle spirit warrior suffers only half damage even if he fails a saving throw against a divine spell.

Faster Movement (Ex) - At sixth level, the eagle spirit warrior adds 10 feet to his base movement (which also applies when he is flying in eagle form).

The Eagle Spirit Warrior

LEVEL attack fort ref will notes










Superior Weapon Focus, Eyes of the Eagle





Shapechange 1/day





Talons +1





Shaman’s Bane (“Divine Evasion”)





+10 Foot Base Movement





Shapechange 3/day





Talons +2





Shaman’s Bane (“Improved Divine Evasion”)





Free Shapechange

The Wu Jen

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