Makuran Fire Walker

[Please note that the following is a prestige class unique to my campaign, though the class can be easily adapted to describe the elite followers of any philosophy that reveres mental conditioning and the power of the earth and fire.]

Table | Map of Makura

Temple Makura, if not the geographical heart of Makura Province, is the spiritual center. Often opposed to the daimyo, the temple supports a well-trained regiment of warrior-monks. Known for their devotion and ability to withstand pain, Makurite devotees practice an unusual rite to test their mental strength - "fire-walking."

Temple Makura lies at the foot of Kura-zan, a great semi-active volcano in southeast Makura. Alternatively providing supplications to keep the mountain at bay and maintain its activity, the clergy of Temple Makura maintain that the spirit of the entire island resides within. Around the volcano are areas where the rocks are so hot that they glow at night. In a display of their piety, disciples walk across these rocks without any show of pain. To feel the fire and come away unhurt is to be cleansed, they maintain. Sub-temples not in close proximity to a geothermal source make beds of hot ashes for their own recreation.

Coinciding with these rites is a prestige class, the Makuran Fire Walker. Higher-level sohei and monks who are followers of Temple Makura often join this class, as it emphasizes the power of the mind to govern what the body feels, a key tenant of the Makuran philosophy.

A Fire Walker must be a devotee of Makura and have demonstrated not only knowledge of religious precepts, but also accomplish at least a small deed in service of the church, as assigned by the temple's headmaster. This usually means accomplishing going on a short adventure, such as accompanying an emissary traveling afar, relaying an important message to a sister temple, or spying on one of Temple Makura's many adversaries, most notably the Shou-Ken Cloisters and the Makura daimyo in the prefecture capitol of Himei. Likewise, Makurite teachings are probably the most popular in the province, and there are a number of daughter temples in the area (there are even a few on the mainland, including in Nigashi, the capitol of Kokubura). Nevertheless, these lesser temples are not known for their absolute loyalty, though they generally keep in the sway of the religion. Followers of the head temple are often sent to "rectify" a wayward mission.

Fire Walkers - indeed, any of the clergy - are trained to master their bodies with their minds. The effects are usually manifested physically, such as the ability to walk across hot coals, walk over water, and even tread the air. Likewise, their training teaches them how to throw off damage dealt their bodies while in combat - a very useful ability, indeed. The ultimate power of the Fire Walker however, resides in his ability to summon the very fires that keep the volcanic Kura-zan - and thus the entire island - alive.

    Hit die: d10


Alignment Lawful neutral, Lawful evil, Neutral

Base attack bonus +5 or higher

Skills Knowledge (Religion), 8 ranks

Feats Makuran Fire-walking*, Great Fortitude, Toughness
The asterisked feat is a regional feat peculiar to followers of the religion headed by Temple Makura on the island of Makura. It is described below:

Makuran Fire-walking [General]
Due to devotional practices involving walking across rocks heated by volcanic action, you are especially resistant to fire damage.
Region: Must have spent time as a devotee of the Temple Makura on the island of Makura.
Benefits: You obtain a +2 bonus against fire and have a damage reduction against magical and mundane fire of 1/-.

Spell-casting abilities Must be able to cast divine spells.

Experiences Must perform (and succeed at) a minor task for Temple Makura as assigned by the headmaster (see above).

Skills & proficiencies

Skills The fire Walker's skills and primary ability scores tied to each are Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Religion, Geography; Int), and Profession (Wis). 
    Skill points 2 + Int modifier / level

Proficiencies Fire Walkers are skilled in the use of all simple and martial weapons, and all armors, including shields.

Class features

Reverence - At first level, the Fire Walker learns to shrug off physical damage as a result of his mental training. This can be performed once per day at level 1, twice at level 3, thrice at 5, four times a day at level 7, and five times at level 9.

Initiating the ability is a free action that can only be declared on the character's turn. When this occurs, the character's body becomes robust, inured mentally against damage it sustains. During this period, the character gains damage reduction of 1/-, which stacks with any other damage reduction capabilities the he may have, including that granted against fire by the Makuran Fire-walking feat. Reverence does not stack with itself, however. The effect lasts for 2 rounds plus the character's Fire Walker level. Thus, a seventh level Fire Walker could use the ability four times a day, each lasting 9 rounds. This is a supernatural ability.

Loyalty - Makuran Fire Walkers must maintain loyalty to their religion. This means that they respond to the order's needs, and take up the cause of the religion when called upon. A Fire Walker refusing to express his piety in this manner loses all supernatural abilities associated with this class until he "returns to the fold," such as with an atonement spell. Note that all followers of the Makuran sect will express loyalty to the head temple below Mt. Kura-zan, and they will respond to its overt requests for assistance.

This does not obliterate political bickering, however. Likewise, any temple on Makura can claim to have privy to at least part of the island's power, and so dissention is not unknown. If a Flame Walker is part of the head temple or any other, it should be assumed that he is loyal to the wishes of any of the sect's clergy. If he is a member of a "rogue" church however, he must still show devotion to this institution. And if he were to become the actual head of a rebellious temple, he must of course show devotion to the very forces that created island Makura in the first place.

Fire Resistance - At second level, a Fire Walker gains a +2 divine bonus to saving throws against his class's namesake, fire.

Light Step - On account of their rites in which devotees of Temple Makura walk across potentially damaging rocks made hot by volcanic activity, they have learned to "lighten" their step to the point that they almost seem to float. Light Step allows the Fire Walker to walk across any solid, semi-solid, or even liquid surface without "falling in." For example, he could across a covered pit trap, for instance (those behind him should beware), walk across deep snow without being delayed, or even walk on water.

Additionally, if walking across a surface imparts a chance of sustaining damage (e.g., an electrified floor), Light Step grants him a +2 circumstantial bonus to any saving throws applicable against the damage.

Fire Walkers can choose to suppress Light Step at will (to actually enter the water, for example). The ability only affects the character's feet when walking; he cannot use it to rise to the surface, for example. Likewise, if he falls when on a surface that would not support him, he enters it.  (Nor would he be "suspended" by his feet if he entered the water.)

Light Step also allows the character to take two steps on nothing but air without falling (assume this allows him to traverse a 5' square). The third step must be on a surface that is not composed of air (e.g., rock, water, etc.), or he falls. This could allow him to run across a small chasm without plummeting in, for example. It also adds 5' to a character's jump distance if he leaps on the second step; the extra distance does not count toward the character's maximum jumping distance. He can also use this ability to ascend a 5' barrier (stepping up vertically, not horizontally).

Light Step is a supernatural ability.

Flaming Burst - At sixth level, the Fire Walker receives the ability to instill a spark of the fire beneath Kura-zan into a melee weapon. The weapon acts as if it were a flaming burst weapon, and is shrouded in flames which harm neither it nor the Fire Walker. The flames shed light like a torch. The fire adds an extra 1d6 of heat damage to the weapon's damage rolls. On a critical hit, the weapon causes a burst of flame. This inflicts a further 1d10 damage, in addition to 1d6 normal fire damage (which is not multiplied). The weapon is also considered magical with a +1 enhancement bonus with regards to creatures it can hit, although this bonus apples neither to attack or damage rolls.

Flaming Burst can be used once per day for a number of rounds equal to half the Flame Walker's level (rounded down). Initiating the ability is a move-equivalent action, and the Fire Walker must have the weapon in his hand. If it leaves his hands prematurely before the duration expires, the fire is extinguished and the ability spent for that day. It does stack with any other enchantments the weapon may have except the flaming and flaming burst qualities. It also will not work with weapons that have a predilection to cold (e.g., frost).  It is a supernatural ability.

Fire Shield - At eighth level, the Fire Walker can cast the spell fire shield (cf., PHB, p. 204-5) once per day for every point of Wisdom modifier (if positive) at a caster level equivalent to his Flamer Walker level. The effect is exactly like the spell, but the ability is considered supernatural.  The Walker can choose whether to evoke a warm shield or chill shield.

Makuran Fire - The last ability gained by a Fire Walker is awesome indeed. From the depths of the earth - from volcanic Kura-zan itself, he would claim - the Fire Walker can summon tongues of flame to scorch his enemies. The ability is supernatural and can be performed once per week, and two cannot used by the same Fire Walker within 48 hr of each other.  Makuran Fire emanates only from earth or ground or unworked stone (i.e., not from a body of water). The area of effect is a 30' radius circle up to 200' feet away. It requires the Flame Walker to concentrate as a standard action that draws an attack of opportunity.  If his concentration is broken (treat the ability as a 9th-level spell), he expends that use of Makuran Fire without effect.

On the first, second, and third rounds of the emanation, the very earth in the area of effect rumbles and shakes, causing creatures in the area to make a Reflex save with a DC of 22 or fall prone. This is the only effect the first round. On the second round, tongues of magma erupt from the earth. Those within the area suffer 12d6 fire damage. They can reduce the damage by half with another successful Reflex save (DC = 18). Combustibles in the area will also be lit afire. On the third round the magma withdraws, but the rumbling and shaking continues.

Makuran Fire Walker











Reverence 1/day, Loyalty





Fire Resistance





Reverence 2/day





Light Step





Reverence 3/day





Flaming Burst





Reverence 4/day





Fire Shield





Reverence 5/day





Makuran Fire

The Wu Jen

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